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Fpn Pen: Status Update, May 15



Dearest Members and Visitors of the Fountain Pen Nuthouse,As indicated, we would try and solve all outstanding issues with regard to the FPN pens the past week, in order to be able to go ahead with the creation of a web store for our FPN LE 2011 editions. We have not succeeded completely in this endeavour, but there are some interesting developments which you will all likely want to hear about.First of all, all the good news.a) Shipping to US, Canada (!) and the countries of the EU will be €10, IOW, as indicated before, but with the addition of Canada.:D Shipping to all other countries will be arranged from a centralized shipping point, in order to make it cheaper than the earlier indicated € 35.c) Shipments for orders with more than 1 item can and will be combined if at all possible, and will cost the same as shipping a single item, at least for the USA, Canada and the EU.d) VAT issues have been resolved, VAT will only be raised for those countries in the EU which charge VAT, at the VAT percentage prevailing in the particular country where the shipment is sent to.e) It has been confirmed that we indeed wil be able to produce the Passaporto with Chrome trim and F or M stainless steel nib, and the Passaporto with gold coloured Chrome trim and gold coloured stainless steel nib, be it the latter only with a (gold coloured) M nib. f) It also has been confirmed that both the Modello T with Mother-of-Pearl and with Azurite clip jewel can be produced, at no extra cost.g) Because silver trim, vermeil trim, and 14K rhodinated and 18K duotone nibs on Etrurias are general stock items, we will also be able to avail ourselves of different combinations of these. There will be 6 variants, 3 each of both Azzurite and Blue celluloid, in silver trim and 14K nib, silver trim and 18K nib, and vermeil trim and 18K nib! We did hit a few small snags as well:a) We don't know the shipping costs to other countries but USA, Canada and the EU yet, but give us a few days and we should - this needs to be organized still due to the new options we have now. Combined shipping will also have to be worked out for all other countries.:D To prevent extra retooling and manufacturing costs, we will have the Etrurias only done as Piston Fillers, the majority of votes, and no longer as cartridge/converter fillers. However, since we will have 6 options now, in total, we do think this is only a minor issue.c) The store only accepts US $ pricing, so we will have a US $ price listed. However, the € price will be mentioned in the description, excluding VAT (which will be added automatically if applicable), and please, do pay in Euros - there will be a 3% discount for paying in euros, which is what it will cost us for the conversion if you pay in US $. d) We need new pricing due to the variety of options we have now, but unfortunately the people we are communicating with are currently in the US for an exhibition and for meetings with the US representative, and only return back to Italy on Thursday. This means effectively that the store can only open at the earliest next Sunday. We will keep you posted however.Finally, for those of you interested, we received measurements for the Modello T, which are harder to come by than for any of the other pens:· length closed: 145 mm· length opened: 130 mm· length posted: 169 mm· barrel thickness: 12 mm · section thickness: from 12 to 10 mm · weight of cap: 10.8 gr· weight of the pen itself: 22.7 gr including cap We are getting more excited by the day!Warm regards,The FPN Admin Team


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:bunny01: :bunny01: That's good news! Thank you very much for the update and the hard work.I can hardly wait for the webstore to come online!
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Hurray for the FPN team, and Wim as the "missing link" between us and Stipula in particular. :thumbup: Happy with the azurite Etruria, with the 18k nib (0.9 italic, please) :cloud9: So I think I will add a Modello T for good measure.... :D :bunny01: :bunny01: :bunny01: :bunny01: D.ick

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:DI'll continu the tradtion started above, 6 it is now, yes? :D:bunny01: :bunny01: :bunny01: :bunny01: :thumbup: :cloud9: Warm regards, Wim

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Oh, frabjous day, Callou, callay! :bunny01: :bunny01:Do we know the nib sizes for the Modello T pens? I've just looked back through and can't find anything about size options, if any.

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There is only 1 size/type of nib for the Modello Ts now, namely the T-Flex titanium nib. The 14K gold nibs were too expensive for most people, and required a minimum order of 100 pens with the exact same nib (all F, or all M, etc.), because they have to be custom made. The same is true for stainless steel nibs, unfortunately.HTH, warm regards, Wim

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I am amazed and grateful for all of this difficult work you have done on our behalf. Thank you ! I think we are all quite excited

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If I didn't vote, because I just found this today, would I still be able to buy a pen? Or, did you have to vote in March to be able to buy a pen? I'm interested in the Passaporto in chrome with either a medium or a fine nib. I'm used to mediums, so most likely medium nib.Will this become a regular online store?I'm a little confused (ok a lot confused) and some of the information seems to be hard to find.Thanks :bunny01:

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Great work !
:bunny01: :bunny01: :bunny01: :bunny01: :thumbup: Thank you!
I am amazed and grateful for all of this difficult work you have done on our behalf. Thank you ! I think we are all quite excited
Thank you kindly!Warm regards, Wim
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If I didn't vote, because I just found this today, would I still be able to buy a pen? Or, did you have to vote in March to be able to buy a pen? I'm interested in the Passaporto in chrome with either a medium or a fine nib. I'm used to mediums, so most likely medium nib.Will this become a regular online store?I'm a little confused (ok a lot confused) and some of the information seems to be hard to find.Thanks :bunny01:
You can still vote, the polls are still open. They will be closed the moment you can't vote anymore.If you are lookign for all of the information, click on the Blog tab at the top of the screen, then select "FPN Admin Column" from the sidebar, which allows you to read all that is written on these pens by FPN Admin. Of course you can also get to mentioned sidebar just by scrolling to the top of the page here.In the Community Feedback forum you will find the polls for the different options, although they are a little more limited now. Just vote on what you would like to buy, budget permitting, and everythign else will be sorted.The store will likely become a regular item, but not necessarily for FPN pens, as we don't have the budget to buy another run of pens until all who are interested have contributed to it.HTH, warm regards, Wim
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Additional question:If you did not vote, can you still order a pen once the shop is set up? or will the shop be open to Voters-only? (In my case I did not vote for the Modello T but plan to buy one.)D.ick

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In case you are definitely planning to buy one, either vote, or contact me backchannel to indicate this (I keep notes of extra orders), as we use the number of voters and extra orders for discussions and negotiations with Stipula :bunny01:.HTH, warm regards, Wim

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This is so exciting. I remember seeing a mention of the earlier FPN pen and feeling a whisp of envy for those who have one. Then came news of the new FPN pen and now I'm starting to feel like a child waiting for Christmas!First the pictures, then the voting, then the terrific information about which pens will be produced (I voted for Passaporto with gold colour trim and I'm so happy that there have been enough votes so that that model will be made), now information about the store front and shipping. The anticipation is almost too much! Sheer excitement may mean that I can't fill in the order form when it's available! Thank you Wim for all the work you're doing on this. (And thank you to any other admins reading this for all the work you do to make FPN such a marvellous group.)Catherine

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Hi Catherine,Thank you for your kind words, you make me blush :bunny01: :bunny01:.Warmest regards, Wim

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Great news ! Can't hardly wait.I hope that the Store is up and running on Sunday. How long the Store will take orders, because I have to go to a trip for a week, and unfortunately can't check FPN during that time. I would hate to miss this opportunity.Thank You Wim and the whole team for making this possible. :bunny01:

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Great work, Wim and the team!:bunny01::wub:Now what's left is the final pricing I will need to pay for it to be sent here to Malaysia on the other side of the world. If it's priced right, I might just add a Passaporto to the Etruria that I've already voted for :cloud9:Shahrin :bunny01:

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Great news ! Can't hardly wait.I hope that the Store is up and running on Sunday. How long the Store will take orders, because I have to go to a trip for a week, and unfortunately can't check FPN during that time. I would hate to miss this opportunity.Thank You Wim and the whole team for making this possible.:bunny01:
Hi JP, As long as it takes :bunny01:. Probably initialy something like two weeks for those who voted, after which it will be opened for all to see :bunny01:.And it;'s a pleasure :bunny01:.Warm regards, Wim
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Hi Shahrin,Thank you!

Great work, Wim and the team!:bunny01::wub:Now what's left is the final pricing I will need to pay for it to be sent here to Malaysia on the other side of the world. If it's priced right, I might just add a Passaporto to the Etruria that I've already voted for :cloud9:Shahrin :bunny01:
It looks like you only have to pay shipping once, which will make it slightly cheaper :bunny01:. However, if you do want one, let me know backchannel or vote for one (see above :bunny01:).Warm regards, WIm
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Is there a definite way to know if you voted? I have a terrible memory... Don't want to throw the count off or anything by voting again if I already have.Thanks,Rusty

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Yes, it is very simple. If you don't have the voting option available to you, you have already voted. If you still do have it available, you haven't.And if you want to change your vote, just click the Delete my Vote button at the bottom of the poll, and vote again :bunny01:.HTH, warm regards, Wim

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Yes, it is very simple. If you don't have the voting option available to you, you have already voted. If you still do have it available, you haven't.And if you want to change your vote, just click the Delete my Vote button at the bottom of the poll, and vote again :bunny01:.HTH, warm regards, Wim
That's brilliant!! Thank you so much!
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Looking forward to this! Thanks to all your excellent work to make this happen.

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Wim,Thanks for the answers. I did vote for both the Passaporto and the Modelo T. I voted for the chrome finish on both. On the Modelo T. I voted for the azzurite gem. I wish I could afford the Etruria though because I love the celluloid version but that's just out of my price range. I'm stretching by budget to get the two pens. LOL! B)Oh well...Now I just have to make up my mind on what size nib to get on the Passaporto and the Modelo T. I'm used to using Watermans with medium nibs. I've never had any pens with fine nibs. Maybe I should try fine nibs? I'm not sure. Does anyone have any opinions on whether or not I should try fine nibs?Thanks :bunny01:

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