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New Fpn Pen?



Dearest members of the Board :D,


A few years ago, an FPN pen was launched, i.e., a pen designed exclusively for FPN Members only. There was a lot of discussion on how this pen should look, and cost, and that it really should be an LE pen. After a zillion polls we established all the essential details everybody wanted, well, on average anyway, and due to manufacturing and price constraints, a completely different pen was manufactured :D. This one:



(With thanks to pakmanpony for providing this image)


However, it did have a lot in common with the site for colours etc., and was a runaway success. We were very happy ourselves from the POV of running this site, as the (small) profit we made was used to help pay for hosting this site and for the yearly licensing cost of the software.


We have also had many inquiries whether there were more of these pens available. We also had a lot of enquiries about a new FPN pen, about the possibility of pens with gold nibs as an FPN pen, and quite a few more questions along those lines.


Tallying up all of these comments and questions, we have come to the conclusion that it is probably time to have another pen manufactured, or maybe even a few, exclusively for the members of FPN. We are now seriously considering this. We also checked what was possible in this regard when manufacturing constraints are put on such pens, in order to prevent something that didn't look like the design by the membership in the first place. We also came to the conclusion that we would need at least 3, maybe 4 pens in different price bands, ideally with filling systems other than a C/C system, but obviously with a link to FPN at least with colours, and maybe other features, based on some of the other comments we received.


As a result we are now in serious discussion with a pen manufacturer as to the possibilities in this regard. We are thinking in terms of pens of around € 70 / $100, around double or triple that, and about double or triple that again, in order to be able to cater for all kinds of interests and needs. Based on these discussions, we are (read: Ruadhrí is :D) busy making mock-ups of potential pens, and we will be asking you whether you would be interested in any of these and possible variants, with a view not only to provide you with a nice pen, but also to replenish the coffers of FPN a little. :D


Just to let you know that we are quite close to making a few proposals in this regard....


Warm regards,

The FPN Admin Team


Recommended Comments



I'd get one of the cheaper ones for sure! -Davep.s. what can I say... i'm broke from all my other hobbies!!

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Most definitely interested, however, bottom line is important, especially for those that don't have "deep pockets". I am one of those people.

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Ernst Bitterman


I echo the previous comment-- my pockets are so shallow I'm forever in danger of losing my keys.

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The whole idea of having more than one pen this time around is that it should be possible to cater for (almost) everybody's pockets, we hope :embarrassed_smile:. Just wait for the next announcement - shouldn't take too long :thumbup:.Warm regards, Wim

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This is a wonderful idea, thanks for making the effort. I inked up my FPN LE just last week and continue to be delighted with it--both in looks and performance. It's a real winner and if the proposed pens are built with such care, they will be too. :embarrassed_smile:

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Wow, this is great news! :embarrassed_smile: I was very pleased with how the FPN Bexley pen turned out, and am looking forward to seeing what the new designs are! Nice to see that a variety of price points are being talked about...Thanks in advance for your hard work! :thumbup:

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I would be very tempted with the lower priced models - like many others on this board my pockets are not deep. If possible a simple lever or button filler would be nice.....probably not possible at the lower price points though.

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I have seen and held the original FPN pen and it is a really nice one.I am in a similar situation to USMCmom and Ernst - pockets aren't very deep but would be interested in one of the lower priced models if it was in our price range.

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Well, the blog post with mock-ups is up now :thumbup:.Warm regards, Wim :embarrassed_smile:

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I would certainly be interested in one of the lower end models! This is good news.

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Very, very interesting.As others have said, my pockets aren't deep, and at $100, the lowest tier pen would be one of my most expensive writing instruments, if not THE most expensive one. However, I'd certainly consider saving up for it to support FPN.I'm off to look at the other posts about this pen now!

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I'd love to see an economy, "pocket sized" version of this pen. By "pocket" I mean about 4.5" capped or smaller, and of course larger when posted.By "economy" I mean under $100.

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I'd be interested in this...looking forward to specs...

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Very, very interesting.As others have said, my pockets aren't deep, and at $100, the lowest tier pen would be one of my most expensive writing instruments, if not THE most expensive one. However, I'd certainly consider saving up for it to support FPN.I'm off to look at the other posts about this pen now!
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Some very nice possibilities in the "More Info" thread here (as Wim pointed out):http://www.fountainpennetwork.com/forum/index.php?/blog/6/entry-25-fpn-pen-2011-more-info-preliminary-pricing-and-polls/Thanks in advance to all who are working on this project for FPN! :D

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A unique pen for FPNers is something I would be interested in. I trust this project will go through, and I'll be looking forward to the end results.Thank you, Administrators, for the work you do to make this forum a success.Lou

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