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Hope to do factroy tour, need your IMO Lamy ink info

Bo Bo Olson

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This has to do with a Lamy factory tour...I hope to finagle.



I must have driven a certain road in a small town near Heidelberg fifty times. My wife kept pointing out a building where she said they made pens. ProMinute....never heard of them. I thought they would be then the no names who make cheap pens with factory names on them.


Two days ago, I had the time and stopped. No they don't make pens....how ever around the corner and a hundred yards was Lamy.


There is no road signs saying Lamy...or I'd seen them. If you need to know where Lamy is, you will be told, other wise it is a top secret location.


Of Course I stopped, Asked The Stupid Question, and got a card, to call someone in marketing service.


I want to finagle a factory tour.


I want to use you guys as a bargaining point....not just a nosy Joe Blow off the street with a Joy, a Persona and a couple of Artus (Pre-Lamy-Lamy) pens, and one Lamy ink.

I need enough info to do either a in depth poll or a good survey.


I have only one Lamy ink, Turquoise....well I have only seven inks, but Lamy Turquoise was the third bought as it is the bench mark of Turquoise inks.

I had thought it a blaa ink, until I saw on the right paper with the right nib, it shades.


What Lamy inks do you like and why?


Which ones don't you like and why?


Do you wish for a more saturated Lamy ink?


What other Lamy inks shade on the better paper for you?


No, have not tried Lamy ink on better paper.


And any questions I've missed.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Why no Violet in bottles?

Pelikan 140 OB

Pelikan M605 blue F

Pelikan M200 transparent (Demonstrator Japan) M

Pelikan Level 65 yellow M

Pelikan Level 65 red B  

Pelikan Go! black/magenta M

Pelikan Go! black/petrol M

Pelikan M70/Go! (C/C) magenta B

Pelikan Steno red (70s)

Lamy Safari charcoal 1.5 mm italic

Lamy Safari yellow EF

Lamy Vista Eyedropper 1.9 mm italic

Reform P 120

2x Reform 1745


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Great..that is part of what I am after.... no violet ink in bottles.


A couple of sheets of well organized paper about Ink and pens, and a CD to give to the guy. So he won't feel he's wasting his time, on me.

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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Do they make their own bottled iron-gall BlueBlack inK?

"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

Oscar Wilde

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+1 re violet. I forget about this ink, and I like it enough (compared, say to Pelikan Violet) that I would buy it if they sold as bottled ink. I have a couple of carts tucked away for use in Safaris.


The other Lamy shades are...very average. The black, blue, red are all ok and flow well, but they are not pretty enough for me to use on a daily basis. I have black and blue, which I use with new pens to try out if I may ultimately have to do some flushing. Lamy green is a good "mixing" green, I have a green that is 50% Lamy green, and in fact is in a Lamy bottle, but it is not their stock green, it's a more antique, minty shade.


What is wonderful, completely wonderful, is the damn bottle. IMO it's the best ink bottle of all, bar none.

<i>"Most people go through life using up half their energy trying to protect a dignity they never had."</i><br>-Marlowe, in <i>The Long Goodbye</i>

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Are you sure they make their inks? Maybe the factory is only for pens. (I don't know; I'm just asking.) In any event, a visit could be interesting, but if they don't make the inks they label they probably will not divulge where they are made.

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Do they make their own bottled iron-gall BlueBlack inK?

If I may rephrase (as I think I misinterpreted it at first glance):

Is their bottled iron-gall blue-black ink of their own manufacture?


My question is "why no T51 30ml bottles on this side of the Atlantic?"

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I don't have any Lamy inks, but might pick some up if they'd make some more interesting colors...


Vancouver Pen Club


Currently inked:


Montegrappa NeroUno Linea - J. Herbin Poussière de Lune //. Aurora Optima Demonstrator - Aurora Black // Varuna Rajan - Kaweco Green // TWSBI Vac 700R - Visconti Purple

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  • 4 weeks later...

Any luck getting a factory tour?


I'm going to be in Stuttgart on business in early August and wouldn't mind driving up to Heidelberg if this turns out to be doable. I see the German web site has directions to the factory so it would stand to reason they have periodic factory tours open to the public.


Switchboard phone number is 06221 843-0.

I always get a kick out of these "no affiliation" notations when it's blatantly obvious the poster has absolutely nothing to do with the brand, company, etc. beyond being a customer. It must be a feel-good/feel-important thing. So I'll note up front that nothing I write here on this forum is influenced by any financial-gain motivation.

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When you ask them if they make their own inks, and nobody else makes their inks, and they don't make inks for anybody else, then do be very careful and not too snide cuz I already asked them three times and they claimed so.

Of course, that might be a lie, and don't forget that those who know the least about Lamy and/or MB products are those themselves who work for the companies.



Life is too short to drink bad wine (Goethe)

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might casual mention that Some of us prefer the black nibs, clips.

And if someone There took slight interest in FPN, survey's, etc.. there might be reason to pin gathered Lamy information.

Like Lamy Blue ink.. blotter-bottle remains unique-though haven't negotiated last syringful from this bottle-yet.

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I just picked up a Lamy 200 yesterday at Art Brown in Manhattan. Great pen I plan on dedicating to Noodler's Heart of Darkness. The pen and the ink just seem to go together in my mind. I'll be watching this thread with interest, and hope you can post lots of pics. The factory would be great, but I'd also be interested in seeing photos of the fine folks who make such great pens. Hope it all works out!

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Still goofing off...

And it's now World Cup, but I don't think they do public tours, or I'd not be in the finagle mode....here's a month's worth of FPN plus or minus Lamy pen and ink info, for a tour.


I'd been told at the door, when they did public tours with out going through someone in marketing service.


Don't know how many photo's I'd be able to make...don't want spys...but perhaps they have a disk or a stick full I can get.


Some one with a name did a tour of Peter Bock and couldn't take any pictures.

Edited by Bo Bo Olson

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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