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Bexley Submariner Grande


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Sir, you need to remove one forward slash in your URL link - it currently doesn't work without copying it and editing it.




John P.

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Tom, can you please copy/paste the content here? The review policy discourages review posts containing only external links. There are plenty of members that keep their visited websites to a minimum, as external links are uncertain (cookies, ad-content, ad-ware, browse monitoring, viruses). I tried accessing your review after correcting the URL reference and it took a long time to load, possibly because you reference content from a university website. Also, content posted here will not be lost if you change the hosting venue.


Thank you.

Edited by MYU

[MYU's Pen Review Corner] | "The Common Ground" -- Jeffrey Small

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Tom, can you please copy/paste the content here? The review policy discourages review posts containing only external links. There are plenty of members that keep their visited websites to a minimum, as external links are uncertain (cookies, ad-content, ad-ware, browse monitoring, viruses). I tried accessing your review after correcting the URL reference and it took a long time to load, possibly because you reference content from a university website. Also, content posted here will not be lost if you change the hosting venue.


Thank you.


I can do so. However it's still hosted off the university site.



My Site: Pens and Ink


Philip Hull Memories Scan


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The review comes up on my screen after I've signed in so I presume that whatever problems were experienced previously have now been resolved.


As to a Bexley Submariner Grande, these are great pens and I enjoy mine.


I know that some people aren't fond of a metal section however I'm more than satisfied. I could be in error but I think the metal section is slightly heavier than the plastic section, and that appears to give the pen a nice sense of balance.

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Tom, can you please copy/paste the content here? The review policy discourages review posts containing only external links. There are plenty of members that keep their visited websites to a minimum, as external links are uncertain (cookies, ad-content, ad-ware, browse monitoring, viruses). I tried accessing your review after correcting the URL reference and it took a long time to load, possibly because you reference content from a university website. Also, content posted here will not be lost if you change the hosting venue.


Thank you.


I can do so. However it's still hosted off the university site.



That's better Tom, thanks. In the future when you write more reviews, I suggest copying the text before committing it to an image and saving it in a textual document. That way you can use the content easily (such as posting on your website and/or on FPN) with the image being optional. When you leave the university, the reference to that image will unfortunately end up breaking...


[MYU's Pen Review Corner] | "The Common Ground" -- Jeffrey Small

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