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HongDian piston-fillers, as delivered, often benefit from having their pistons reseated

A Smug Dill


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So… I took mine apart the other day because I too noticed how small the capacity was from factory. Couldn’t figure out how to reseat, as you call it, to get any more space. Did you cut the top of the stem?

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A Smug Dill


9 hours ago, etchlings said:

Did you cut the top of the stem?


Emphatically no.


First, unscrew and pull the piston stem out of its sleeve entirely. Then, adjust the piston knob so that its edge is between the two lines scratched into the translucent plastic component between the knob and black plastic sleeve. Finally, put the end of the piston stem back into the sleeve, and screw the piston back into place by holding onto the sleeve and turning the piston knob.


HongDian sent me a video showing how to do it, but since it is not posted on YouTube or some such (as far as I'm aware) where it is ‘published’ for everyone to access, I don't think I should repost it here (or anywhere else) as a knowledge resource or reference material. Also, I don't think the two marks on the translucent tube are marked by machine, and seem to be imprecise and inconsistent from one pen to the next; I can do better just by eyeballing it and/or through trial-and-error.


In any case, the piston in a PenBBS 309 piston-filler can be pulled out and reseated in a similar fashion, and that's where I clued onto how it is done, a couple of years ago.

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