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Estimation of screen resolution and minimum line width on LCD writing tablet

A Smug Dill

Given the minimum line widths, theoretically I should be able to write the entire text of 般若心經 (Hannya Shingyo, the Heart Sutra) legibly on one side of the LCD writing tablet; but, first I have to figure out with which tool I can possibly put down such fine lines reliably, consistently, and densely over the 260 hanzi characters in a single session, as I find it very tiring to use a thin, lightweight stylus to put down such precise and faint lines on the tablet. Then, I'll need to seriously hone my handwriting technique, before I can succeed at that endeavour, because the surface of the writing tablet offers little kinaesthetic feedback, and I cannot afford to either press down harder (to increase friction and thus feedback) or write more slowly, because either of those things will create undesirable thick lines or big globs of colour on the screen.


© A Smug Dill
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