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Guest Denis Richard

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Guest Denis Richard

Guess what I found yesterday in my mailbox at work ? A green Esterbrook J. I knew it was coming. There was a bunch of us in the chatroom two weeks ago, chatting about Esterbrooks. I did not have any and said I should really try one of those one day. That's when "The Enabler", a.k.a Gerry proposed to send me one. After a few "no, please, don't" (you know, the polite ones, hiding the drool... :lol:) he convinced me to let one come my way.


I saw some Esterbrooks at the SF and LA show, but did not pay much attention. The pattern and finish are really gorgeous. I love those ripples and waves and stripes....


Looks like I may be in trouble now. Sheaffer, Wahl-Eversharp, and now Esterbrook.... Thankfully Vintage Watermans are off limit budget-wise, or else I would be burried :lol:


Thanks Gerry !!!

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Welcome to the party. It was all the talk on here that convinced me to get on the Estie boat and I'm really pleased I did. Everything said about them is true. Wonderful wee pens!


By the way, Denis, I too have been feeling ill and have been off work these past few days. Yesterday I had a fever and decided to put your hypothesis to the test. I decided to tidy up my 'pen area' which meant sorting through loads of packaging (stuff pens arrive in), pens, boxes, etc. (this is something I was dreading to have to do). I have a hard time focusing on stuff like this -- too easily side-tracked. Well, all I can say is it worked!! I sayed focused and felt like I had loads of energy and got it done in under half an hour! Thank you! ;)

Edited by Cam
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Welcome aboard the Crazy Train Denis! It's a real slippery slope when it comes to these. find the perfect nib, then you can swap it out amongst countless body styles to fit your interest, 1932-1971 almost all renew-points will fit in almost all body styles.


I just new it was only a matter of time. ;)




www.esterbrook.net All Esterbrook, All the Time.
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Guest Denis Richard

I'm starting to suspect a vast conspiracy of the Esterbrookians... :D


Cam, I think we should start lobbying to convince our employers that we should be assigned work only on our sick days :lol:

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Denis, you're in more trouble than you know!


The Green is nice, but the fabulous Copper - or the Dubonnet Red - how could you resist?


The Dubonnet has got to appeal to you on several levels... ;)


Especially in your weakened state :)


Sheesh....I'm starting to behave like a pusher....



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Copper Copper Copper.


uh... that Gerry guy is a real pain isn't he. :)


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Esties are awesome pens. My blue Esterbrook J with a 9314-M nib is one of my school pens because it's tough as nails and a GREAT writer. (I believe DWL talked about how he took a hammer to a really beat-up Esterbrook and it took quite a few blows before the barrel finally cracked.) However, the only problem that I've had with Esterbrooks is that 9xxx fine Estie nibs tend to be kind of scratchy.


I was considering getting another Esterbrook, but it's just so hard trying to figure out which color to get next! At first I thought that I didn't like the green, but one of my friends got a green Esterbrook that turned out to be awfully pretty. And then there's the copper and red Esterbrooks that are gorgeous in pics--I can only wonder what they look like in person...

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while we're talking esties - when I look at the list of nibs that were made, my eyes glaze over.


I'd like to know if the stubs are any good and how narrow a stub can one get for an estie. I'd hate to mutilate a common nib because even the 2668 nibs I have are smoooooooooth. But I'd like my desk set to have a more expressive nib without being too broad.


suggestions from the Estie Experts?

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Hey KCat,


Definitely not an Esterbrook expert, but before someone like the exalted Esterbrook king--Brian Anderson--chimes in, here are a couple of cents: one for each type of stub I've tried.


The 9314-M I have right now is a left footed oblique, which doesn't work nearly as well as my right footed KCat stub and causes me to miss the right spot sometimes because, being a lefty-underwriter, sometimes it's hard to orient the nib correctly. That said, when the nib is oriented correctly, it is butter smooth with nice flow. I also had a 9314-F nib which was also very smooth, but I made a novice mistake of ruining the nib when I screwed the nib into the barrel too tight and hurt the nib unscrewing it. I will not make that mistake again (knock on wood). I got another 9314-F because I liked the first one so much, but for some strange reason, this nib is a complete and total dud. There is absolutely zero inkflow, and I don't know what to do about it so it just sits in my drawer. Hope that helps a bit, in some way or another!

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I've got both the 2314-F, the 9314-F and the 9314-M and I don't like any of them. It's the 'obliqueness' that puts me off. Having said that, the flow and smoothness on all three are really excellent. My favourite 'italic'-like nib is the x312 -- lovely! KCat -- if you have any of the flexy Esterbrook nibs, I'd gladly swap you any of the above ...

Edited by Cam
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Thanks Daniel and Cam. I know what number to look for. Unfortunately, Cam, at least for the time being, I love my two 9128s. i'll be on the lookout though.

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Venerable are letters, infinitely brave, forlorn, and lost. V. Woolf, Jacob's Room

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Hey Cam,


Interesting, I had no idea Esterbrook nibs also came in the "italic" variety. I was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions about them...


1) So are the x312 nibs "sharp" italics, or are they pretty forgiving?


2) In terms of width, how do they compare to the x314 series? Close to a 9314-F or a 9314-M?


Thanks a bunch, Cam!

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stay away from Esterbrook pens. They're nothing but cheap stuff. You really don't want to get yourself involved in Esterbrooks. They'll only lead you to disappointment, anger and frustration.


To help you with this, I will keep an eye on all Esterbrook stuff on auction, and bid on them, just so you won't get any of them. In this way, I can prevent you from suffering the same fate I did.



David (aka Woody), whose looking to buy more and more and more and more and more Esterbrook pens!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


:P :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest Denis Richard

Hi David !


nice to see you here. I did not even realize you registered.


So, that's how you want it... You want an EBay war ? I'm ready :ph34r:

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Hey Cam,


Interesting, I had no idea Esterbrook nibs also came in the "italic" variety.  I was wondering if you could answer a couple of questions about them...


1) So are the x312 nibs "sharp" italics, or are they pretty forgiving? 


2) In terms of width, how do they compare to the x314 series?  Close to a 9314-F or a 9314-M?


Thanks a bunch, Cam!

Hi Daniel,


Here's some examples of each nib so you can see for yourself!!






Not the most brilliant, but it'll give you some idea I hope!

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Hey Cam,


Thanks so much! Your response went above and beyond anything I expected for an answer. Your title does not lie--you are quite a saint, I'd say!


Thanks again for your effort and kindness.


Only problem is that I want one now... :)




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Heh -- you're more than welcome. Actually, if you can read the writing, you're doing pretty good!! ;)


I forgot to mention that the 3314 I have is quite forgiving -- certainly 'softer' on the page than say a Rotring Artpen or a Sheaffer No Nonsense italic nib. Not as soft as the x314s though ...


Oh, and you'll have to fight me in the trenches of eBay to get one!!!! :D

Actually, I'm seriously after a x048 or a x128, so you'll no doubt be successful on the bay given enough time and money ...

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I'd like to know if the stubs are any good and how narrow a stub can one get for an estie.  I'd hate to mutilate a common nib because even the 2668 nibs I have are smoooooooooth.  But I'd like my desk set to have a more expressive nib without being too broad.

Esties stubs, 2284, 5284 (dip-less), 9284 are awesome. Correctly labeled signature stubs, they were also labeled music nibs, although they really only have two tines. They are my personal nib of choice.


The 1314 is labeled a flexible stub, even though it is really a Relief nib, like the x314-F,M,B nibs. 1314's are pretty scarce, I have two, one NOS in the box, the other has a bent tine beyond (feasible) repair, so I can't vouch for how well they write, as I'm not inking up the boxed one (I like to have at least two NOS nibs of each variety).


2442 is labeled a Fine stub, also labeled for backhanded writing or for lefties.


I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting, but my brain is toast right now. Too many hours of work this week.


Oh, and I've been called different names before, but never the "exalted Esterbrook king". Man, the pressure's really on now!! :) :)




www.esterbrook.net All Esterbrook, All the Time.
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Just to add to the praise of esterbrook nibs, try to find either renew points or regular RELIEF nibs from the made in England Esterbrooks. They run from fine oblique stub to monster stubs (like the one I posted in this post here).

They are awesome.



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