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Trouble With The Great Babbage



Good Heavens!!!

I had written this on 13th March - and saved as a draft instead of hitting Publish :D


Having spent many long hours working in my Laboratory over the last couple of days, I am pleased to report that the Main Dial has been re-calibrated, and is now accurate to 0.003 cubits.


Steam levels are holding, and output is now up to 18.3 megafloppythings per moment.

"Quite a speed increase", I hear you all say.

Quite so, but, due to the need to increase the diameter of the Lower Connecting Rod, some small imbalance has been introduced.


On first bring up to steam for tests, the Large Lever was opened halfway, whereupon the Storage Unit -all 14 crates of it - took off across the Laboratory at great speed.

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Was that the end of the Laboratory? Somehow the exactitude created a fully destructive device, as always!

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