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© A Smug Dill

Ink bottle display cases (JAN: 4939491801192) I got from Daiso

A Smug Dill

Back in September 2020, I was shopping in Daiso (and looked in Miniso, too, but it never seems to have anything suitable, and its prices are not as cheap) for some ink storage solution components, and came across this product — as well the 4 Cube Case, which is sized slightly differently.


I measured both products, and this one seemed to be a good fit for 60ml bottles of Platinum ink, if I decide to discard their cardboard retail boxes but still want to stack them high in storage. At the time, the store had ample stock of both products, so I figured I wasn't in a hurry to decide or buy; and my focus was on other things on the day.


A month later, when I revisited the store for the third or maybe fourth time, it looked to me this product may have been discontinued, even though there was still plenty of units of the 4 Cube Case; the shelf space originally allocated to this has already been repurposed with other plasticky bits and pieces of display stands. Given that there are two other Daiso stores within walking distance, I wasn't too worried; and when I visited another store (slightly further away than the one in Sydney CBD), it had ten or so units of these, which was relatively many. Phew! This could wait.


On my next visit, the two shown were the last units on the shelf, and seemed to have been left behind only because they were displaced and obscured by some other products of the sort; so, not that I have any immediate use for these right now, but I pulled the trigger on the spot.


© A Smug Dill
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I'm torn between using acrylic cases or wood cases! I like that you can easily see the inks in those acrylic cases, but then I love the aesthetic that wood brings! But I'm definitely checking that out! thanks for sharing!


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You could always set up a backlit or bottom-lit display cabinet, like they do in the perfume section in department stores, if you're really keen. ;)


Personally I'm not inclined to use the acrylic case shown to display inks in clear bottles, because I want to limit the unused inks' exposure to natural light and/or UV. It takes me years to get through even half a large bottle, and I don't want the inks to get discoloured in the bottle while sitting there on display in the meantime, especially iron-gall inks such as the Platinum Classic Ink line.

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0h, I did not realize that. I'm new to fountain pen. I've been using dip pens and recently I got into fountain pens. Only then that I knew they use different inks! 

I'll keep in mind to store them away from sunlight. Thank you!

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Some inks are more sensitive to UV and more prone to discolouration from prolonged exposure, but I don't have access to a list of which ones in the market today are, and I doubt such a list exists anyway. Furthermore, some inks already come in bottles that are already designed to block light to some degree (compared to totally clear glass bottles).


Given my lack of knowledge and information on the matter, personally I choose not to take undue risks by putting my ink bottles on open display. This is where and how most of my ‘in-use’ ink bottles are stored:

and the rest (mostly unopened bottles) are in cardboard cartons under the guest bed. The two Daiso collection/display cases have proven not to fit particularly well in the shelf space inside my Ikea desk; so I'll probably repurpose them for holding blank swatch card stock instead.

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