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Bleu Pervenche - J. Herbin


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J. Herbin was established in 1670.

M. Herbin was a sailor, and from his many journeys to India he brought back to Paris formulas for manufacturing sealing wax. His special lacquer formula improved the quality of the seals in adhesion and neatness, helping him to become famous throughout the kingdom.

J. Herbin is also the oldest name in ink production in the world.

By 1700, the company was producing “l’Encre de la Tete Noire,” followed by “Perle des Encres,” (The Jewel of Inks) and “l’Encre des Vaisseaux” (The Ink of Ships).

J. Herbin made ink for Louis XIV, and a black ink for the sole use of Victor Hugo, author of The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables. These formulas still reside in our company headquarters in Paris.

At the moment company belongs to Exaclair Inc, that has rights to brands like Clairefontaine, Rhodia, Brause or G. Lalo.

J. Herbin offers 30 standard colors:


  1. Ambre de Birmanie
  2. Bleu Azur
  3. Bleu Myosotis
  4. Bleu Nuit
  5. Bleu Pervenche
  6. Bouquet d'Antan
  7. Bouton d'Or
  8. Cacao du Bresil
  9. Cafe des Iles
  10. Diabolo Menthe
  11. Eclat de Saphir
  12. Gris Nuage
  13. Larmes de Cassis
  14. Lie de The
  15. Lierre Sauvage
  16. Orange Indien
  17. Perle Noire
  18. Poussiere de Lune
  19. Rose Cyclamen
  20. Rose Tendresse
  21. Rouge Bourgogne
  22. Rouge Caroubier
  23. Rouge Opera
  24. Rouille d'Ancre
  25. Terre de Feu
  26. Vert Empire
  27. Vert Olive
  28. Vert Pre
  29. Vert Reseda
  30. Violette Pensee

I received a sample of Bleu Pervenche from Michael R.. Thank you.

Normally I don't use such colors too often. Once in a while I'll fill one of my pens with something similar and write with it at work. Bleu Pervenche is rather nice. Using the bottle would take me years so I won't have one, but this ink has it all if you like blue turquoise / azure inks.

Ink Splash


Drops of ink on kitchen towel


Oxford Recycled 90 g, Kaweco Sport Classic, B






Franklin-Christoph notebook, Kaweco Sport Classic, B nib



Calendar, Kaweco Sport Classic, B nib



Edited by visvamitra
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I received a batch of Bleu Pervenche cartridges as a 'gift' from an online stationery retailer and I agree, it's a really nice, fairly vibrant turquoise. I wouldn't buy a bottle - I have Waterman South Seas Blue, which I like a little better - but I ll happily use up the cartridges!

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Thank you for the review! This is one of my favorite turquoise inks and as you say it "has it all" :)

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  • 1 year later...

Nice review - I ordered a few 15ml bottles of Herbin inks for a try out and this one was probably my favourite despite not being a big blue fan. Really nicely behaved ink too.

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Really nicely behaved ink too.


My experience was horrid show/bleed on copy and refusing to dry on good paper. A shame, as the color is really nice.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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My experience was horrid show/bleed on copy and refusing to dry on good paper. A shame, as the color is really nice.

Interesting - I found it was fine on even cheap notepads, however your description sums up my experiences with Lie de The and Vert Pre, Herbin inks that others have had no problems with. I wonder whether there are batch issues with Herbin inks?

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I tried 5 colors, the others didn't bleed nearly as bad as Pervenche but they all seemed to share the not drying problem. I ended up giving them all away. Cacao de Bresil was the best behaved and I might try it again in the future just because of the color.

It's hard work to tell which is Old Harry when everybody's got boots on.

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  • 1 year later...

I use Herbin with Rhodia.


In order to get the best results, I have a piece of paper below my writing hand to avoid oil from getting on the Rhodia's writing surface.


I also have a piece of blotting paper right there, I use it on top of the latest phrase, before I turn over the paper, to write on the other side.

Edited by Anne-Sophie

Is it fair for an intelligent and family oriented mammal to be separated from his/her family and spend his/her life starved in a concrete jail?

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  • 3 months later...

Very nice blue ink. Looks like Private Reserve Daphne Blue a lot.

Pens are like watches , once you start a collection, you can hardly go back. And pens like all fine luxury items do improve with time


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