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BIC Select Fountain Pen


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They're what used to be branded Stypen, and they're a decent grade user pen if you don't get a dud.


"Heck we fed a thousand dollar pen to a chicken because we could." -- FarmBoy, about Pen Posse

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Get yorrself a lamy safari. It's been my starter and ender pen.

Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right

to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers,

and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Revelation 22:14-15

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You can find a thorough review of the pen if you click on this link.


Might also want to check out a Pelikan Pelikano, great pen for 15$. It starts every time the instant it touches the paper and is smooth as butter. The fine could be a little finer though. Its a wet writer.

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I remember using LAMY when I was about 15 years old. Didn't really fancy them then, I don't think I would like those now. The cuts that they make on the pen where you hold them is the only problem for me.

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On the stypen version, the nib holder was made of blue soft rubber and used to rot, perhaps the BIC version is improved, at $10 though, its not worth worrying about, useful as a spare or to give to younger people for fun

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I remember using LAMY when I was about 15 years old. Didn't really fancy them then, I don't think I would like those now. The cuts that they make on the pen where you hold them is the only problem for me.



If that's a problem: Don't buy the Big..it also has a triangular grip much like the lamy, only in rubber.

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This pen use to sport "Stypen" till recently and although very light I can confirm is very resistant to scuffing ( my kid is using it). The nib makes you wonder why on earth spend one single more cent on anything else. Writes at least as good as Pelikanos, and much better than many other ones that would cost you 10x at least. A great student pen, with the only flaw of being cart only.

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I have it. I would not advise buying it, for few dollars more you can have a Pelikano, a Safari or a Kultur.


The greatest flaw of the Select compared to its competitor is in the materials used. It feels very cheap. In my case the cap have a bad alignement with the rubber grip. You have to apply a lot of unecessary effort to close it and to opening it.



<font face="Verdana"><b><font color="#2f4f4f">d</font></b><font color="#4b0082">iplo</font></font><br /><br /><a href='http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?showuser=6228' class='bbc_url' title=''><font face="Trebuchet MS"><br /><font size="4"><b><font color="#8b0000"><font color="#696969">Go</font> <font color="#006400">To</font> <font color="#a0522d">My</font> <font color="#4b0082">FPN</font> Profile!</font></b></font></font><br /></a>

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There are nice colorful demo versions, too. Posting the blue one (I've seen red, blue and green)http://i348.photobucket.com/albums/q347/Ondina_2008/151281428_o.jpg



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Thank you all for such wonderful reviews, comments and suggestions. I would have bought this pen but just because I was made aware of the fact that it also does have those finger cut outs I am not going to purchase this particular model.

I am going to look for Pelikan or Sheaffer. I remember using those. I would probably go with Sheaffer because I remember going through a lot of them and enjoying writing with them.

Again Thank you very much all of you.

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I've got two of these in my drawer at work - one with blue ink and one with red and I can thank them for getting me back 'into' fountain pens again after many years. Yes, they're reasonably cheap and nasty, but in my opinion they have great writing nibs. I've no intention of returning to them, but for a cheap as chips introduction to fountain pens, I don't think yuo can get any better.






She turned me into a newt.......

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Has anyone used this pen. It's $10.00

Should I buy this, I am looking for a starter pen.



The Bic Select Xpen is one of the best low priced pens on the market. In terms of value for money, the Bic Select Xpen is in my opinion a much better choice than a Lamy Safari, Lamy Al-star, or Pelikan Pelikano.

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I just want to throw something out there... vintage pens offer a much high price-quality ratio, once you get into mid range pens. I suggest you skip the "introduction pen" that most of us have purchased, and pick up a "51"Aero here on the market place.

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Hmm, I'm a sucker for demo pens. And the grip does look exactly like the grip on my older, red-rubber Stypen (which is a pretty poor writer for the $20 I paid).


I would give the Bic a shot but I don't think they're sold here in the USA.

My latest ebook.   And not just for Halloween!

My other pen is a Montblanc.


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Ok, so now I am a convert. After this thread and some PM with a member, I gave my select to my 3yo child.


Here's the results:


She got immediatley interested in the fact that she could have one of these - so far - unreachable "stilografiche"...

She asked for a red ink, and here we go:




And this is the first result! (it's a self portrait, Ia is her name...)




Well, thanks for the suggestion! Now the Bic select have a place in my life!!!





<font face="Verdana"><b><font color="#2f4f4f">d</font></b><font color="#4b0082">iplo</font></font><br /><br /><a href='http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?showuser=6228' class='bbc_url' title=''><font face="Trebuchet MS"><br /><font size="4"><b><font color="#8b0000"><font color="#696969">Go</font> <font color="#006400">To</font> <font color="#a0522d">My</font> <font color="#4b0082">FPN</font> Profile!</font></b></font></font><br /></a>

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Has anyone used this pen. It's $10.00

Should I buy this, I am looking for a starter pen.




Yes I have one, paid the equivalent of 7 dollar here in Office depot Mexico, with a very wet "full" medium nib. Good for a cheappie,





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