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Dani Trio Mikado


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All of the pictures are somewhere on the board and one small one is now my avatar.

It's difficult to review this pen as a pen, because to me it is so much more than that.

Kevin has mentioned that the Mikado without the clip is zen-like. I have to agree.

I've always wanted a clipless urushi pen.

When I opened the box, I stared in wonder at the lines and colour of this Dani Trio.

The tamenuri is darker on this pen than the cigar shape smaller pen.

I find that holding the Mikado is a wonderful tactile experience.

I had made up my mind last week to fill this with Shaeffer NOS burgundy and it is indeed a good match.

The eyedropper takes a little while to start writing-something that I also found with the Ban-ei. But once they get going they are good for a long, long time.

When I first filled it, there was a bit of leakage from the nib section so I got out my handy dandy silicone grease and all is well. :D

This pen is so big that the grip is wider than any pen I own. I am still experimenting with some writing positions. The advantage to having such a wide grip is that I'm learning to relax and use much less pressure than I've been used to.

This nib is a medium soft, smooth incredible writer. It glides across the page with the greatest of ease. :drool:

I think I'm still kind of in awe of this pen. I don't know, maybe I'm nuts but there's something about the artwork and centuries of craft that taps into my spiritual nature.


This is an expensive pen, but priceless.





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Sounds wonderful Karin. Is it a dry writer? Does the M nib give a fine line? Just wondering. It's such a beautiful pen. :)

Never lie to your dog.

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Hi Leslie,

No it's a medium wet writer with the Shaeffer burgundy. Not too wet, just right. The nib is actually quite flexy so you can go from medium to broad!

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What a fantastic pen! I really like the "clipless" look as it seems to give the pen really different look, sort of a mystique that is not found in other style pens. I really should save up and buy a pen or two from Nakaya like this.


Where did you purchase this pen from?


Sincerely yours,


Ronnie Banks

"Like a prized watch, a good fountain pen is a trusted companion for life."

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I bought this pen from Kevin Cheng aka Winedoc. His website is www.internetpens.net.

He is a delight to deal with. I've thought about buying a Nakaya but for now, I'm hooked on the Dani Trios. It's also the shipping from Japan to Canada by Fedex that would really add the bucks to the cost.




no affiliation ( although I've offered to be a saleperson :P) just a satisfied customer


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I have been lusting over the MIKADO for quite some time now. I too would want to go clipless, however, I know I'd like to take this pen out on the road with me also.


Did the pen come with any type of carrying case?





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Hi Bryan,

Kevin sent me a wrap made by Elizabeth Wilde. It's made from a kimono I believe. Beautiful. I put the Mikado to bed every night in this wrap.

I haven't taken it out of the house yet, but I will to show it off at the Toronto pen show.




Karin :)9

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In the short amount of time that I've been using FPs again, this is one that I've oogled lots. Just not in my range, but I love its simple elegance. I've also been intrigued by the fact that its lacquer (sp?) is actually made from poisonous sap (is it sap? if I'm remembering correctly).


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Hi Vanessa,

The sap that is used to make Urushi is poisonous. It`s a cousin of poison ivy, but much more damaging to human flesh. There`s no harm once the pen is made though.

So you don`t have any excuse not to buy a Dani Trio.

I love all of mine. They`re in constant use.




Karin :)9

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  Hi Vanessa,

The sap that is used to make Urushi is poisonous. It`s a cousin of poison ivy, but much more damaging to human flesh. There`s no harm once the pen is made though.

So you don`t have any excuse not to buy a Dani Trio.

I love all of mine. They`re in constant use.




Thanks, I wasn't worried about the sap hurting FP users, else nobody would buy them! Here, let me write with my stick of pain... :lol: In order to buy one, though, I'd have to save for months. Do I have that much willpower???


Do you have any Nakayas? Just wonder how those compare to the Dani Trio...


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If you are bringing it to the Toronto pen show, I'd love to take a look as I've never seen a Dani Urushi in person. :lol:

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Hi Karin, Thanks for the review and glad you like the pen. It depends on your state of mind the clipless pen can be "Zen like" or "Samurai Like" :lol: as it does resemble a Japanese Tanto "short dagger". The pen does hold a lot of ink. Here are some big pics, but the pen is still better in person.




With Clip



Without Clip



Signature Kanji of the artist






To Cross The Rubicon


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I'm still very much in love with my Mikado. I like to think of her as the Empress Turandot.

My other Dani's, the Koi, the inexpensive Mak-ie ;) My Kara Nuri and the smaller Tamenuri with clip are in my rotation, never to be taken out. (maybe the Koi because it's a smaller pen)

I have spent many dollars on pens in the last year especially, but I do not regret being in some debt to own these beautiful pens in particular.

Kevin also offers a fantastic payment plan for those of you who do not want to shell out the big bucks all at once.

Wil, I will be bringing my Mikado to the penshow. Please come and see it. I'll wear some kind of badge :ph34r: I'll be the one with the holes in my jeans and a ripped sweatshirt ;)


I don't own any Nakayas. Perhaps someday, but not for awhile. :blink:



The kindest of regards to all my friends here.


Karin :bunny1: :bunny1:



And Kevin, I'm so sorry that you had a heartbreaking experience in Toronto.

I guess, I'll have to get healthy and wealthy enough to come and visit you.

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  • 3 months later...

Karin, thanks for the review of your "preciousssssss" :lol:

How the heck did I miss reading the review, fer cryin' out loud?? :blush: It must have been when I was looking for work in the summer and had to stay away from the pen boards :rolleyes:


Anyway, thanks for sharing your joy of using this lovely pen!


Best wishes always,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Raj,

Ahem, 650 US. I paid it off over 6 months. :blink: :blink: I don`t regret it a bit.

This is a work of art /:)

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  • 1 year later...

:ph34r: Yep! They are works of art. I own a Nakata and love it!!!!





Sorry! Wish the picture could be smaller, my apologies!

Edited by alvarez57

sonia alvarez




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