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Esterbrook Gregg Nibs


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I have now received my second pen with a 1155 Gregg nib. Both appear to have one tine (the right one as you look down on top of the nib) larger than the other. When I got the first one, I thought it was an abberation, but now, not so sure


Are the tines supposed to be different on a gregg nib? What was the purpose?

Kendall Justiniano
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The tines should be the same but because these nibs are not tipped they could have started to exhibit some normal wear or even been modified slightly to accomodate an individual's writing style.

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  • 7 years later...

The Gregg nibs were designed that way to write "Gregg Shorthand". They're suppose to write in a slight italicized script and glide across the paper easier. Check out http://gregg.angelfishy.net/ for more info on Gregg shorthand. Greg nibs are very unique and fun to write with.

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I have now received my second pen with a 1155 Gregg nib.


Just guessing that you had a typo and meant 1555 Greg nib. I've had a number of these nibs also and never really knew about the tine differences. Good to know ... thanks for bring this up.

Edited by Ghost Writer
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How about a picture so we can see what you are talking about, related to that nib.

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I have one of these, and the tines and the tips are perfectly symmetrical. Was a bit toothy when I first used it (I think it was NOS), but now it developped slight foot and it's very smooth.

-Eclipse Flat Top-|-Parker "51" Aero-|-Sheaffer's Snorkel Sentinel-|-Esterbrook SJ-|-Sheaffer Imperial II Deluxe TD-|-Sheaffer 330-|-Reform 1745-|-PenUsa Genesis-|-Hero 616-|-Noodler's Flex-|-Schneider Voice-|-TWSBI Vac 700-

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  • 3 months later...

I have one of these, and the tines and the tips are perfectly symmetrical. Was a bit toothy when I first used it (I think it was NOS), but now it developped slight foot and it's very smooth.


I just picked up a "J" with a 1555 Gregg nib on eBay, and the tines and tips are symmetrical in alignment but in their design are anything but symmetrical -- so much so that at first I wondered if the nib I'd gotten was broken. Looked at from underneath, the left tine is tipped and the right one isn't. I've used it regularly now for about two weeks, and the pen has written quite well from the start, and with the slight italicization that Greggs are apparently known for, which I assume is a result of the asymmetry.

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The Gregg nibs were designed that way to write "Gregg Shorthand". They're suppose to write in a slight italicized script and glide across the paper easier.

I'm sorry, but this is not the case. Gregg shorthand does not employ any line variation at all. A brand-new Gregg nib has an extra-fine tip that is perfectly symmetrical and is ground to produce the same stroke width in all directions. Here are photos of a Sheaffer Gregg nib's tip.





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I must be the angle the picture was taken but the right tine in the picture looks narrower than the left tine.


I looked up this thread because I had been reading it somewhat idly a few days ago. Well, I just picked up an Estie with one of these nibs, and from a quick inspection I would say that I don't think it's the angle of the photo -- my nib looks very similar from the top.

I will post photos when I get a chance (I bought it about 5 pm and didn't get home until 9, partly because the store was an hour plus from my house, partly because I hung at my friend's house talking for a while afterwards, and partly because the traffic was really screwed up (people being weird annoying jerks for no discernable reason, plus construction zones having major detours -- in the second case it took me 20 minutes to go about 1 mile *before* being shunted off the highway entirely, although at least I knew the back route).

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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1555 nibs are very popular!

9555 nibs are Master Point (Iridium) versions of these nibs!


You may find some on the classifieds.

Just sayin....




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