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You Can Only Have O N E


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I don't recall This topic in THIS sub forum before now. ;)


You can only use ONE ink on your deserted island but you can use All of That you want.



2 part question.



1) What is that ink?


2) On a 1-10 scale, with 1 being "Hoohum, I only use one ink now." and 10 being "Get the jacket, leg restraints and Thorazine.", how badly would having only 1 ink affect you?


For ME, DC Supershow Blue and about a 4. (DCSSB is probably 90% of my ink used.)


Bruce in Ocala, Fl





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J.Hebin Bleu Nuit. It's always nice to have a few different inks however I have a far greater interest in pens rather then inks so it wouldn't be to greater blow. On a scale of one to 10 I'd say three.

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Sheaffer's Skrip blue black. About 95% of ink used.


I wouldn't be bothered at all if all other inks ceased to exist. This ink is my life long favorite.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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Yeah, yeah, make me choose.




1) Heart of Darkness


2) 6


Luckily, I don't have to choose. I do have HoD inked in a pen, but I also have a brown and a blue.

Scribere est agere.

To write is to act.


Danitrio Fellowship

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I could live with one pen.


One ink? Forever? Not changing even once a semester or a year?




I have $20 that says you will regret this decision on your deserted island, with your pen, and paper, and NO ink...


Bruce in Ocala, Fl

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MB Royal Blue or MB IG Blue-Black. More exactly about 40 to 60%. Otherwise I would miss a few dozen others.

Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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Pelikan Edelstein Topaz, because every day would be a day at the beach.


The hue is mood enhancing, and the writing experience very enjoyable, so that would keep me amused.


PET has enough water water resistance that messages in bottles are likely to survive until intercepted. Those messages wouldn't be the droll SOS sort of thing, but invitations to a luau with hula dancing - I'd have plenty of time to practice both cookery & dancing until guests arrive. Definitely BYOB (bring your own boat).




Edited by Sandy1

The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire.


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(1) Aurora Black.

(2) Let's say 3. Life would be less fun that way, and I'd have to use ballpoints for some things (when I need to color code), but I'd live. Actually, the more I think about this, the more upsetting the prospect becomes. I'd need at least three pens (Pelikans, please: M200, M215, and Toledo M700) and two inks (a black or black/blue ink, preferably Aurora Black, and either a burgundy or a green ink, preferably Diamine Syrah, for color coding) to be okay. Life would be less fun if my other pens and inks disappeared, but I could still continue doing all that I do with fountain pens now. If I had to settle for less than three pens and two inks, I'd have to use ballpoints for some purposes! :yikes: Having only two inks would be either a 2 or a 3 on my pain scale. If I had to settle for just one, it would go up to something like 6.

Edited by Lady P
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That one ink would be ....... hard to choose!


Because I am usually writing with about four different pens on any given day and each has a diifferent ink.


But if Spock was teleporting me from my office to the beach and I was just able to reach blindly into that box full of inks on my desk it would probably be one of these:


Diamine Asa Blue

Diamine Chocolate Brown

Diamine Delamere Green

Sailor Jentle Epinard

J Herbin Pearle Noir


Because it is one of those which wiould most likely end up in my hand in a blind grab.


But my stress level might be one Thorazine every couple days (what is that, about a 5 on the scale?) because just last night I sent an order off to Goulet which included about nine new samples.

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(1) Pelikan 4001 Royal Blue


(2) I'd say about a 4

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You can only use ONE ink on your deserted island but you can use All of That you want.





What kind of paper is on this island?

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Aurora Black

3, even though I currently use dozens of colors today. Aurora Black is just that good.



Don't feel bad. I'm old; I'm meh about most things.

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Do I have a water-resistant cabinet for my papers? Because if not, I have to find a water-resistant ink; probably Noodler's Air Corp Blue-Black.


If I have some protection from storms, life gets harder. I'd probably end up with Diamine Graphite. I'd miss other inks (probably 8 fading toward 3 as time goes on). Runners up were Sargasso Sea and Oxblood, rejected on the basis that they'd be less fun to sketch with.


On the other hand, if you use Kung Te-Cheng, I'm pretty sure you could use it as a fish poison, fabric dye, tattoo ink, shark repellant, and pretty much anything else you wanted, so that might be the right choice.


Ooh, what about one of those mixtures that separates out over time? If you pick Lexington Gray combined with Diamine Red Dragon, then you have three inks: a maroon from the mix, and then the gray and red that you can pour off when they separate again.

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1. Akkermen's No 10.

(You could rub it on your wrists too. I'm sure the smell would keep the mosquitos away)


2. "9" for being driven mad. Variety is the spice of life and all that . . .

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Assuming I get choice of pen as well, Noodler's Black. (I'm so boring.) If I don't get choice of pen, I go with Diamine Prussian Blue.


And 6. I would miss other color options, but I could deal.

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