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Cross Century II


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Edited by MYU

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<b>Diplomat #019</b>


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Thank you for the great review. My father also carrried Cross pens and I think that started my interest in pens and fountain pens. My wish list always had a Cross on it but this clarified my thoughts and I have added the Century II to the list.

The key to life is how well you deal with Plan B.

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I love my dauther.

She is my everything.

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Cross Pens are excellent. I have 2 Century II fountain pens and three extra nib sections for when i want a different nib width. One of them is the Chrome with gold nib, as you say very stylish and a fantastic writer.


I found and bought a sample version, i bought it from a pen shop owners personal collection. She says it was a sample she got from Cross in the early 90's and it has an 18kt nib which for the Century II is unique i think, I should actually check on this forum.


Anyway they are wonderful fountain pens enjoy them all... :)

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  • 3 months later...
Thank you for the great review. My father also carrried Cross pens and I think that started my interest in pens and fountain pens. My wish list always had a Cross on it but this clarified my thoughts and I have added the Century II to the list.


My interest was also sparked by my dads cross'. Ballpoint and Pencil Century's. I have his set, but Ive yet to try a Cross fountain..

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  • 1 year later...

Wow...$18? I wish they were still that price...haha...the bay seem to have upped them all to retail price at $80-90...

Eat Well, Stay Fit, Die Anyways...:D



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  • 10 months later...

I bought one a few weeks ago at $88. Which is about $70 more than what you paid 3 years earlier. Wow at the inflation of this pen.

But great pen, looks great and writes fine. Currently my best writer from CROSS.

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Cross Pens are excellent. I have 2 Century II fountain pens and three extra nib sections for when i want a different nib width. One of them is the Chrome with gold nib, as you say very stylish and a fantastic writer.


I found and bought a sample version, i bought it from a pen shop owners personal collection. She says it was a sample she got from Cross in the early 90's and it has an 18kt nib which for the Century II is unique i think, I should actually check on this forum.


Anyway they are wonderful fountain pens enjoy them all... smile.gif



They sell the nib 18kt nib components for the Century II on their website. I have an 18k in my Century II which I bought from a European seller (the color of this pen was discontinued actually, so it might mean that the 18k nibs were more common back in the day, I don't know). Either way, I found the 18kt soft like the Namiki Falcon almost. The amount of line variation it gives is tremendous. Sadly I'm not big on the line variation so that nib sits in my box of unused pens and parts lol. But I replaced it with a gold-plated steel nib which is much firmer (more to my liking) and has very little variation.


Come to think of it, maybe I'll see if I can put the 18k to some use, maybe turn it to a stub if it's possible to do with a Medium nib. Or maybe see if someone can make it extra flexible for those days when I want to practice calligraphy.

I no longer own any fountain pens... Now they own me.

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