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Pelikan 140 Micro-leak


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I have a Pelikan 140 that has recently taken to staining my fingers, thusly:




It's hard to see where the ink is coming from, but I'm wondering if there might be some kind of micro-crack between the threads and the ink window.


Does anyone have thoughts on a way to fix this that doesn't involve wrapping the pen in duct tape?

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Looks like a recurrent leak in Montblanc 146 and 149. The solution in those is to change a plastic seal that is in the body of the pen. Perhaps is the same in your Pelikan.



However, there are very crude remedies (that some people would consider them "heresy") for those leaks: Nail varnish, liquid polyurethane, cyanoacrylate, etc. In an act of despair, I repaired a broken Montblanc 146 this way, because everyone wanted to change the complete body of the pen, but I didn't want: that pen was a gift from my father.


Please forgive my "engrish", I'm a little rusted. Greetings to everyone.


BTW, your avatar brings me good memories.

Edited by hruodger

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I have a burgundy 140 that started doing the same thing some years ago. I found a hairline crack in the section. I had it repaired by a pro but I've really never put it back in rotation as it seems fragile at this point and I don't trust section crack repairs that far.

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