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Inoxcrom's "1st Quality" Wallstreet Elegance


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Hi :)


I hope my writing is legible :doh:



(sorry for the bad photograph of the pen - camera phone :bonk:)





[edit]: here's a better picture I found on the web - except this is the polished steel finish version:




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Kissing, from the photo, I'd say you've got an Inoxcrom Wall Street Elegance. I agree, it's a lot of pen for the money. The big, showy nib writes very well, as does the bulk of the Inoxcrom line, Here in Spain Inoxcroms are all over the place, so I've got a drawer ful... Good thing they're priced right!


The next step in your quest is the Sirocco line, which is more "elegant" than the Wall Street. I've got a black resin one with gold trim that I like very much. It shares the same nib as your Wall Street. The "Holy Grail" of Inoxcroms is the solid sterling with a very pretty 14k gold nib the same size as your Wall Street, about 200€, which is not bad considering what it is. Anyway, enjoy!



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Thank you David :)


I really do hunger for more information regarding Inoxcroms. They don't seem to be as well known among fountain pen users compared to brands like Parker - but I really do admire this brand!


The other one I have is the Inoxcrom Zepellin, which has their 'standard' steel nib. They are quite common in department stores and pen stores here in Australia, and I think they are the most affordable, reliable fountain pens that can be bought at a store.


What surprised me about this Wallstreet Elegance is that I had always thought Inoxcrom only made one type of fountain pen nib (the plain steel one) - but I was wrong. And now you've just told me they also have an 14K gold one :doh: :lol: Amazing!




IMO, they don't share the same faults and weaknesses that most of the other entry-level pens at the same price in big brands have. I'd choose an Inoxcrom over a Parker Vector, Sheaffer No-Nonesense or Lamy Safari anyday! Compared to them, Inoxcroms are built more tougher, write better, feels like you're getting more value out of your money, and the convenience of being able to buy directly at a shop without being ripped off is a real bonus for a student like me who has trouble getting things online at the moment ;)


I definitely recommend Inoxcrom pens for those who seek an alternative workhorse pen. (Unfortunately, I don't think Inoxcrom has a huge range of nib sizes.)





ps: Are there different sized nibs available for the two-tone nib of the Wallstreet Elegance? There is an engraving on the nib that says "M" for Medium (i think). As far as I know, their 'standard' steel nibs come in one-size only. Is it different for their higher-up models?

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Thanks for the review. I am using today a little yellow translucent INOXCROM.

I pick them up during my travel in France, where a good variety of inexpensive 5-10 euros models of many different youthful look pens show in the bookstores.

I have found their steel nibs to be exceptionally good and reliable writers.

In fact I have been carrying my pen in my pocket since early this summer :)


Enjoy your pen.

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I'd choose an Inoxcrom over a Parker Vector, Sheaffer No-Nonesense or Lamy Safari anyday!

Wow, that's high praise! :o Too bad the only Inoxcroms I've seen in shops over here are ballpoints :(


Thanks for the excellent review, Kissing! It's nice to see reviews of less-known fountain pen brands....

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You have such enthusiastic penmanship.. It looks happy!



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Nice review!


I've used at least three Inxocrom FPs and each one was nicely desgined and a very good writer. I think you are likely correct to say they make some of the best school pens available today.


best, Dan

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I wish I knew who carried the FPs in the states! Levenger had some, once upon a time in the previous millenium....

If you live in the States or Canada you can use their store locator and see if there are any shops in your area that carry Inoxcrom fountain pens.



http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p202/Apollo3000/es-canary-islands-flag1s.gif Bendita mi tierra guanche.
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I wish I knew who carried the FPs in the states!  Levenger had some, once upon a time in the previous millenium....

If you live in the States or Canada you can use their store locator and see if there are any shops in your area that carry Inoxcrom fountain pens.



Thanks, Apollo! There is a listing for a paper store in Vancouver that I have yet to visit :blush:

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This company's weakness seems to be their lack of online sellers. The only online seller of Inoxcrom I have found so far is Swisher Pens - who sell one of the inexpensive (but OK) range.

What about where you found the nice image of the Wall Street Gold Inoxcrom Pen you have posted here? Where did you get that image from? Was it an online seller? Do they sell internationally?

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Inoxcrom sounds like a cream for treating skin problems - really, Inoxcrom Management Team, you can do better!


It sounds like a nice pen, though.

- Jonathan

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Great review Kissing!


That's an interesting pen! finally decided on the next pen I'm saving for!


My first pen was an old Parker inherited from my dad...was too young or didnt appreciate FP so the experience did last long. But when I got an Inoxcrom "Tiny" FP i fell in love with writing


Now the next challege for me is to look for a complementing journal / paper to write on and burgundy ink...hard to find them here in the Philippines

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This company's weakness seems to be their lack of online sellers. The only online seller of Inoxcrom I have found so far is Swisher Pens - who sell one of the inexpensive (but OK) range.

What about where you found the nice image of the Wall Street Gold Inoxcrom Pen you have posted here? Where did you get that image from? Was it an online seller? Do they sell internationally?

I got the Wall Street elegance from a local department store :)


The image was find after googling everywhere...I can't remember where I found this picture - probably on their international website somewhere :doh:

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This company's weakness seems to be their lack of online sellers. The only online seller of Inoxcrom I have found so far is Swisher Pens - who sell one of the inexpensive (but OK) range.

What about where you found the nice image of the Wall Street Gold Inoxcrom Pen you have posted here? Where did you get that image from? Was it an online seller? Do they sell internationally?

I got the Wall Street elegance from a local department store :)


The image was find after googling everywhere...I can't remember where I found this picture - probably on their international website somewhere :doh:

Thanks Kissing... I Googled it... and found it! :D Aussie Site, ships internationally: Engraving Plus - Inoxcrom Fountain Pen

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Amazing, Lucy :o


I had no idea Australia even had this level of service for the sake of fountain pens :) Especially shipping internationally from Australia :unsure:


The price seems OK for an Aussie-bought pen too. If you're interested in filling it from bottled ink, ask for a standard "International" converter (if they don't understand what you mean - ask for a Rotring converter :lol:).



ps: Do you live in Australia?

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  • 3 months later...

Checked the inoxcrom website.Unbelievable - everything a website should not be!

But I have used their pens and they are very good value.

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to bump this ancient thread, but I got one of these pens this year. Mine is green, with a plain steel nib. It still has "first quality" engraved on the nib, it feels slightly springy and writes slightly dry, but very smoothly. I like the grip, and the sturdy feel its weight imparts


Information about the manufacturer, Inoxcrom, is very difficult to find. From what I understand, they no longer exist. Can someone confirm this? Perhaps they'll turn into collectors items one day...


I can dream.

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