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Sheaffer Triumph 444 Brushed Chrome CT SS nib, showing original squeeze converter and modern piston converter.jpeg


A photo of my Sheaffer Triumph 444 Brushed Chrome pen with CT & Stainless Steel nib, with the squeeze converter that came to me with the (1980s?) pen, and the (2020s?) piston converter that I bought to use in it.

The listing from which I bought this pen described it as an ‘Imperial’, but I believe that Sheaffer sold it as a ‘Triumph’ (having stopped selling the ‘high-end’ ‘Imperial’ models in the period during which this, lower-priced, model was still being sold).


I was initially worried that the length of the piston-turning knob on the converter might mean that it doesn’t fit inside the barrel of the pen, but I can - happily - confirm that it fits deeply-enough into the grip-section that the barrel can fully screw-on to the pen 😊


I am impressed by how securely each converter is held by the grip-section.




© Mercian
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