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My New Chest For My Pens


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Beautiful! Looking forward to seeing more pictures once you finish lining it and such.


My simple cigar box storage systems are jealous. ;)


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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That is stunning! Well done for hanging on to find the perfect box, I'm so glad you found it :D

UK-based pen fan. I love beautiful ink bottles, sealing wax, scented inks, and sending mail art. Also, thanks to a wonderful custom-ground nib by forum member Bardiir, I'm currently attempting calligraphy after years of not being able to do so due to having an odd pen-grip :D

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This is so very beautiful! I'm so happy for you! Is it inlaid and/or painted? It is just lovely!!!

You must take a photo of it when you've finished making it yours and it's filled with your pens!

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The top is inlaid and painted.


The front, back and sides are painted


>I had the trays sent, already, and I will make photos of the final result, promise.

Edited by fountainpagan



SUPORTER OF http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/100x75q90/631/uh2SgO.jpg


My avatar is a painting by the imense surrealist painter Remedios Varo

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Thank you Angela, scootz and Polishistor.


So??? I have finished it :) :D :D :) :)


Here are the photos, as promised (forgive me for the bad quality of them ) ;)






Edited by fountainpagan



SUPORTER OF http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/100x75q90/631/uh2SgO.jpg


My avatar is a painting by the imense surrealist painter Remedios Varo

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Beautiful finish!

"You can't wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club."

- Jack London


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As much as I love fiddling around with the cigar boxes I've found (many of which are quite beautiful in their own right), you've now got me on the lookout for something beyond that -- some unique little cabinet or chest that I can adapt as a home for my favoritest* pens. Bravo! ;)





*: I'm a writer, I have a license to make up and use words like this.


Scribe, Master of Mystic Lore, Young Curmudgeon

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I am very happy you like it as much as I do.


I can not get tired of looking over and over.


The bottom drawer has an empty tray under the filled one, which is ready to receive other pens, and the top of the chest too. That makes me 30 empty places. New pens to look for... :lol:


In total I can store 74 pens. Since I have decided to sell some of mine, I have all I need to store the rest :)



SUPORTER OF http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/100x75q90/631/uh2SgO.jpg


My avatar is a painting by the imense surrealist painter Remedios Varo

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Maria, that was fast work! Absolutely brilliantly lovely! Yes, you need more pens!!!


What are those sweet silver birds?

Edited by betweenthelens
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Thank you, Laura :)


They are Art Nouveau knife rests I found on a garage sale. I thought they would be great to separate the fountain pens from the dip nib pens (and add a little decorative effect, also ;) ).



SUPORTER OF http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/100x75q90/631/uh2SgO.jpg


My avatar is a painting by the imense surrealist painter Remedios Varo

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Thank you Kosmik-kowgirl and Scootz.


It is really nice when someone, other than ourselves, likes what we have chosen, or done, isn't it? It adds something more to it.



SUPORTER OF http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/100x75q90/631/uh2SgO.jpg


My avatar is a painting by the imense surrealist painter Remedios Varo

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