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Dex By Kingsley: Blue


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A new brand to me is Dex by Kingsley which I found on The Pen Shop web site here in the UK; link: http://www.penshop.co.uk/products/dex/


I got their fountain pen and rollerball, both of which uses standard international cartridges and each came with one own brand blue cartridge included which is what I review informally here.


This is a useful journeyman ink. It is not going to win any design prizes for the colour, but on the other hand it will be an inoffensive choice for most work. Bang in the middle of standard blues, though note that the colour is variable depending on the wetness of the pen, as you can see from the rollerball. (I do want to try this one out in a wet italic writer, but mine are all inked up now.)


The ink is available in blue and black. As far as I can tell only in cartridges and, at the moment, only from The Pen Shop. Currently on offer which works out at £0.2000 per cartridge compared with, say, £0.3333 for the Pelikan 4001 blue cartridges and £0.3750 for the Waterman (both on offer) from the same shop.


This is a fine ink for students and for the office, and anywhere you want a standard blue to focus on the content instead of the ink.




I was a bit too pessimistic about the shading: just as I wrote the word 'Shading' it started to shade:





And if you want to see the clear demonstrator (! :lol: ) pens in all their glory, here they are:




Hope this is useful.


I am no longer very active on FPN but feel free to message me. Or send me a postal letter!

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Great review, will have to check this brand out via the website. Thanks.



''You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes''. A A Milne

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  • 3 years later...

Thanks for the review!

I'll be in Edinburgh late May for a day and I want to look for something fountain pen related (besides a bottle of Scrip green) and this seems like a good thing to get.

ETA: I meant the pen, not the ink.

Edited by dragorsi

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