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© 2ouvenir
Credit 豐子愷













The subtle element that smooths human life, nothing does it better than "gradually"; and the means by which the Creator deceives people, also nothing surpasses "gradually". Unconsciously, the innocent children "gradually" transform into ambitious youths; the generous and chivalrous youths "gradually" become cold-hearted adults; the vigorous adults "gradually" turn into stubborn old men. Because their changes are gradual, year by year, month by month, day by day, moment by moment, second by second, like descending from a gently sloping hill, making people unaware of its descent, unable to see the boundaries of each stage, and feeling as if always at the same position, perpetually unchanged, with the interest and value of life always present, thus life proceeds smoothly and conclusively. If the progression of life were not like a slope but like the keys of a piano, suddenly shifting from do to re, then a child from yesterday would suddenly become a youth today; or like the melodic "transition" suddenly jumping from do to mi, then one could become an old person from being a youth in a moment, and people would surely be astonished, amazed, saddened, or keenly feel the impermanence of life, and not find joy in being alive. Therefore, it can be understood that life is sustained by "gradually". This is perhaps especially necessary for women: in opera, the flower-like girls on stage will eventually become old wives by the hearth. This statement, though surprising to hear and the girls may not admit it, in reality, the present old wives have all "gradually" transformed from flower-like girls.


The ability of humans to withstand the changes and decline of circumstances also relies entirely on the assistance of this "gradual". The wealthy and pampered sons of rich families, through repeated bankruptcies, "gradually" exhaust their family fortunes and become impoverished; the impoverished are forced to become laborers, and laborers often become slaves, slaves easily become scoundrels, and scoundrels are close to beggars, and beggars may become thieves... such examples abound in novels and reality. Because their decline extends over ten or twenty years, step by step, "gradually", the individuals themselves do not feel any strong stimulation. Thus, even in the face of hunger, cold, illness, and torture, they still greedily yearn for the joy of present life. If a rich man's son suddenly became a beggar or a thief, he would surely feel resentful.


This is truly the mysterious principle of nature, the subtle work of the Creator! Yin and yang shift, seasons change, and the rise and fall of all things, all conform to this law. From the budding spring "gradually" becoming the shady summer, from the withering autumn "gradually" becoming the barren winter. Although we have experienced dozens of winters and summers, it is still difficult to imagine the feeling of drinking ice and waving a fan on a summer day while huddling by the fire on a winter night; and vice versa. However, as winter moves day by day, moment by moment, second by second, toward summer, and as summer moves day by day, moment by moment, second by second, toward winter, there are no significant traces to be found. The same goes for day and night: sitting under the window reading in the evening, the pages of the book gradually darken, if one continues to read (as vision gradually strengthens due to the diminishing light), one can almost always recognize the words on the page, without feeling the change from day to night. Watching the dawn by the window, staring at the eastern sky without blinking, one cannot discern the traces of the transition from night to day. Children gradually grow up, and parents who see each other every day do not notice it at all, while distant relatives who rarely meet become strangers. On New Year's Eve in previous years, we waited for the narcissus to bloom by the red candle, truly foolish! If the narcissus were to bloom in front of us, it would be the destruction of the principle of nature, the fundamental upheaval of the universe, and the end of the world for humanity!


The function of "gradually" is to conceal the traces of time passing and the changes of things with extremely subtle and gradual steps, making people mistake them for permanence. This is truly one of the Creator's great tricks! There is a metaphorical story: a certain farmer carried a calf every morning, jumped over a ditch, and went to work in the fields, and in the evening, he carried it back home. This happened every day without interruption. After a year, the calf had gradually grown, gradually become heavy, and almost turned into a big cow, but the farmer did not notice at all and still carried it over the ditch. One day, he stopped working for some reason, and the next day, he could no longer carry the cow and jump over the ditch. The deception of the Creator, making people linger in the daily joy of life without realizing its changes and hardships, is achieved through this method. People carry the cow that grows heavier every day and jump over the ditch, never stopping. They mistakenly believe that it is unchanging, but in fact, their toil increases every day!


I think the clock is the best symbol of life. The hands of the clock, at a glance, always seem "immobile"; in fact, there is nothing more constantly moving among human creations than the hands of a clock. Daily life is the same: every moment, one feels that "I am me", as if this "I" will never change, but it is just as impermanent as the hands of a clock! As long as there is a breath, one always feels that I am still me, I have not changed, still lingering in my life, sadly deceived by "gradually"!




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