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Presentation :


Hello everyone, i'm here since 1 month and i'm just starting my journey into the pen habit :)


It's like i'm more and more loving pens, inks etc searching the forums ,watching videos, it's very nice !



To begin with i purchased a dollar i717 unexpensive demonstrator pen, with a medium nib and i didn't like it, to be


honest i used it one week because to my taste M-nibs are simply too big, i didn't know and now i have :


A Charcoal Lamy Safari F-nib filled with Noodler's Qe3


+ Montblanc Meisterstruck Classic (family pen) with blue-black i guess, it's a 18k nib.


Here are pictures :






I want also to ask for choice advices :


For Christmas, I plan on getting a new pen, and also probably a new ink (maybe before).


About Pens :


I looked for a good but not too expensive vintage pen (40-60s), and i really like the "softness" of the montblanc nib, it is because of the gold ?

If yes, it would be better if i could find one with a similar feeling approach, on ebay because US sites are not possible because of shipping.


I saw this thread : https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/165644-recommendation-vintage-pen-for-beginner/


So maybe the Shaeffer Snorkel is good choice, because of the nib ? My second favorite (of this thread) choice would be the Parker 21 as it's very unexpensive with a good avaibility (but don't know the filling systems of both).

If you have classifieds, future offers or advices i'm in :)


About inks :


It would be more like in a few weeks (sooner!)


I'm currently with Noodler's Qe3 as i'm a leftie, it dries fast but my problem is feathering..

With a fine nib i don't like it a lot when just filled, there is a wonderful flow but it's like the nib become Medium-Fine (too wet at first, mid-used is perfect).


First were Diamines Majestic + Midnight, too wet = bad DT and feathering.

I tried R&K Salix, feathering & dry-time were excellent, with the fine nib no problems but i didn't like the color, and i want to stay away from iron-gall inks as about cleaning it's probably not a good choice even if it's cheap. I'm writing a lot as a student (highschool).


An ink :


  • Available on UK sites/Ebay or wathever except US sites
  • Fast Drying ( :wub: Salix)
  • With minimal feathering
  • Common blue/black, or black if only
  • Not too hard to clean

Let's see what you have to say/propose/advice to me ! :P

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Hello and Welcome to FPN!! Glad to have you as a member!!


Parker 45 would be my choice for a vintage starter pen for you!



        My Favorite Pen Restorer                                            


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Hello and Welcome to FPN!! Glad to have you as a member!!


Parker 45 would be my choice for a vintage starter pen for you!

Ok, thank you ! :)


(if you know any ink..)

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Hi Armand, and welcome to FPN


I agree with the Parker 45 advice, they are nice pens, and not very expensive.


Why websites in the UK? There are good online shops in Italy, Netherlands, Germany as well.


If trying a Parker, why not use their blue black for a while, you could use the cartridges in the pen? Or Waterman blue black with a converter, both are well behaved inks.

Or try Pelikan Edelstein Tanzanite which is a bit more expensive but a good dark blue black (Darker than Waterman or Parker)






Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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Hello and welcome. I'm glad you joined us. Please don't hesitate to share your questions and opinions. I hope you enjoy your time with us.



No matter how much you push the envelope, it will still be stationery. -Anon.

A backward poet writes inverse. -Anon.

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Hi Armand, and welcome to FPN


I agree with the Parker 45 advice, they are nice pens, and not very expensive.


Why websites in the UK? There are good online shops in Italy, Netherlands, Germany as well.


If trying a Parker, why not use their blue black for a while, you could use the cartridges in the pen? Or Waterman blue black with a converter, both are well behaved inks.

Or try Pelikan Edelstein Tanzanite which is a bit more expensive but a good dark blue black (Darker than Waterman or Parker)




I put a bid on ebay for a 45.


If i finally not have it, i will post a WTB here. It's the same cost as the lamy safari.


I said uk sites but i take and would likely discover new european sites !


Thank you for your ink advices, actually I'm wondering if these are really fast drying, it's my first important choice fact after feathering.

I would pick a converter, witch one should i take ? (if you have links..)


I saw that the pelikan 4001 were quite good, the other important fact is also reliability.


So I'm searching for bottled inks,

I'm open to eldesteins, pelikans etc


In fact when i was not interested by FP, i used cheap supermarket watermans with Serenity blue, aka a well-known ink, very reliable maybe like the blue-black one !


Thank you, it's really appreciated :)

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Bienvenue sur FPN ! :W2FPN:

Au cas où tu l'ignorerais, il existe un forum francophone.



Et pour les encres la blau permanent de R&K n'est pas mal non plus.

Maintenant, le choix est extrêmement vaste... :)



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The WTB will have to wait until you made a "contribution" to the community by posting at least 30 relevant posts (not in Chatter) . (AND be a member for more than 30 days, but you already fulfilled that requirement...)





Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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Bonjour Armand et bienvenue!


If you like the spring of a gold nib, in vintage you can go for the Parker 45, but Parker Slimfold or the British Duofolds I have found have lovely nibs and generally a reliable filling system. They are quite common in France too as Parker had a French factory for a while.

Too many pens, too little time!


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Bienvenue sur FPN ! :W2FPN:

Au cas où tu l'ignorerais, il existe un forum francophone.



Et pour les encres la blau permanent de R&K n'est pas mal non plus.

Maintenant, le choix est extrêmement vaste... :)

Ok, merci !


Niveau encres, la blau permanent n'est pas ce qui m'arrange le plus, j'en préfèrerai une effaçable.

Chez R&K je trouve la Verdigris pas mal, après à voir si elle sèche vite etc

La Quink BB pourrai être intéréssante.. que de choix !


Je cherche avant tout une encre qui sèche vite, relativement polyvalente (feathering), et effaçable ;)

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The WTB will have to wait until you made a "contribution" to the community by posting at least 30 relevant posts (not in Chatter) . (AND be a member for more than 30 days, but you already fulfilled that requirement...)






Hi! Welcome to FPN. :W2FPN:
I'm really glad you've joined us.
Kind regards,



Thank you both ! :)

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Bonjour Armand et bienvenue!


If you like the spring of a gold nib, in vintage you can go for the Parker 45, but Parker Slimfold or the British Duofolds I have found have lovely nibs and generally a reliable filling system. They are quite common in France too as Parker had a French factory for a while.


I finally purchased a 45 (70s) with a gold nib, i don't know the K but i think it will be good :)


About the filling system, what converter should i purchase for the pen ? I don't know if there are specific parker models etc


Here is the one I buyed : http://www.ebay.fr/itm/FOUNTAIN-PEN-ESTILOGRAFICA-PARKER-MOD-45-LUXE-AZUL-USA-ANOS-70-/261649367585?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_186&hash=item3ceb848221


Btw i forgot to say that about inks that i would like by preference erasable ones, so if you can recommend anyone..

(R&K Verdigris is erasable?)

Edited by Armand.D
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Parker 45 would be a good choice. You also take a look at some of the Parker 51s.

Since you like the softness of Montblanc pens and are in Europe, check out some vintage Pelikans as well!

Edited by freewheelingvagabond
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So, Pens :



Ink Choices :


  • Parker Quink / Pelikan 4001 / Sheaffer Skrip BB --> erasables ?
  • (Potential R&K)

The Case :


  • 1 pen size
  • Handmade
  • Any European site, Ebay, Others
  • Leather (Brown / Black)
  • ~25€

I think that Quink is erasable, what about other ones ? I prefer the color of them (Pelikan, Sheaffer).

If there is a specific converter to choose, I'm liscening.

Now it's also time for the case,


Thank you ! ;)

Edited by Armand.D
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The converter will work, but try to get an older squeeze-converter (2nd hand or NOS)


For a pen pouch? I don't know if it's handmade (my French is not good enough), but try Amazon. Example:








Freedom exists by virtue of self limitation.





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La verdigris n'est pas effaçable.

L'Aurora blue est assez jolie et est effaçable. Mais en encre effaçable, le choix est un peu limité, malheureusement.

En espérant que tu trouves ton bonheur.



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