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Wisdom for the betterment of Mankind, plus Stuff

Entries in this blog

An Galar Úafasach

Greetings and Salutions Dear Reader.   One or two of you may remember my name from the dim distant past, before all became dreadfully complicated and I had to lie low for some time. I re-emerge finally in triumph (as would be expected) to clear up any misunderstandings which may have arisen, and clear my name once and for all.   My one avid reader (God bless him/her) may recall that one of my many hobbies is Amateur Medicine and Surgery. Many are the tomes I have read on the subject, and I may s



Now, Where Was I?

Dear me!   Who would have thought the authorities could be so blindingly stupid?   Sorry, Dear Reader. I should make my self clearer, but the last week has been harrowing.   I had intended doing some further work on the History of Murphy Towers, but while researching the subject I came across some data that forced a temporary change of tack.   Up in the Library, browsing through some letters from Johannes Marcus Marci of Kronland (yes, the very same chap!) that Cuthbert had preserved, I came acr



A Brief History Of Murphy Towers

An email flooded in to Murphy Towers some time back,enquiring about the Organisation, its Aims, its History and its Roots.   There were also a couple of somewhat impertinent questionsabout whether we actually serve a useful purpose! I shall greet that part with the stony silence it merits.   In looking over our records, I also noticed that some of our newer members may not be fully up to speed, as modern day jargon would put it, with our goings on.   To allow my reader some peace of mind, and t



Jumping To Conclusions

I was chagrined this morning to discover that one of Our Esteemed and Highly Valued Moderators (do not confuse OEHVM with OEIG - one set of people works, the other is a little flawed) was having trouble with his Interwebtube Connection.   Naturally he was extremely upset and rashly jumped to the conclusion that the Electrical Computer Wire and Cable Providers were to blame! Luckily I was able to throw some light on his problem when I informed him that Ernst had been in his area for the last week



Answers To An Age Old Question

While this question was asked down in the bowels of the Forum Leaders' Discussion area where our Moderators have their tea breaks etc., I thought it was of such importance that I shold post the answer here, where at least two people would be able read it.The QuestionSo...how DO you check a pen's gender? Inquiring minds want to know!(For some unknown reason there a rabbit - or possible hare - dancing beside this)The AnswerWhile it is a recognised fact that only those versed in the most esoteric



Further Complications - Of A Happy Sort

Good Gosh, what a week!Ernst came rushing to the Laboratory this morning. Quite breathlessly he told me "Master, wot it is is wot Fluffy has had her din din and de other men is at the gate".While I wouldn't say I was nonplussed, I certainly wasn't completely plussed either. I really do detest interruptions when I am at work, particularly as just at that moment I had inserted the turnip into the Cold Fusion Apparatus, and was looking forward to some interesting results.At the Main Door, I found o



Calm Restored

Well Dear Reader, it looks like the threatened storm has passed.This morning I had a telephone conversation with Queen Elizabeth - she of the next-door neighbours. I had dreaded this call, and had expected a right royal (sic) rí rá agus ruaile buaile, but she was in stitches laughing over the whole thing. I had forgotten her sense of humour, and it also appears that our past collaborations stood me in good stead."Good Heavens" she said, "What sort of an eejit are you at all at all Murphy?""Mutte



An Unfortunate Mix Up

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain was due to visit Ireland in the near future.   I must inform my reader that the visit is now somewhat uncertain, as I may have quite accidentally caused the tiniest little Diplomatic Incident.   Her Ladyship and I were making our travel preparations for The Wedding over the last couple of weeks. Last Wednesday young Philip Treacy popped around to make the final adjustments to Her Hat, arangements had been made to feed Fluffy, and Ernst and Cuthbert gi



Finally Back On Track

What a hectic few days they have been!   As anyone who noticed the mutterings of my assistant will have seen, I more or less ran into a plate glass door over the whole thing about my Cold Fusion notes. I still maintain he should, at least, have checked what they were before....   Not to worry - water under the bridge, no use crying over spilled milk, worse things happen at sea 1   I digress!!   Yesterday, with some assistance from Cuthbert and Ernst, I was trying to recall as much as possible a



A Really Irritating Day

As my Esteemed Reader will be aware, all my Research is done in an effort to lighten the burdens carried by Mankind.   You will understand, therefore, how overjoyed I was late last night when Cuthbert and myself finally cracked the knotty problem of cold fusion.   Two bottles of our finest port were cracked open, and we retired to the Study, where we enjoyed a pipe and a well-earned glass (or more). Final notes were carefully jotted down and we retired for the night.   At six thirty am I awoke,



An Answer To The Question "where Is Ruaidhrí"

Wow - who'd have thought anyone even noticed   OK - starting from the bottom up (literally and metaphorically) and in detail - so if anyone else asks please refer them here   Some of you are aware of the culling of the Murphy Clan that took place over the last couple of years. This did nothing for my appetite! Since then I dropped around 3 stone in weight (for the metrically minded I believe that equates to about 47 hectolitres/m2). As I had been overweight, I was happy enough with that   H



Trouble With The Great Babbage

Good Heavens!!! I had written this on 13th March - and saved as a draft instead of hitting Publish ..... Having spent many long hours working in my Laboratory over the last couple of days, I am pleased to report that the Main Dial has been re-calibrated, and is now accurate to 0.003 cubits.   Steam levels are holding, and output is now up to 18.3 megafloppythings per moment. "Quite a speed increase", I hear you all say. Quite so, but, due to the need to increase the diameter of the Lower Connec



Ernst Is Home Again

Dear little Ernst arrived home today, earlier than expected. It would appear there were a couple of unfortunate incidents at his hospital (St. Fintan Flaherty O'Toole Hospital for the Maimed, Bewildered and Chronically Unhinged, Dublin).   I have repaired the nibs on my three Falcons - a mere twenty minutes with the angle grinder and a three ounce pin hammer did the trick.   That's the good news.   In Other News, PPOI (the Plain People of Ireland as you will recall), took my advice in our rece



A Very Upsetting Day

Today really started yesterday. Not uncommon here in MT where such mundane trivialities as time are tossed aside with abandon.   The Great Babbage had a nasty accident Loud noises were heard, grinding of gears was accompanied by clouds of black smoke and the TelevisorWindow went black!   My chagrin can only be imagined with difficulty.   Quick as a flash I donned my navy blue shopcoat, sent a servant for my tools, and poured a glass of port. Definitely a three pipe problem.   Puffing away I con



Entry The First

This Bloque is written to keep all my friends up to date with my heroic efforts here in Murphy Towers for the Betterment of Mankind.   Before I start (some other time) I must say this in an attempt to clarify some points for both new and long term members and to differentiate between Murphy Towers and FPN Admin.   Many think of Admin as a very formal FPN Administration Team, comprised of aloof individuals sitting at powerful computers, in operating theatre type surroundings, making harsh de



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