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Ink Flow in 146 NB


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I am not very satisfied with the performance of my 146. From the day I bought the pen, it has been kind of scratchy. The ink flow was also restricted. The black ink used to come out gray (not enough ink flow). I groundthe nib, now the nib is smooth but the ink flow is still not good and the effect of black ink is still gicing a grey effect.



Edited by Ranvir
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I am not very satisfied with the performance of my 146. From the day I bought the pen, it has been kind of scratchy. The ink flow was also restricted. The black ink used to come out gray (not enough ink flow). I groundthe nib, now the nib is smooth but the ink flow is still not good and the effect of black ink is still gicing a grey effect.




Did you take it back to the retailer? What ink are you using? Some inks flow better in some pens than others do.



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No, I have not taken it to the retailer. I have used MF Blue-Black. The ink is fine on the Boheme & Chopin. I also tried Sheaffer Black. Same results.

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Ranvir, what size nib do you have? A 146 should not be scratchy, but if the nib is EF it might need some smoothing. In any event, you should inquire of the seller whether the pen can be serviced.


Depending on where you are located, it might be just as expedient to send the pen to a nib meister for an ink flow ajustment and nib smoothing.


A 146 is a good pen that should be a joy to use. If yours is a problem it should be fixed.

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I have a 146 which was a little scratchy. I bought new so I sent it back to MB service. Now it is very smooth and I love it. :thumbup: You might try MB Services. Thanks



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If you can get hold of Aurora black, give it a try. It's recommended as a very dark black, particularly in pens with dryish flow. But if you're not happy with the flow, return the pen.



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Send the pen to MB service and have them check the nib. Perhaps the feeder is too close to the nib and therefore restricting the ink flow. By far, I've used several inks in different colors through my 146, and found that Waterman Black gave the best flow. Aurora Black was too wet, although Aurora Blue is just fine. MB Royal Blue has also a good flow.

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The nib in question is an M size. Is there anythng that I can do to rectify the problem.


Yes - send it back to MB. Other options are only worth considering if the pen is out of warranty. Even then I'd try to make them fix it if this was a Day One problem.


If the ink flow isn't reliable, then even an ok nib can feel scratchy - this is probably a feed problem. They're far from unknown on MB's: I think three were reported on FPN in the last ten days.

- Jonathan

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My M nib on my 146 is one of the best nibs Ive ever owned.


It shouldnt have that problem. If you want a excellent nib, send it to Richard Binder.

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My M nib on my 146 is one of the best nibs Ive ever owned.


It shouldnt have that problem. If you want a excellent nib, send it to Richard Binder.


As excellent as RB is:


1. He has a three month queue for work


2. This sounds like a flow problem, which would be simple for him to deal with in almost any other pen - but is hindered in MB's case because they won't supply independent repairers with parts.



- Jonathan

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I am not very satisfied with the performance of my 146. From the day I bought the pen, it has been kind of scratchy. The ink flow was also restricted. The black ink used to come out gray (not enough ink flow). I groundthe nib, now the nib is smooth but the ink flow is still not good and the effect of black ink is still gicing a grey effect.



1) first of all clean the pen thoroughly, which you probably have done it.

2) clean between the tines of the nib. This helps to improve the ink flow.

3) If the tines are too tight, pull up from both left and right side of the nib, from the shoulders of the nib to create some separation for the ink flow. Be very gentle.I hope this helps.

Hira :embarrassed_smile:

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I had a 146 ramses II and 149 with a flow problem.

you can try to clean it with a ultrasone cleaner, it cleanes the nib and feed without taking damaging it.


if this doesn't work, send it to a montblanc service station.




Nib (re)plating: please visit www.Dutchpen.com

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I never had a prob with my 146

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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I am not very satisfied with the performance of my 146. From the day I bought the pen, it has been kind of scratchy. The ink flow was also restricted. The black ink used to come out gray (not enough ink flow). I groundthe nib, now the nib is smooth but the ink flow is still not good and the effect of black ink is still gicing a grey effect.



ranvir, i don't think the prob is really big. it wd be good if u check out with mb boutique which provides service too. i hve been using 146 for a while, and i had some kinda prob like yours. of course i got it fixed thro' a reputed lcoal fixer.


just a small suggestion. sometimes, u know, the ink flow thins down depending on the type of ink u r using. its my experience that mb 146 pretty well supports lamy black ( blue never tried), pelican blue, besides mb's own ink. give a try before sending to the fixer, u don't lose anything.


by the way, im a regualr user of one mb burgundi 146 with 14k nib. let u fst fix the flow issue, then the scratchy nib, may be bad inkflow sponsors scratch. thanks, pankaj

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