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A Few More Fpn Passaportos Le, 2012 This Time :)



Dearest Members of the Board,

It's already a few months since we sold out all of our FPN LE Pens. Since we had quite a few requests for a few more, we checked with Stipula whether that was possible, maybe from a little spare stock material of the order we placed last year and some spare parts made at the time.


It appeared that this was possible indeed, and as a result a few pens have been added to our store! :cloud9:


For the quick deciders, we now have the following:


FPN LE 2012 Passaporto Chrome Trim F nib: 2 available

FPN LE 2012 Passaporto Chrome Trim M nib: 13 available

FPN LE 2012 Passaporto Chrome Trim B nib: 2 available

FPN LE 2012 Passaporto Chrome Trim BB nib: 8 available

FPN LE 2012 Passaporto Chrome Trim 0.9 Italic nib: 19 available


These pens have been manufactured, are in stock, and are ready to be shipped, from Europe.


Do note that out of necessity these pens are more expensive than the original batch, basically because it is a much smaller number that was produced. Furthermore, we won't be able to provide shipping as cheap as before either; we will ship at cost from Europe, however. There will be 2 shipping options available to you: one with and one without insurance. Do note that we won't cover losses or damages in transit if the uninsured option is selected.


For those interested, here are the original votes for the pens, and some of the discussions relating to these pens:

FPN LE 2011 Passaportos


These are slightly different, in that the inscription contains the year 2012 rather than 2011, and a (sequential) number, but no size indication for the edition, which actually was 50 - it wasn't certain at production time how many could be made exactly.


Another difference is the different nib sizes - the above were the ones we could get. :D


Finally, to soften the new pricing a bit, all pens will have an additonal quality check and will have their nibs checked, adjusted if necessary, and smoothed by a nibmeister prior to being sent off, at no extra charge (a 20 euro value!).


Furthermore, if you are interested in a nib modification or regrind, your pen will be dealt with immediately, if you so like, although this will be at additional cost. Those BB nibs of course lend themselves very well for an interesting modication if one so prefers :). Do contact our FPN Pens Admin if you are interested in such a modification, see further down below.


For those interested in more info on our FPN LE pens, we started a forum quite a while ago, specifically for the purpose of discussing these pens. You can find this forum by scrolling to the bottom of the board in forum view (main forums page), or by following this link:


FPN LE Pens 2011 Forum


To make life simple :D, here is a direct link to the Store, with all Passaportos available:

FPN Store


To check invoices and orders:

In order to check your orders and invoices, click on "Your Profile" (member id at top right of board), in the drop down list that will show click on "Client Area" (last option), and in the window that ensues, click on "Purchases" for an immediate overview of the details, or on "Invoices", and click on the invoice of choice again for the details.


In case you have any further questions, please contact the admin team backchannel, either via email or by PM to the admin dealing with these pens, FPN Pens Admin.


Warm regards,

Your FPN Admin Team


Recommended Comments

Dear sir,madame

I lived in Lampang,Thailand.May I ask whether this web is for fountain pen exchanges or sale .I am of course FTP collectors and would like to share for those interested .If possible kindly recommend procedures that I should do.Thank you.

Best regards


my email address puwanatin@hotmail.com

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Dear punawatin,


This website is for fountain pen discussions, and discussion on fountain pen related items first and foremostly.


We do have a Classifieds section, which allows registered members, gold member status, to sell or exchange pens. This is an additional service however, no more than that.


If people would like to take part here, all they have to do is register with FPN, which is free. Becoming a gold member is automatic: after 30+ days of being registered one becomes a silver member, and once 30+ posts have been placed in all forums but Chatter, promotion follows from silver to gold member.


Do note that selleing and exchangign is only allowed in the Classifieds section of these forums.


HTH, warm regards, Wim

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