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Project Monsoon- A New Way To Interact With Our Customers

Karas Kustoms


We hope everyone is having a great summer so far. Here in Arizona we are on the cusp of the monsoon season where we have hot, sunny temperatures mixed with dark clouds, and lightning filled thunderstorms. You can be getting sunburned one minute, and drenched in rain the next. It makes for some beautiful scenery and once you experience it, you will never forget it.

This yearly seasonal weather pattern has inspired our latest experiment in pen-making. We have been experimenting for a while with different materials and finishes and have come up with some pretty cool results. This new pen represents the Arizona monsoon season, but in pen form. The orange body represents the heat/sun, the grey cap represent the storm clouds and silver grip sections represent the lightning that so often comes during our monsoon season. So, to celebrate some of the success we have had with some of the new finishes, we are going to try something new. Instead of our usual method of product testing, we are going to include more community members to give us feedback on our latest endeavors.

Here is how it works. We are going to, through different means, give (yes, give) away a small number of this pen to gain feedback on materials and finishes. We want to hear it all. The good, and even the bad. The point of this is to be more in touch with our customer base and their wants and needs. So, if you are interested in getting your hands on one of these “Monsoon” pens to review, here is how to do it:

Choose from the following options:

  • Write us a short original essay on the topic “Made in America” and email it to us with the subject line “Monsoon Essay”. You don’t have to be a great writer, just tell us a story.
  • Create original artwork inspired by “Made in America” and share it with us via email(subject line “Monsoon Artwork”) or Instagram (#monsoonreview). Please create something new, nobody says it has to be fancy, but don’t reuse old artwork. Artwork from all ages, including children, is encouraged.
  • Take an original photo or video depicting what “Made in America” means to you and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #monsoonreview and tag @karaskustoms and @karaspenco. We can’t wait to see what you come up with.

We will be choosing 3 people per category in a completely biased method based on our tastes and preferences. This is not a contest, we will pick our favorites in each category and that is who will win. Each category will be judged by a different employee, so you can enter each category to increase your chances of winning. Enter as many times as you want, but each entry must be unique. We will post the winners and their entries on this blog (http://blog.karaskustoms.com/). We will announce the winners on August 12th, 2016. You will have 48 hours to respond before we choose another winner.

We are asking all winners of this giveaway to provide us with a review of the Monsoon pen. This can be as simple or as complicated as you wish, we just want to hear your thoughts. Good and bad, it doesn’t matter, but we want to hear from you. We obviously can’t make you review this pen if you are chosen, but it would be awesome if you did.

Once again, we will choose the winners on Friday, August 12th. Good luck!


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WOW.. that sounds AWESOME!!!... I'll be sending my submission for sure... :D :D

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I am assuming you do not want non-US entries as "Made in the USA" does not really speak to me as a Brit although I do have 2 Karas Kustoms pens?

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Karas Kustoms


We did want international entries. We received quite a few of them, and actually chose two international entries as winners of this giveaway. We never want to exclude anyone, and it is just as important for us to hear what "Made in America" means to our international customers as it is to hear what Americans think that means. I have very real thoughts on what it means when I buy something made in Germany or Japan or other countries. So we're not oblivious to the fact that other countries view America and our goods in a certain light, not always a favorable one. We hope our products are accepted well and they evince a quality that is reminiscent of traditional American craftsmanship. But ultimately it is in the eye of the customer on what our product speaks to them.


As for the giveaway, you can see the winners entries HERE. And in the future please don't hesitate to enter one of our giveaways. If we ship to your destination (which we do as we ship worldwide), we'll give you a pen if you win the giveaway.

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Thank you for your response, perhaps I was too quick to assume that this was a US-centric competition.

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Karas Kustoms


No worries, I don't think we did a good job of being as inclusive as we wanted to.

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