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© Andrew Lensky
Credit Andrew Lensky http://lenskiy.org


(Andrew Lensky "Tribute Vyshyvanka" w|Drawing UEF nib, Birmingham Emerald Fusion, Double A(A4))


(own) Andrew Lensky “Tribute Vyshyvanka” | Andrew Lensky | fountain pens | drawings | design | photography (lenskiy.org)


Andrew Lensky http://lenskiy.org


© Andrew Lensky
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From the album:

Andrew Lensky Arts

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I have no clue how this works... I've looked around the site a long-ish time, but still don't honestly know how to really use it😬 

So I apologize if this isn't what or where I should leave this, but I accidentally found myself seeing both helpful downloads for pen, etc... But also art works...

All are SO beautiful, and I love what I think is the most recent one... but this one... this one i absolutely love SO SO much!!! It is me most of the time when my body once again fails me.. So I wouldn't always be standing as I can't always stand. But this feeling... or rather what feeling i personally feel from it, if that makes sense. ☺️

Again, I apologize if I'm messing this up!!

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12 hours ago, JadedEnthusiasms said:

how this works...


I do not clearly get about what your question, but here, thanks to @txomsy, detailed instruction about "how to post in gallery":


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2 hours ago, Andrew_L said:


I do not clearly get about what your question, but here, thanks to @txomsy, detailed instruction about "how to post in gallery":


I apologize, I talk too much.

Honestly all I meant to do was say how much I loved that drawing of the man leaning his head against the wall. So the end of my comment was my main point. I just wanted to show my appreciation for your work.

I truly apologize if I shouldn't have, and for being confusing. 

I truly just loved that drawing.

Again, I apologize for the trouble!!!😳😬

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You're fine.  Post away in any forum you like.  Many of us greatly admire Andrew's art, so you are in good company. Just remember to be cordial in your posts and stay away from topics like religion and politics, and you'll fit right in. 😁

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6 hours ago, JadedEnthusiasms said:

I apologize for the trouble


No problem! Welcome anytime!


4 hours ago, davisgt said:

You're fine


Thank you so much!

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Thank you both for being so kind :) I appreciate it very much!

Hope you both have a great week!!!! :)

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You are more than welcome.  I expect to see more posts from you. 🙂 You have a great appreciation for art and pens. Lots of people on here would benefit from your perspective.  Have fun! Ask questions.  Explore pen and paper options.  Share your joy with a new nib or great ink.  Make new friends.  Go to pen shows and try different pens. 😁

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