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The Blogg of Me

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Wot Tings is in my head

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Mabee He Is Fixed

Wot it is is wot Master was givven Big Red And White Pills by the doktor for de Black Madness.   Master did eat them red end first and he did go MAD. Her Ladyship called the doktor imejitlee and told him to bring three botles of gin.   When the doktor camed wit the gin he did see Master of top of the sidebord and sed "wot is you doing up der" Master sed speshial words wot I am not alloud to use and told doktor abowt the Pills. Doktor sed "you ~@£$ eejit, you shud eat them WHITE end first" and we



Master Was Sik

Wot it is is wot der was a teribel row and Master was loked up by doctors.   hE is out now and thE docktor sez he will be oK if he taks the medesin every day on the Big Spoon. de pRofesor is bak at work but has to take tabelts too, cos dey say "his nerves is shattered from deeling wit Master". Won of dde nurces went to Ostralia and tree others are stil out sick, but the HOSPITLE is stil open. so all is good.   Foreteen of my Masters bestest mirrors is broke and his carving tool is ful of dried b



Wher Is Master - A Esplanayshun

Sumbody rote and asked me where is Master.   Wot it is is wot we didded get ELEKTRIK in the Towers and Master was happy. He didded by lots of sperimental tings and was in the Lavatory Laberoratr Lab for a long time. Then he came out. He said tings is very black. I sed did you burn it down agen. He sed no it is just wot everyting is black.   For weeks he did reed bouques about the hed and brain. Then he sed wot it was is wot he had recesion. I asked Doctor Seaneen Hempenstall-O'Rourke MD, BSc, an



The Big Red Wheel

I didded laugh today.   Der was a nok on thhe door and i answred it and it was a dUtchman and he was his name is WIM and he said is Your Master at home and i saide yes he is and the duTchman said I WANT TO SPEEK TO HIM" and i said ok and called Master and the duTchman sed "DID YOU TURN THE BIG RED WHEEL ON THE VALVE" and Master sed i did and the DutChman sed wot it is all gone and Master sed WHAT is all gone and the dutchman sed the BLOODY ADMIN NOTES and Master sed Oooops and the dutchman sed i



Masteris Coming Home

Wot it is is wot He is coming home today from jale.   i have cleened the lab and polished his shoos so He will be happy i tink.   The cake didnt work cos a man fownd the file so Master had to stayi n jale for a week. he was not happy.   Her Ladyship laffed and laffed and laffed.   The guverment are not nice to Master sumtimes.   i will tell you more wheni no whats ahpening.   eRnst



Mi Plan

Wot it is is wot my Master sed "I need sum rest and a bit of peece and kuquite"are you giong on HolydayMaster" i asked Him.He sedded "No. you are""Oh goody" I did say.i wneted on a big bote wit the turnip club to Foreign in Kent hunting turnips.in Forin ForeiGn I did dig and dig and dig.all the club peeple were supprised cos i founded a HUGE long black thin wiggley turnip under the ground wot i brawt home wit me and have in mi room.it was a lovly holyday.siGnedeRnst



Trubbel In Murphy Towers

we is all keeping our heds down today.Master is ANGRY and he is walking around muttering an trowing tings and using ROOD words.I heerd him say to cuThbert " Act 1 Seen 1 of king Leer" wotever that is. CuthBert didded say "yes, very sharp". i wonder wot they are talking about.Missus Her Ladyship has two sore foots as well an She cannot be goed neer.i hope tings will get bak to normel sooneRnst



It Was Not My Fault

Wot it is is wot He axed me to ring THE (my speling is getting beter) guverment an tell THEM it is ok wit THE QUeen of EngilBritti Next Door.   I ringed up and de man said "Wot?" I said "The QuEEn ringed Murphy Towers and told Master 'WAR'".   He hung up.   Mrs QUeen always sais "We Are Right" to Master when they are having a laff on de fphonne.   He musted of been a silly billy.   eRnst



I Is Findeketed!

Ha ha ha   Mi Master had to say sorree to me!!!!!!!!!!   He did writted wot i had lost his notes and i didnt.   Whem He and cuthbert dod rite the notes dey gotted very funny wit port. Master went to de toylet and he shouted "ERNST QUICK der is no toyulet paper here". I did grab de nerest paper wot was on the table and slid it under de door. Wot he did wit it i dont know cos de door was shut, but it wasnt me wot did it.   he was rong and i wos rite. HUrray   luv, eRnst



My Master Is Sik

Deer Peeple   do not pay two much atention to my Master - I tink he is atenshun seek looking for simpetey trying to get Her Ladyship to buy him pressies to make him better.   Her Ladyship said I am not to tell anyone dat She gived me 2 uro notes to say this so pleese dont tell or i am in TRUBEL.   luv eRnst



I Getted Floweres Today

I did gotted floweres today from my Master.   The Huge Joke wot i Did play on Him wit his pens went rong. He seed it was me and was iratated. And hitted me wit a chare.   Now He is sorry and gived me floweres. sOon i wil be hiome agan and wurking at the Grate Babege.   sIned   eRnst   oh and i forgotted to say der was a splosion in the hopsital today cos i was smoking my pipe wit de mask on. i am in a new room now. And it woz not my fawlt the nurs fell over my goat. She shul hav loked wher she w




He comed into the Great Hall this morning wit his big sleje hammer and said "wel dats dat"   Whooppe - wot it is is Grate Babbage able to talk again   I can com out of hiding now, wot is a Good Ting cos I is starvin   lUv erNst



Stil Hiding

My Master is stil using Rude Words, and the pooter is stil saying nutting. This time He reely is ANNOYED and said He will trow the ### ting throo the window if He can find a crane.




I is hiding from Him.   I luked at his pooter and saw DIRT.   This is a Bad Thing, said eRnst to eRnst (me). I thinked I will cleen it for him.   Wit a little hammer, i opened the sides of it and washed all the little bobbly things very carfuly. Then I sneeked away and wated to see the big smile when He saw how cleen it is.   When He Switched it on he said RUDE WORDS. Many many RUDE WORDS. "Wot is it Master?" I saided "There is no RUDE WORDS sound"   So now i is hiding.   luV to alll   e



Woo Hoo Dis Is Fun

Wot it is is wot my Master wented out and left his puting machine swiched on and I is riting a BLOG.   I heerd of these on the radio and wanted one all for my own but he said NO!!   Pleese don't anyperson tell him wot it is wot I am doing or he will be anoyed.   Shhh he is coming i will talk to you all later   eRnst



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