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Difficult words


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That's one new word I've learned today :D


Oh, and, Kiavonne, just one more edit required ......"..colleagues' " and "...visiting" :)



I'm not sure I have the courage to scan & post my efforts!



fixed. :embarrassed_smile:

Scribere est agere.

To write is to act.


Danitrio Fellowship

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My writing tends to be "pointy" - I have a hard time making the upper curves of letters into hills rather than peaks. Thus, any word with "n", "m", "u", or "r" in frequency or succession.


A number of mummers rumbled unerringly to the nunnery, murmuring unnervingly.


That would be bad.


(could also have been minimum, in a minivan...)

Edited by limesally
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Ok, here is a scan of this practice sentence:





The sentence from hades has been conceived here on this forum.


It took me forever to write this thing. Ok, not forever, but more than a few minutes. I had to really slow down on more than one of these words. While writing Mississippi, the chant my dad taught me when I was little played through my mind - there was time enough while I slowed down to write the word. And who on earth decided we must have a word like "syzygy" to say "alignment of the stars?" Ugh!! That word was the toughest, I admit.


Excellent practice sentence.


(Galileo Manuscript Brown in a hand-turned pen, medium nib; and Legal Lapis in a VP, fine nib. Apica notebook.)

Edited by kiavonne

Scribere est agere.

To write is to act.


Danitrio Fellowship

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(could also have been minimum, in a minivan...)


Heheh, if we keep this up, we will have the world's longest difficult-word practice sentence. It will rival any long-winded author's opening-page speel. No more, "it was a dark and stormy night." Anyone have the number for the Guinness Book of World Records? Maybe FPN should hold a contest for this one day.

Edited by kiavonne

Scribere est agere.

To write is to act.


Danitrio Fellowship

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And who on earth decided we must have a word like "syzygy" to say "alignment of the stars?" Ugh!! That word was the toughest, I admit.

To tell the truth, I had forgotten what syzygy meant when I stuck it on the end. How serendipitous that it should fit so well in with the aim and the meaning of the sentence.


I think that it is the only three-syllable word that has no vowels...




“Them as can do has to do for them as can’t.

And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices.”

Granny Aching

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Wow that's pretty intense :P Well done this is truly a good practice!

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To tell the truth, I had forgotten what syzygy meant when I stuck it on the end. How serendipitous that it should fit so well in with the aim and the meaning of the sentence.


I think that it is the only three-syllable word that has no vowels...



I would take exception to the no vowels part of the statement... Y is clearly a vowel, and the only one, in this word.


But love the sentence... Took a copy so I can use it for practice myself. :)


Pens:Sailor Mini, Pelikan Grand Place, Stipula Ventidue with Ti Stub nib, Pelikan M605 with Binder Cursive Italic, Stipula Ventidue with Ti M nib, Vintage Pilot Semi-flex, Lamy Vista, Pilot Prera

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Possibly with the addition of a modified version of limesally's contribution? (I also have problems with multiple "hilly" letters)


Disturbed by his colleagues' lack of enthusiasm, again and again the Egyptian astrophysicist visiting the observatory in Mississippi analyzed the multi-part transcription of telecommunications from the Galileo probe for the minimum of errors and maximum of syzygy, murmuring nervously over the unnerring interference from the rumble of the mummers' minivan in the unnerving nunnery next door.


Regards, Myles.


The palest ink is better than the sharpest memory - Chinese proverb

The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice - Mark Twain

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Possibly with the addition of a modified version of limesally's contribution? (I also have problems with multiple "hilly" letters)


Disturbed by his colleagues' lack of enthusiasm, again and again the Egyptian astrophysicist visiting the observatory in Mississippi analyzed the multi-part transcription of telecommunications from the Galileo probe for the minimum of errors and maximum of syzygy, murmuring nervously over the unnerring interference from the rumble of the mummers' minivan in the unnerving nunnery next door.


Regards, Myles.


Uh huh. We will have the longest, difficult-word, practice sentence, yet. I'd put the word "unnerving" before "rumble," though. What do you think?



Disturbed by his colleagues' lack of enthusiasm, again and again the Egyptian astrophysicist visiting the observatory in Mississippi analyzed the multi-part transcription of telecommunications from the Galileo probe for the minimum of errors and maximum of syzygy, murmuring nervously over the unerring interference from the unnerving rumble of the mummers' minivan in the nunnery next door.



And, just out of curiosity, how many have actually tried to write this besides me?



edit: I think "unerring" would only have one "n." And, I got rid of the blasted second "u" which doesn't belong in "curiosity."

Edited by kiavonne

Scribere est agere.

To write is to act.


Danitrio Fellowship

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And, just out of curiousity, how many have actually tried to write this besides me?

I have, will post piccy soon.


edit: I think "unerring" would only have one "n."

My spell checker agrees with you, but it doesn't like your version of 'curiousity"...




“Them as can do has to do for them as can’t.

And someone has to speak up for them as has no voices.”

Granny Aching

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And, just out of curiousity, how many have actually tried to write this besides me?

I have, will post piccy soon.


edit: I think "unerring" would only have one "n."

My spell checker agrees with you, but it doesn't like your version of 'curiousity"...



You are correct. "Curiosity" is a word I manage to misspell often, just because my mind thinks it should be like the word "curious."

Edited by kiavonne

Scribere est agere.

To write is to act.


Danitrio Fellowship

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And, just out of curiousity, how many have actually tried to write this besides me?

I have, will post piccy soon.


edit: I think "unerring" would only have one "n."

My spell checker agrees with you, but it doesn't like your version of 'curiousity"...


Whose law was it that said any online criticism of a spelling error will itself have at least one spelling error? :)


I should have picked up "unnerring" myself - after all, it's only "un" in front of "erring".


I rather liked the image of an unnerving nunnery :) (glowering gazes, bats in the belfry) but I see your point - "unnerving rumble" it is.


I've been trying the sentence and I agree on the slowdown comment. Hope to post a scan after this weekend.


Regards, Myles.

The palest ink is better than the sharpest memory - Chinese proverb

The very ink with which all history is written is merely fluid prejudice - Mark Twain

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Missississississippi. I just keep writing 'iss' until I think I have enough.

Woolloomoolloo. (I think)


I don't know why but I find that amusing even though the correct spelling is "Mississippi". And as for cursive I've never written in it with a fountain pen, only my shinies. :D And those are my numerous gel pens ( all brands ).


But I'll go for it sometime this week if not today.



Fountain Pens and the lot rule!


Don't underestimate them!

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Where have I been? :huh: I had no idea such pernicious penmanship practice was going on! Maybe I'll devote the afternoon to writing that wicked sentence y'all have put together. :lol:


I agree with whoever said "z" is a challenge when it's in the middle of a word. I just can't seem to write an attractive lower case "z." I also find the "gh" combination to be difficult - as in "through." It's a long trip from the bottom of g's descender to the top of h's ascender. Then too, I have to watch out for lower case "n." If I'm not careful, it will look like a lower case "u."



So many pens, so little time!




My Blog: Bywater Wisdom

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Where have I been? :huh: I had no idea such pernicious penmanship practice was going on! Maybe I'll devote the afternoon to writing that wicked sentence y'all have put together. :lol:


I agree with whoever said "z" is a challenge when it's in the middle of a word. I just can't seem to write an attractive lower case "z." I also find the "gh" combination to be difficult - as in "through." It's a long trip from the bottom of g's descender to the top of h's ascender. Then too, I have to watch out for lower case "n." If I'm not careful, it will look like a lower case "u."





Then, maybe we should add:


... as a neighboring Afghani analyst coughed lightly while weighing his thoughts over straightening a spaghetti-code-laden program designed for intergalactic exploration blighted by oversight before getting his prized midnight snack of yoghurt and doughnuts.

I had to throw another something with an "x" in there, as those don't like me. Threw in another mid-word "z" for the fun of it all, too.


Ok, maybe I'm over the top and out of hand, now.



Edited by kiavonne

Scribere est agere.

To write is to act.


Danitrio Fellowship

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Well in my everyday cursive handwriting I just write the printed form and connect what ever other letters proceed it. If it starts a word it's no problem. Other then that everything else is just blah.


It doesn't turn out pretty. All the other letter piece of cake. :bunny01: I love this bunny! ^.^



Fountain Pens and the lot rule!


Don't underestimate them!

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For my own part, I have trouble with multiple ascending letters in a row, or with a "b" in the word. Sometimes I lose track of what letter I'm on, or I get the right # of ascenders but the wrong letter. So, I end up with h's or b's that are missing their second half, or "health" ends up as "healh" and I have to scribble in the "t."


And the letter "v" in general, when I am in a hurry. I end up with a peak on the front, turning it into a "u."

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"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." — Rudyard Kipling

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  • 1 month later...

Oh, my! This sentence was so much fun!



"I am a galley slave to pen and ink." ~Honore de Balzac


Happy Pan Pacific Pen Club Member!
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I agree with whoever said "z" is a challenge when it's in the middle of a word. I just can't seem to write an attractive lower case "z."



Now that made me smile. (memories)


I had a major problem with z's as a child and that

was a problem because I had one in my last name,

almost smack dab in the middle.


My Dad was the one that taught me how to make one properly

and that was truly ironic because he was illiterate; the only thing

the man could write was his signature.


Sometime after retirement, I can't remember exactly when, he

decided to attend adult literacy classes. He's come very far.


I'm so proud of him.


It's wonderful to be able to make him a card (birthday, Father's Day) and know he

can finally read it.




I have issues with my m's and n's - they look like u's and w's to others, I guess.


I'll try one of the practice sentences in a bit and scan my poor attempt.


Edit to change to:


I'll try one of the practice sentences in a few days and scan it.

My original attempt was really poor - probably due to all of the

hours of raking I did yesterday - even I could barely read it. :embarrassed_smile:

Edited by Con

Current daily users: Pilot VP with Diamine Teal, Waterman Phileas M Cursive Italic with Arabian Rose, and a black Reform M CI with Copper Burst

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Again and again the Egyptian astrophysicist analyzed the multi-part transcription of telecommunications from the Galileo probe for the minimum of errors.

I tried to accommodate all the mentioned difficult words. I'm sure you'll be able to improve on it.


And why not post a scan or photo of your best effort with this sentence in your most fluid cursive?


Because right now my cursive writing sucks! I can see that for myself. But, I'll keep practicing. Good practice sentence above!

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