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Diamine Orange, Jade Green, Sapphire Blue


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There are a whole bunch of samples here. The scanner scans a bit off-color though.

Diamine Orange
Diamine Jade Green
Diamine Sapphire Blue
Sailor Grey
Waterman Purple
Pelikan Brown


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Nice review Betty. I am interested in Sapphire colour. Would you take a digital photo of the page, maybe just a piece showing Sapphire and Jade Green colours. I got the feeling that digital camera takes more accurate colours than scanner.

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B) B) B) B) B) B) B) Thanks, Betty!

I've read lots of comments saying that matching colors in digital imaging is tricky, so Betty is in very good company.


Here are the verbal adjustments I can make:

Pelikan Brown is a bit redder in real life (Enjoy it for me ;) . I do enjoy looking at the other colors in this picture.).

Sailor Gray is just a bit lighter in real life.

Waterman Purple is either just a bit redder or just a bit less blue in real life.

I can't verbally adjust the other colors.

That Diamine Sapphire earns a :drool: ! (J. Herbin Eclat de Saphir has a strong competitor for color now, although for children's use I don't know if any brand beats the non-toxic nature of J. Herbin.)

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Very nice Betty - thanks for sharing!

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Rom. 5:8, NKJV)
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Thanks, Betty. That Caran D'Ache Turquoise green looks seems to be an interesting teal colour. Will try it myself.


Hmm, Goodwhiskers, my J. Herbin Eclat de Saphir was rather a royal blue with purplish hint, I somehow felt, that there is the wrong ink in my bottle ...

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:bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:




Grrr... Betty what am I going to do with you...



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At the request of klemenv, I've taken a digital camera photo of the colors. Not sure if it makes a difference, but here:




I've also taken a picture of how the new cap for the Diamine inks look like. I think I prefer the original black cap instead of the red speck cap.



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Thanks Betty. I like the sapphire blue. And nice to see your cursive!



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