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FPN Admin Column

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Announcements, Thoughts, and Reminiscences of the Pen-kind

Entries in this blog

Exciting Changes At F P N!

Dearest Members & Visitors of the little Fountain Pen Nut house on the digital prairie,   Since its inception in June 2004, the Fountain Pen Network has always been a refuge for the fountain pen lover, hobbyist, and collector. Over the years we have seen participation by pen businesses, retailers and providers of services, grow here, and we have also seen budding entrepreneurs grow up, quite often because of or thanks to this site.   We have never offered any advantages or real possibilities



The Latest Changes At The Fountain Pen Network

Dearest Members of the little Fountain Pen Nut House on the digital prairie,   We are in the process of making a few changes to FPN. Currently we have extensive discussions in the Moderator and Admin Team on the way forward for our great board.   You will likely have seen some changes for the good already . Rather than a boring piece of text with links at the top of the board, there are now some brighly but tastefully coloured visual clues to the options we have in place to support this place. A



Fpn Café Press Shop Totally Renewed And Overhauled!

Dearest FPNutters,   As by now we need new funding to keep our all-time favourite hang-out running, over the past couple of days we overhauled and renewed the old Café Press Shop we started back in 2005, and added some items which are more in line with this more modern age .   We also changed navigation, and added all 3 ink logos as possibilities for several of the items too.   The Café Press item profits go entirely to hosting for our site, so be generous, and do support us by donating or buyin



A Few More Fpn Passaportos Le, 2012 This Time :)

Dearest Members of the Board, It's already a few months since we sold out all of our FPN LE Pens. Since we had quite a few requests for a few more, we checked with Stipula whether that was possible, maybe from a little spare stock material of the order we placed last year and some spare parts made at the time.   It appeared that this was possible indeed, and as a result a few pens have been added to our store!   For the quick deciders, we now have the following:   FPN LE 2012 Passaporto Chrom



Shipping Well On Its Way, And Some Pen Tips ....

Dearest members of the digital fountain pen nut house,   It has been several weeks already since shipping started, and many of the FPN LE Passportos in Chrome trim and in Gold Coloured trim have been collected by DHL in the beautiful town of Florence in Italy and have found their way to their respective new owners. For a few pictures of these pens, you can check here: http://www.fountainp...to-on-the-road/, or obviously in the FPN Pens forum. The Modello-Ts and Etrurias are expected to start sh



Shipping And Final Orders List Sent To Stipula For A Final Check....

Dearest members of the digital fountain pen nut house,   We're getting extremely close to actual shipping of our pens, and we can feel the excitement building up, probably just as all of you who ordered one of these beauties do . Let's look at a couple of points of interest:   1) Shipping The first shipments will leave the factory on Monday. Pens are currently being prepped for the courier service to come and collect them. Shipping will be done in the order of Passaporto only orders (next week



The Fpn Pens Are Being Manufactured!

Dearest members of the digital fountain pen nut house,   Good News Production of the FPN LE pens has started, and shipping will commence on November 15 :bunny01: . The reason for the delay from November 1, to November 15, was a malfunctioning milling lathe, which cut production by 33 %.   We had a very pleasant, almost one hour long talk with our Stipula representative, and here are some short notes on a few of the topics discussed which might interest you:   1) Additional 18K Etruria nibs



A Few Extra Passaportos And Modello-Ts (Sold Out)! Nibs Sold Out Too! Etrurias Sold Out Too! (Last Update: 2012-01-03)

Dearest Members of the Board,   Passaportos and Modello-Ts have been sold out for a while already. Since we had quite a few requests for a few more, we checked with Stipula whether that was possible, maybe from a little spare stock material of the order we placed already.   After a wait of several weeks we now have been told that this is indeed possible, and the additional few pens have been added to our store as a result.   For the quick deciders, we now still have available:   FPN LE Etruria



Fpn Pens: None Left, All Sold Out .... Updated 2011-11-30

Dearest Members of the Board,   As mentioned in a previous column, sales of the FPN Pens have been brisk indeed, and as a result we have only few left for sale from our order with Stipula.   Here is the current status (updated 2011-08-28):     Since our previous update, Passaportos have almost been sold out, Modello-Ts have been sold out completely, and a few more Etrurias have been sold as well.   For the quick deciders, we still have available:   4 FPN LE Etruria Azurite pens with Silver Trim



Fpn Pens: Update 2011-08-04

Dearest Members of the Board,   Last Sunday we prepared a complete list of all pens to be ordered, with a conservative estimate for any other pens we would be able to sell until such time that the pens would be manufactured.   This conservative estimate was based on the number of pens sold, and the minimum quantity we needed to at least keep the prices as they were. This means that we have slightly increased numbers for Passaportos and Modello Ts, and stayed with the number of pens we already ha



Fpn Pens: Hurry! Time Is Running Out Fast!

Dearest Members of the Board, Since our previous column, a lot has happened. Stipula has been extremely friendly and helpful, and has decided to help us with our pens in a major way, for which we are extremely thankful. This means that although we cannot make up the numbers we originally agreed upon for our pricing here, they have decided to sell to us the lower numbers for the same price, regardless. This means we have a GO for all pen models and variants!   Furthermore, we also have the plea



Fpn Pens: Update 2011-07-20

Dearest Members of the Board,   In the previous column, we indicated we need to be at 93 % of pens paid for, for each manufacturing run, before we can realistically order all of the pens. Fortunately, emailing all members who had voted and had missed the announcements of the Store opening, did have quite an impact, and we would like to thank a certain ex-Admin, who wants to stay anonymous, for helping us out with this rather work intensive exercise!   Now, let's have a look at the current statu



Fpn Pens: Stop Press

Dearest Members of the Board,   When the FPN Store was opened for the voters to pay for their pens, we had votes for 89 Azurite Etrurias, 157 Blue Celluloid Etrurias, 227 Modello Ts, and 215 Passaportos, a total of 688 pens. As 93 % is the cut-off point for ordering, we thought we could go as far as a total of 760 pens, namely 100 Azurite Etrurias, 200 Blue Celluloid Etrurias, 230 Modello Ts, and 230 Passaportos. 93 % of 760 is 707, or 19 pens more than voted for.   The current situation, a lit



Fpn Store Open To All

Dearest Members and Visitors of the Fountain Pen Nut House,   As the 10 day head start of the voters for the FPN LE Pens now has come to an end, we are pleased to announce that the FPN Store is open to all for ordering any of the FPN LE 2011 pens.   Please be so kind to read the following colums in order to find out more about these pens:   Pens to be produced: http://www.fountainp...-update-may-21/ Opening of store and where to find it: http://www.fountainp...open-to-voters/ The latest update a



Fpn Store Open To Voters - Update June, 10 & 12

Dearest Members of the Board, The FPN Pen Store has been officially open for the voters now for a week already, so in short a good time for an update and further news .     Update (Invoice Details):   There have been quite a few questions on the content of the invoice email and the actual pen(s) ordered, which don't show on the PayPal or the Invoice emails. There actually is a way to check the complete invoice, as we discovered. When you click on "Your profile" (member id at the top right of the



Fpn Pen: Store Open To Voters!

Dearest Members of the Board,   We would like to announce the opening of the FPN Store, right now, for ordering the FPN LE Pens, and first of course to those who voted in the polls or via mail and PM for the specific models of the FPN Pens they would like to order.   Last week, before the crash, we received all information we needed from Stipula to set up the final parts of the store, and just before the crash we managed to write the code in order to make it possible to select all voters to get



Fpn Pen: Status Update, May 21

Dearest Members and Visitors of the Fountain Pen Nuthouse, As mentioned in the previous news update, we still had a few snags to deal with. At the end of last week, we had had extensive contact with Stipula, and we knew the representatives, we are dealing with, would be traveling to the US on Friday, now more than a week ago, to attend an exhibition and to have meetings with their US representatives. Expected return date was Thursday, but it currently looks like that was Thursday after close of



Fpn Pen: Status Update, May 15

Dearest Members and Visitors of the Fountain Pen Nuthouse,As indicated, we would try and solve all outstanding issues with regard to the FPN pens the past week, in order to be able to go ahead with the creation of a web store for our FPN LE 2011 editions. We have not succeeded completely in this endeavour, but there are some interesting developments which you will all likely want to hear about.First of all, all the good news.a) Shipping to US, Canada (!) and the countries of the EU will be €10,



Fpn Pen: Status Update, May 7

Dearest members of the fountain pen nut house, and especially those who voted for an FPN pen already ,   It has been some time since an update, so we thought it would be time to do so. Let us go through the options remaining one-by-one, with an indication what to expect.   1) FPN LE Passaporto We currently have reached a total of 200 Passaportos, if we add Chrome and Gold Coloured trim together. Based on our discussions with Stipula, considering a split of approximately 150 Chrome ones and 50 Go



Fpn Pen 2011 - More Info, Preliminary Pricing And Polls

Dearest Members of the Fountain Pen NetworkAs already posted in this Admin Column, we have been negotiating with Stipula for a new set of FPN Pens, and we also provided a few mock-ups of possibilities. Note that these are really only mock-ups, no photographs of the actual items.We wil discuss the possibilities here one by one, and will refer you to the specific polls we created for the possibilities and a preliminary price list.For those who can't wait, we'd suggest you still read this who



Fpn Pen - Mock-Ups

Dearest members of the Board ,   As promised, here are a few mock-ups of the possibilities, which were all created by our great genius in this regard, the Lord of MT, Ruaidhrí of course, with the exception of the two which don't really correspond to the rest of the series in image quality . Just in case: yes, we are in negotiation with Stipula in Florence, Italy...   Stipula Passaporto in Azurite Resin, chrome trim and gold coloured trim:     Stipula Modello T in Azurite Resin. From left



New Fpn Pen?

Dearest members of the Board ,   A few years ago, an FPN pen was launched, i.e., a pen designed exclusively for FPN Members only. There was a lot of discussion on how this pen should look, and cost, and that it really should be an LE pen. After a zillion polls we established all the essential details everybody wanted, well, on average anyway, and due to manufacturing and price constraints, a completely different pen was manufactured . This one:   (With thanks to pakmanpony for providing t



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