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Edison Herald Grooved Black Ebonite


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Edison Herald Grooved Black Ebonite (1st Generation)


First Impression




I stumbled onto this pen through one of my pen pushers. As a Bexley fan, I knew that Brian (at that time) sourced his nibs from Bexley. When the pen was offered to me mint and new in box not ever being inked, I knew that I had to have it. This turned out to be a great, and continues to be a great ownership experience.


Appearance – (10/10)




There is something uniquely striking about this Herald. It is one of approximately 3 pens (per Brian) that he created in a grooved polished black ebonite.


At first glance the grooves provides immediate texture, breaking an otherwise smooth expanse of glossy ebonite. Designed in a classically styled torpedo shape, it feels familiar and is solidly constructed.


At around the same length capped as the MB 149, this is a fairly long pen. This 1st generation version does not post and I’m perfectly fine with that since I don’t post my pens.




The grooves provide a tactile feel in the hand and I personally appreciate the balance this pen provides. Its super sleek design gives it motion while still; ready to tackle any job you throw at it. All ebonite construction including the section is a plus given Brian at that time only offered ebonite sections as an option.


Nib – (8/10)




Outfitted with a Bexley Fine nib the pen performs well. Since my acquisition, I’ve been exposed to Japanese-specific fine nibs and they are the benchmark for my writing preferences.


This Bexley fine draws a medium line width for my taste with very generous ink flow and delivery. I prefer finer lines for my left-handed over-writing position so this nib doesn’t meet my daily use requirements. However, nib width preference aside, I’m greeted with a typical Bexley-smooth writing experience. A Bexley nib in its two-tone 18k construction is very visually appealing. This is a classically styled pen with a matching classically styled nib.


** Note: As previously suggested, it’s always a good idea to flush your nibs/feeds before inking. This ensures that any remaining oils from the manufacturing process is removed ensuring consistent ink delivery. I make it a point to flush the pens with water and soap before I ink any new pen.


Filing System – (8/10)


This is the 1st generation Herald so the filling mechanism provided is a cartridge/converter. It performs the job with aplomb. Not as complicated as a built-in piston, or user friendly as an eyedropper, I am, nonetheless, happy with the filling mechanism.


Cost and Value – (10/10)




Edison Pens represent a very good value for my needs. My Herald without a “limited” moniker is far fewer than many manufturer’s own “limited” editions. How is that important? Well it isn’t other than the chances of me finding an identical pen, or someone with an Edison pen, is practically impossible unless I’m at an FPN meeting or pen show! For someone that favors individuality I can’t find a flaw in this pens design and marketing.

Conclusion – (36/40)




This is a sleeper pen to me. It performs admirably and I just love the look. Black with gold trim epitomizes classic pens to me; all ebonite construction is icing on the cake.


Post sales support has been great as I recently met with Brian to define a new order for a custom Pearl in person at the LA Pen Show. Review for the Pearl can be found here: EDISON PEARL REVIEW


In summary this is a very fine writing instrument. It delivers on multiple levels with style and substance.

Edited by mava


The Danitrio Fellowship

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Beauty Mac, congrats. Very different pen, I like the styling and I especially like the looks of that F nib!


Thanks Joe! This was my first Edison and I'm hooked. Between this custom Herald and the custom Pearl I'm just scratching the surface of Brian's endless possibilities! :thumbup:


The Danitrio Fellowship

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Finally I got to see an Edison I don't like. It's a little overdone I think. But wait, that's a good thing. It just goes to show our individuality. I've got pens you wouldn't like too and that's fine. But one thing I know, owning a Herald, it will out-perform most pens.

PS Great photos


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Great looking pen and a great review! But the grooves keep me thinking....doesn't all kinds of stuff, like dust etc. get stuck in these grooves?

Edited by GeeTee
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I have this pen too. I don't anything stuck in the grooves. I use it all the time. I will try to take some pics of it, the only photos I have are from when it was very new. I must say, it has aged well!



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