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The Stories Behind Particular Noodler's Inks?


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At some point, I read the story of Noodler's 54th Massachusetts on a document that they sent me and loved it. I also read the story of the Konrad that I bought. That's a really nice touch.


Recently, I've bought bottles of both Air-Corps Blue Black and Zhivago from Goulet, and neither of them came with those great stories. Did I just luck out? Does anyone know if the stories behind the ink names/dedications are available?


It's a silly thing, but I think of that every time I use the 54th, and it feels really nice.

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I like Zhivago the ink a lot and have also wondered why it has that name. Something to do with the Pasternak book and/or the David Lean movie?

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Not by any means all of the inks, but Nathan has several blog posts with the stories behind some of his inks at noodlersink.com

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There are plenty of interesting stories in there. I know the fairly obvious backgrounds of Antietam and #41 Brown, but I don't know about ACBB or Zhivago.

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I love this topic! I vaguley recall hearing that the color of Noodler's Zhivago is a reference to the dark olive green uniform Dr. Yury Zhivago wore while serving in the military in Paternak's novel Doctor Zhivago. I don't know whose Coat of Arms, assuming it is one, is on the bottle, and I couldn't find much information after a quick search on the web. Perhaps someone else can chime in here as I'd love to know more about the design on the label. Noodler's Zhivago is my all-time favorite ink. I'm usually topping off a few pens a week with that lovely shade of green.


Nathan's a very interesting character always incorporating a message in his wares. I hope others cough up some more information on the stories behind the colors, labels, and names of other Noodler's inks!

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The Coat of Arms on the bottle of Noodler's Zhivago...


is the Greater Version of the Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire:


Edited by dcroe05

"The Great Roe is a mythological beast with the head of a lion and the body of a lion, but not the same lion."

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Dark Matter has a cool story behind it!

Which is....?

"The Great Roe is a mythological beast with the head of a lion and the body of a lion, but not the same lion."

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KTC - from the bottle:


The ink used by the Emperor of China during the age whereby Confucius was most recognized for his greatness intrigued the ink maker of Noodler’s Ink. The quotes: ‘The weakest ink is mightier than the strongest memory.’ and ‘The four precious necessities - pen, ink, paper, and ink stone’ were also fascinating as they are attributed to Confucius.

What ink remnants and/or colors were on the ink stones of the Emperors of China? The preference was for a blue purple - a prime based purple as opposed to the more western violet/magenta and red/blue non-prime mixtures. The information has been limited and all the more so due to the distance of time and the difficulty in getting museums and collectors to cooperate in this quest. As a manner of extending gratitude and thanks for the assistance Noodler’s Ink has received, the ink is named in honor of the 77th lineal descendent of Confucius, Mr. Kung Te-cheng.

Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

Create a Ghostly Avatar and I'll send you a letter. Check out some Ink comparisons: The Great PPS Comparison 

Don't know where to start?  Look at the Inky Topics O'day.  Then, see inks sorted by color: Blue Purple Brown Red Green Dark Green Orange Black Pinks Yellows Blue-Blacks Grey/Gray UVInks Turquoise/Teal MURKY







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