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Ishida Bungu Kjellmaniella


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Main page of Ishida Bungu inks

Kjellmaniella in particular



I got mine from cool-japan on ebay. It is $40 USD from him. I have also purchased some from White Rabbit Express, and yes they are cheaper, but only under certain conditions.


The way WRE works is that they charge you a fee for every location you purchase things from, a flat fee of $16 USD. If you buy just one ink, then it is actually cheaper to buy from cool-japan. If you buy two inks, it is the same price. Three inks, and it is a few dollars cheaper, maybe $3 or $4. But if you buy four or more bottles from the same store, then it is cheaper to go with White Rabbit. However, this is not true if you are buying one bottle of Bung Box and one bottle of Ishida Bungu, because then WRE will charge you $32 instead of $16.


For any Maruzen/Athena inks, I am encouraging people to go with Atsu, because when all other vendors could not get information on what inks were available, Atsu went to the store in person and took pictures and then made me a pdf collage, so I could choose which colours I wanted. The only reason I knew what inks to choose was because of him, so I bought all my Athena ink from him. :)




I love this ink. It is super interesting, in the shift, chameleon way that Rikyu-cha is interesting. :D It's this strange combination of green and brown that keeps me guessing.







I know that this isn't exactly like Rikyu-cha, but it's the cloest approximation I've seen, both in terms of colour AND feel.





It looks great on all papers ...









... and the shading is amazing!







I love the colour, and its shifting nature.




This is not an ink I regret buying, even for $40!





Many more pictures here.

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this is delicious! thank you for the review :) after falling in love with some kingdom note inks I definitely want to try out some of these other Sailor-made inks!

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I want to know where to get some of this, too. I LOVED the Hakkodate twilight review, but couldn't find it to save my life. Do I have to search ebay in Japanese to find it?

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I definitely need this one. I think, though, that its official name might be Gagome, going by the Ishida Bungu site. And that Gagome is just their word for kjellmaniella, or brown algae. It's sorta like how Tsuki-Yo technically means "moonlight," but we just call it Tsuki-Yo. :)

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Can you post up a comparison between this and Stipula Muchiato please? I've seen it in person and I'm still undecided. I love both. But I think the shading on this is more pleasing than the Muchiatio. Although at $30 a bottle I'd rather get the Stipula.

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I'm in love! Those complex, murky inks are too enticing. I missed getting Rikyu-cha, so it's encouraging that this might be a good substitute.



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Love you finding all these "sailor treasures" which has become one of my favorite brands, no matter the custom version they distribute through these various retail stores. Atsu (Cool Japan) is completely reliable and gives excellent service if you want the simple way to get these.


Saskia, this ink is also splendid. I have viewed all of your other reviews, but sorry I have not made the time to praise your work. I very much appreciate it! :wub: :wub: :wub:

With the new FPN rules, now I REALLY don't know what to put in my signature.

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To my eyes this is the perfect brown ink, The shading is great. I just wish someone like Diamine could match it, due to price.

"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense? Where is the difference between having our arms in possession and under our direction, and having them under the management of Congress? If our defense be the real object of having those arms, in whose hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?" Patrick Henry

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  • 2 weeks later...

i like brown inks. this one has a very interesting shade. i swear this looks very similar to one of my several Sailor limited edition inks i got from few years back, called by the same name, Rikyu-cha. though mine has more of an olive green tinge to the color.


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Here's a comparison between the two - https://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php/topic/259565-rikyu-cha-vs-kjellmaniella/


I thinking adding one drop of Sailor Epinard into the Kjellmaniella would make it closer to Rikyu-cha.

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The Murkies are here!

The Murkies are here!!


A shufti at the discontinued Sailor rikyu-cha from a Somiko + B nib on Rhodia:







Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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