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Cases, right under my nose


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Right, so with a lead in like that, I have to have something wonderful right? Well, yes, and no. I just happened to stumble onto a great way to store my pens, and I thought I might share...


You see, I love Ikea...really. great place, and cheap Hot Dogs... So, there I was the other week, buying my soon to be teenage daughter a new bedroom set when I approached the line for checkout. If anyone has been to Ikea before, you'll know that they keep pallets of random teasers there for you to throw in your cart. One of the ones they always seem to have is the silicone ice cube trays. they come in various shapes and colors, and my kid loves them. I had grown quite fond of the ones that let you make ice "tubes" that fit neatly in my bottled water, they work great. well, I was looking at the trays when my mind wandered to what pen I was carrying that day, and it hit me. THOSE ICE CUBES ARE PEN SIZED!!!! So, amid the odd stares of the cashiers, I took my pens (a Parker "51", and my Big Red, and stuck them in the slots...THEY FIT! The Big Red was a bit tight, but nothing to worry about. I then proceeded to grab five of the trays (at two bucks a piece) in red silicone, and am now happily sorting and arranging my pens into perfectly safe silicone trays. I'm going case hunting next, for something to hold these :)


For anyone interested, the trays are the ones in the lower left corner, called Plastis




here's a link: PLASTIS

"The older I get, the more I realize I'm getting older".

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wow, you know i've seen those every time at Ikea and how the heck did that idea just never occured to me!

Out of thin air, quote of the moment (6/1/06): "boredom leads to creativity, as compulsion leads to innovation"


-Name your kids dudley, cause the name is feeling a little deprived =P

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That is a great idea and very cool colors! Thanks for sharing your new find with the rest of us! :D

"'I will not say, "do not weep", for not all tears are an evil."

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That is a great idea and very cool colors! Thanks for sharing your new find with the rest of us! :D

And when you are using your pens you can make ice cubes!

"Andy Hoffman" Sandy Ego, CA

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How very clever! Enjoy the days (of HER pre-teen years) when you still have a brain and can think a thing like this through!

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  • 2 months later...

Dang me.

I bought one of those gizmos to make ice with and it didn't work worth @#$%^&, so I sent it off to the Salvation Army.....sigh....Needless to say I found this information when cruising for ideas for a holder for my pens....and I had had one....deeper sigh...

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Damn, I thought I can use my arrow and cross shaped cube trays ;) I'm picking up couple, thanx for the intelligent thought...



life is nothing if you're not obsessed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In a similar vein, I saw something like this at Walmart for $0.99 last weekend. It makes cylinders of ice that are 3/4" in diameter. While not overly attractive, it might be a very convenient way of storing a lot of pens.http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/confused/confused0024.gif

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

Oscar Wilde

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That makes it worth my while to steel myself to face the hordes at Ikea in Bristol.


Tell me, why do some people find it worth while to take a coach trip to Ikea? I will go in, normally on my way out of Bristol as you pass it on the main M32, but make a special trip let alone a coach trip. Give me strength...........



Obi Won WD40

Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert!

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The design of the top middle tray makes me wonder if that would make a good place to post caps. I really wish we had an Ikea close by. Time to check the web site.

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You can also use them for Cryogenic Preservation of you pens.;)

You could make some really interesting photos with some fruit colored pens... the color contrast :)

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