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Little Boxes


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I have been toying with this for a little while and I was wondering if any one else had made something similar.



IMG_1706 by my0771, on Flickr


this is two pieces of oak with a channel cut into both pieces to hold one pen I used a chisel and a dremel to cut the channel.


IMG_1698 by my0771, on Flickr



IMG_1705 by my0771, on Flickr



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Hi Michael, that looks like a durable pen case. I haven't made any solid pen cases, but I can admire your work. I wonder if you can use hidden hinges. What kind of closure are you going to use?


So much ink, so little said...

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Hi Mike

Hidden hinges there's an idea do you have any pictures.

This was my second attempt the first had two brass pins that the top Sat on.

To be honest I had not considered a closure as the lid is quite heavy it was intended to sit on a desk.

Do you have any suggestions as to which catch to use.

I had thought of using a router to cut the slots for the pens but there is something I like about the hand cut slots.

I applied a little French polish last night will add photos later.

Thanks for looking


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I have added a little finish to this project.

If anyone is interested it is shelac based french polish (6 coats)



IMG_1724 by my0771, on Flickr



IMG_1730 by my0771, on Flickr



For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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I am sorry to say that joining the two halves together was a catastrophe.

The hinges bent and twisted the pins supplied with the hinges were too soft.

I have ordered some hidden hinges suggested by inkyfingers.

I am learning as I go so if you have any suggestions please let me know.


For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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That is absolutely beautiful, Michael! I like the fact that you created the grooves by hand, rather than with a router :thumbup:

http://i1027.photobucket.com/albums/y331/fuchsiaprincess/Fuchsiaprincess_0001.jpg http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/036/2/2/Narnia_Flag_by_Narnia14.gif

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Looks like a nice piece or work. Congratulations. Just wish you had chosen a different title to the thread. Can't get that song out of my head........little boxes on the hillside and they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same. 1962 - wow - that's 50 years ago.

Edited by inkypete
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This is very nice. I always admire peoples ability to turn plain slabs of wood into beautiful objects.

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Thank you all for the kind words to be honest it is really good therapy for me to make these.

I think this box is too tall and the hinges clearly did not work very well.

I have some nice oak which will hold two or three pens I was thinking it would be nice as a tray without a lid or a box with the lid.

if you have any ideas please let me know.

Thanks again


For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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The hidden hinges have arrived they requie a hole 9 mm deep and therefore will not work on this box.

I have started a multi pen box to make use of these hinges.

I have removed the old hinges and started to prepare the inside for finishing.

Does anyone know if the butt hinges could be attached to the back of the box and still work.

Or have another solution to this problem



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The hinges work fine on the back of the box which is just as well as it already has a new home.



IMG_1751 by my0771, on Flickr



IMG_1742 by my0771, on Flickr

I am going to add a little more finish to this project and it is done.

I have some barrel hinges to try on the next box which is larger and may hold two or three pens I have already started this once but it has disapeared it is possible one of the dogs has done off with it.


IMG_1754 by my0771, on Flickr

Thanks for looking


For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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I met with my friend the poet today and gave him the single pen box with a Parker 45 flighter inside.

He was over the moon I have to say it was a real pleasure to see his reaction.


I have started shaping the multiple pen box which is 7 cm or almost 23/4 inches.

My question is how many pen slots two or maybe three.



IMG_1802 by my0771, on Flickr

My wife got me some help in the form of a mini shaping tool from proxxon with one or two attachments. beats a hand file by a long way


I know have two of these as my first effort has been rescued from its 4 legged friends without teeth marks :roflmho:


IMG_1804 by my0771, on Flickr




For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I had some small pieces of oak and walnut left over from another project and needed a box for my new Parker Victory that I acquired at the pen show on Sunday.

Trying a different style today 4 strips of oak mitred and sutck to the larger pieces of walnut like this



IMG_1889 by my0771, on Flickr


Thanks for looking


For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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I dont know if anyone has noticed but there is no opening in this box.



IMG_1900 by my0771, on Flickr



IMG_1898 by my0771, on Flickr


The next step is to cut the box into two pieces top and bottom.



For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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Looks like a nice piece or work. Congratulations. Just wish you had chosen a different title to the thread. Can't get that song out of my head........little boxes on the hillside and they're all made out of ticky tacky and they all look just the same. 1962 - wow - that's 50 years ago.


Oh no! I've just been earwormed! :headsmack: And I was just thinking of that song over the weekend, driving around -- how's that for serendipity....

Funny, I didn't think of the song from the thread title at all. I was thinking about some wooden boxes I saw at Jo-Ann Fabrics yesterday and how they might make nice pen boxes.... They looked as if you could probably put 6-8 pens in them once you sanded them down well, then made dividers and covered them and the rest of the interior with some nice fabric (velvet would be very classy, I think. Or these fabric-covered jewelry boxes at Pier 1.

I've always been a sucker for small boxes and containers.... :rolleyes:

Nice job -- I had to use a dremel once for a project and they're not easy to work with.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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It is just not my day today



IMG_1909 by my0771, on Flickr


Can you spot the mistake


:bonk: :crybaby: :crybaby:


Tomorrow is another day


hope it helps someone smile


Well, obviously, you need to buy a shorter pen that fits in the box! Or two! (Yeah, I'm such an enabler.... :thumbup: )

Cheer up -- it's still a lot better than what some people could do -- me included.

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Thanks for the support Ruth.

I left this box on my desl for a day or so and then thought it needs to be finished.

So here we go



IMG_1923 by my0771, on Flickr


As I dont have a band or table saw I had to cut the box by hand it was very hard to do as the box is quite small.

I have some rare earth magnets which have been fitted into the edge of the box these edges were then veneered with walnut.



IMG_1915 by my0771, on Flickr


In this picture you can see a spare magnet sitting on top of the fitted one which is now hidden by the veneer.

The interior is a piece of leather with a piece of dowel glued to each side which will be glued in place when the finish has been applied.



IMG_1920 by my0771, on Flickr.


I need to find a set of hinges for this box sand it and apply a finish and it is done.


Oh and then find a pen that is 12.5 cm (5 in)long to put in it :roflmho:


The two pen box is comming along as well.

Thanks for looking


For more details on my current projects please visit my blog.




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It is just not my day today



IMG_1909 by my0771, on Flickr


Can you spot the mistake


:bonk: :crybaby: :crybaby:


Tomorrow is another day


hope it helps someone smile

This reminds me of an incident when I was 11 years old, my carpentry master shouted while belabouring me with a yard stick "MEASURE TWICE - CUT ONCE".

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