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Montblanc 149 Uneven Flow


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I'm moving my question out of another topic (Francis (fountainbel) came with new MB spindles materials, check it out!), with my story HERE


So the pen is now fully assembled and inked with MB Irish Green.

It is a smooth writer, the nib is great. However, it has an uneven flow: the line varies from wet to dry in the same word with no change in pressure and writing angle.

Did someone encountered similar problem? What it may be caused with? Thank you!

I understand this problem is not rare:

I have this problem. I haven't the foggiest as to the cause or the solution.

Any suggestions?




Also, there was a good suggestion:



Was it an even writer, before disassembly? Could you have accidentally got some silicone grease on/in the feed during assembly?




Well, yes. Sort of. After I attempted to flush the pen the first time without disassembling, the pen was still writing because there were piles of dried ink inside. And yes, it wrote good then with watery Royal Blue.


So indeed it may be silicone on the feed. How can I get rid of it?



Also, there may be other suggestion on alternative diagnosis and solutions.


Thank you all!


Edited by vates


Gottes Mühlen mahlen langsam, mahlen aber trefflich fein

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Silicone grease can be rinsed out using warm to hot water. I'd recommend getting a nice, very warm flow out of the tap, placing the nib in the flow with the feed facing upwards, and filling the pen just enough to get water up through the feed and barely into the barrel, then push it out. Repeat this like a dozen times or so, slowly and carefully. The reason you don't want to fill the whole pen up with warm water is because it will start removing the silicone lubricant from the inside of barrel, which you don't want. I did this with my 149 to clean its feed and it worked a charm.

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Thank you very much!



I already disassembled the nib unit and cleaned the feed completely. t is as clean as it can be now.


However, now I'm struggling to get the nib+feed back into the collar.

It's not that easy than with my other pens with friction-fit units. The collar is too tight.


Any suggestions?


Gottes Mühlen mahlen langsam, mahlen aber trefflich fein

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