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Iroshizuku Kosumosu


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I like the color, reminds me of flowers. Thanks for the review.

"One Ink-drop on a solitary thought hath moved the minds of millions" - P R Spencer

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I like the color, reminds me of flowers. Thanks for the review.


No problem! It does have a very floral aspect to it. I was using it this morning as it was dark and rainy, and definitely felt a bit of spring flowing across the page.

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This really is a wonderful color. I'm only on the first fill, but the ink is definitely a keeper. Thanks for your review!

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In your scan it seems to lean more red/magenta (reminds me of Noodler's Shah's Rose quite a bit). Unfortunately, for me, the sample I had leaned more towards what I can best describe as watermelon pink, and had none of the lovely pink to orange shading I had seen in another review.

At the price, I think I'll stick to Shah's Rose. Kosumosu is still on my wish list, but I doubt I'd buy a full bottle of it myself. Quite disappointing, really.

Glad you like it -- I only wish I could.

:hmm1: Maybe I should stick some of the remaining sample in my firehose Parker Vector, to give it another chance. That pen is empty at the moment.... Or maybe I should start thinking about getting one or two broader nib pens; wonder what it would do in the Guanleming calligraphy pen, with its swoopy nib.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Eh, (bleep), now I want this. Looks lovely on screen, guess I'll grab a sample next time I'm grabbing samples! Thanks for the review!


ETA: Interesting what gets (bleeped) here! Whoopsie-do.

Edited by brh
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Ruth, try it in the fude nib.


Is that what that nib is called? Just did. I'm still not getting the pink to orange color shift, but I'm definitely rethinking my opinion of the color otherwise.

An additional thing I just noticed: in daylight the color is not nearly as watermelon-y! It's more of a pure pink. And not just in that pen -- I also noticed it in the original review I did in my ink journal (the test pen for the ink was a Noodler's Flex Piston). Sounds like one to add to the thread I read the other day about inks that look radically different depending on the ambient light....

Thanks for making me take another look at Kosumosu! :thumbup: Although, it's still a *really* expensive ink....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Ruth, try it in the fude nib.


Is that what that nib is called? Just did. I'm still not getting the pink to orange color shift, but I'm definitely rethinking my opinion of the color otherwise.

An additional thing I just noticed: in daylight the color is not nearly as watermelon-y! It's more of a pure pink. And not just in that pen -- I also noticed it in the original review I did in my ink journal (the test pen for the ink was a Noodler's Flex Piston). Sounds like one to add to the thread I read the other day about inks that look radically different depending on the ambient light....

Thanks for making me take another look at Kosumosu! :thumbup: Although, it's still a *really* expensive ink....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth


Good to know about the difference between daylight and artificial light. As I am using this for markup mainly, I don't really get to see it in anything other than the lighting in the lab, or the led lights in my living room.


Maybe I should get outside more... :hmm1:

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This really is a wonderful color. I'm only on the first fill, but the ink is definitely a keeper. Thanks for your review!



Eh, (bleep), now I want this. Looks lovely on screen, guess I'll grab a sample next time I'm grabbing samples! Thanks for the review!


ETA: Interesting what gets (bleeped) here! Whoopsie-do.


No Problem!

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I don't normally like pink, but in one of my big nibs, this ink is awesome. And it's so well behaved and floaty that I keep loading it. I can't imagine it in anything smaller than a B as it seems it thins out with a skimpy nib.

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I don't normally like pink, but in one of my big nibs, this ink is awesome. And it's so well behaved and floaty that I keep loading it. I can't imagine it in anything smaller than a B as it seems it thins out with a skimpy nib.


I haven't tried it in a broad nib yet (I just got my first one a week and a half ago), but I have to say that I really like it in both of my Edisons, the round nib I used for the review and the .6mm stub italic that I have on a Pearl. I think a broad is too big to edit with, and I've gotten good results with the mediums so far. It doesn't seem to thin out, and in fact, the fact that there is less shading seems to play in my favor in that a larger percent of each nib stroke is darker. Maybe it's just the way that I write, who knows.


It is a seriously well behaved ink though. I played with a sample of Diamine Hope Pink that went out in the Ink Drop back in February for a little while. I liked the color well enough, despite the fact that it is so saturated that there is little to no hope of shading, but it was a bear to clean out of the pen. Even after three flushes (with water, water + ammonia, and water + J.B.'s Pen Flush) there was still a little bit of the ink stuck in the feed and converter! After that I swore off pinks and reds before trying this.

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I'm in love with this whole brand. They're so well behaved that I cheerfully pay the cost so I can enjoy light colored pens without worry, not to mention the feel of the nib on the page. :cloud9:

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  • 11 months later...

This is probably my favorite pink and it goes perfectly with my beautiful pink Montegrappa Micra with the custom Pendle-tuned 6mm cursive italics nib. Love this ink!

She who laughs, lasts 61106869_10219479460406206_6753598647167

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Looks like the J.Herbin Rose Cyclamen color to me.

“Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today, because if you do it today and like it, you can do again tomorrow!”

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