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Blueberry Ink


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I finally got around to trying the cooked-down blueberry ink, which turned out way better than just trying to juice it without cooking. Many thanks to the Druid's Garden blog for the instructions. Be sure to check it out. Here are some writing samples alongside my uncooked pokeberry juice ink. Over time, we'll see how it ages in the bottle and on the page...


The blueberry ink goes down pink but then oxidizes to blue as it dries. I didn't use any gum arabic. It oxidizes a lot slower on 100% cotton paper than on sugarcane paper. It's also rather slow to dry.


Sample written with a Coit dip pen:



Sample written with MusinkMan's oblique flex dip pen:



Samples written with a glass pen:


Edited by fiberdrunk

Find my homemade ink recipes on my Flickr page here.


"I don't wait for inspiration; inspiration waits for me." --Akiane Kramarik

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That's AWESOME!!!!... Now I feel like I need to get me some blueberries and pokeberries.. YUM!!!


This was a fun ink, and it's super easy. Anyone can be an inkmaker with this one!

Edited by fiberdrunk

Find my homemade ink recipes on my Flickr page here.


"I don't wait for inspiration; inspiration waits for me." --Akiane Kramarik

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I'm curious if this ink oxidizes either on the paper or in the pen after a while. Could you please do a follow-up post to satisfy the Chemistry teacher in me?

Proud resident of the least visited state in the nation!

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I'm curious if this ink oxidizes either on the paper or in the pen after a while. Could you please do a follow-up post to satisfy the Chemistry teacher in me?


Well, I didn't put this stuff in a fountain pen. It's got vinegar, so it might be too acidic. I can tell you that on 100% cotton paper that my samples from yesterday still have not turned blue. It's gone from a pink to a light purple so far. On sugarcane paper it turned blue as it dried, within several seconds. I'll let you know how much the color continues to shift on both papers.

Edited by fiberdrunk

Find my homemade ink recipes on my Flickr page here.


"I don't wait for inspiration; inspiration waits for me." --Akiane Kramarik

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  • 5 years later...

I'm curious if this ink oxidizes either on the paper or in the pen after a while. Could you please do a follow-up post to satisfy the Chemistry teacher in me?


I don't know how I missed this. Sorry for the very long delay. I went through my ink sample files and scanned in this old blueberry ink sample. There has been quite a bit of fading but I was surprised at how well it actually held up for 6 years! The sample has been kept in the pages of my ink journal (acid-free pages) in a cool room.


It's been a long time since I've posted on FPN and I can't seem to get the Flickr photo to appear here (I keep getting the error message "Image Extension is not allowed"), and I couldn't get it to work in the FPN Upload tab either, even though the file was less than 1 MB and in the proper jpeg format. It wouldn't even let me include the link here. So I'll just refer you to my Flickr ink photo album and hope you can scroll through and find it..

But just to say what happened, without the photo here, there was quite a bit of fading, but I was surprised by how much was retained after 6 years, especially for a berry ink.

Edited by fiberdrunk

Find my homemade ink recipes on my Flickr page here.


"I don't wait for inspiration; inspiration waits for me." --Akiane Kramarik

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6 years later...



Edited by fiberdrunk

Find my homemade ink recipes on my Flickr page here.


"I don't wait for inspiration; inspiration waits for me." --Akiane Kramarik

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Yay, got it to work! Sheesh!

Find my homemade ink recipes on my Flickr page here.


"I don't wait for inspiration; inspiration waits for me." --Akiane Kramarik

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