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Just bought 4 bottles of PR brand, heres some sample pics for you guys : )


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I bought: Copper Burst, Arabian Rose, Grey Flannel, and Naples Blue. The only free pens I had available were some Hero616's. They are wet writers, though only the Arabian Rose came out a little too dark.






I am quite pleased with the Flannel Gray, I recommend it to everyone.




This Turquoise came from an ink cart used my Sheaffer Calli pen, it is my favorite shade a blue next to Quink Blue/Black.



New Mexico Pen Collector's Club / InkDrop Member since 8/23/2010

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Very interesting.... I'm basically no fan of any gray, but I really do like that hue. As if I didn't already know what ink to buy next!!


Thanks for the scans!



Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Thanks for the review and photos! I bought Arabian Rose and Gray Flannel in cartridge form recently, and your photos tell me I made great decisions. That gray looks especially appealing.

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The Gray Flannel looks quite similar to Noodler's Lexington Gray (bulletproof). I didn't think I'd like gray ink, but ordered a sample from Pear Tree Pen Co. on a whim, then bought a bottle on my next order. I really don't understand why I or anyone would want a gray ink, but it's one of my favorites anyway.


Thanks for the review.

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that copper burst looks so nice, as does the grey flannel. originally, I was wondering why one would want a grey, well, because it looks ''Our the Nice!''


thanks for the scans!

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The Gray Flannel looks quite similar to Noodler's Lexington Gray (bulletproof). I didn't think I'd like gray ink, but ordered a sample from Pear Tree Pen Co. on a whim, then bought a bottle on my next order. I really don't understand why I or anyone would want a gray ink, but it's one of my favorites anyway.

Um, why wouldn't you just add some water to a black ink to make a gray?


I once mixed a blue and a brown ink and got gray. I guess that gray is just not a color of which I am a fan.

On a sacred quest for the perfect blue ink mixture!

ink stained wretch filling inkwell

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The Gray Flannel looks quite similar to Noodler's Lexington Gray (bulletproof). I didn't think I'd like gray ink, but ordered a sample from Pear Tree Pen Co. on a whim, then bought a bottle on my next order. I really don't understand why I or anyone would want a gray ink, but it's one of my favorites anyway.

Um, why wouldn't you just add some water to a black ink to make a gray?



I didn't think the likelihood of liking gray was great enough to go to the trouble of trying to get proportions right. I still can't say why I like Lexington Gray. Maybe Nathan adds something addictive.

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water down the ink! c'mon, we're both chem students. we'll just use M1V1=M2V2 :) remember, i got some pH stuff so we can get molarity :) ryan added EtOH to his Legal Lapis and it turned out great!

Edited by jniforat
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Ive been using Gray Flannel for quite some time now. It seems to work better with wider nibs and shades quite well resultantly. I have inks for each of the 4 seasons and inks that I use year around. Gray Flannel in one of my year around inks. I just love it. The hue is a perfect match to rain clouds. Enjoy.

"Let us cross over the river and sit in the shade of the trees." Final words of General 'Stonewall' Jackson (d.1863) when killed in error by his own troops at the battle of Chancellorsville.






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I have used the PR Cooper Burst, Naples Blue and the Gray Flannel in my Pelikan M800's. All of them are free flowing inks. No problems with any of them.

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