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Pentalic Journals On Sale -- And Free With Ranga Pens

We've been wanting to offer notebooks for quite some time now, but we couldn't find a brand with good quality, fountain pen friendly paper that was reasonably priced. On a recent trip to Oregon, we discovered a brand named PENTALIC that meets our requirements. We hope they meet yours! http://blog.peytonstreetpens.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/PTL-016142-2BR-211x300.jpg Here are a few writing samples, showing how the paper performs with both vintage flex and modern wide-and-wet stubs. In our opi



Expressive Line Variation From The Pilot 78G

Looking for inexpensive line variation in order to add more expression to your writing? Many customers come to us on the hunt for flex, when really all they are looking for is a way to add character to their every day writing. The popularity of the custom "cursive italic" grind at pen shows and in work shops (our own included) is a testament to the addictive nature of the subtle italic. By luck or design, Pilot's venerable 78G fountain pen sports enjoyable italic nibs on their B and BB pens, and



Nib Of The Month: Eversharp Flexible Half Stub

First of all, I'm writing about this nib because it literally caused my jaw to drop when I came across it while sorting thru our latest batch of new old stock 1960s Eversharp Symphonys.   Secondly, try to ignore the surroundings in the photo below. New old stock pens are not always pretty, and some are too far gone to be one of our "seconds" offerings. Sometimes you can only salvage the nib, but in this case ooh-la-la, it was quite a nib.   http://www.peytonstreet.com/PSP/blog/sticker_flex_half_



Identification Help For Sheaffer Models

We just rolled out our latest project .... a photo listing of Sheaffer models. These are pens we've handled over the past year or two. It takes five web pages to fit them all in. We're calling it the Sheaffer Identifier.   Sheaffer List Part 1 - Early HR, Flat Tops, Balance, WASP, and Triumph/Crest Sheaffer List Part 2 - Touchdown, Snorkel, Fineline, Imperial, PFM, Lifetime Cartridge Pen Sheaffer List Part 3 - Lady Sheaffer, Quasi-Imperial, Targa, and Sheaffer School Pens Sheaffer List Part 4 -



Symphony -- Eversharp's Last Good Pen?

Poorly documented, largely overlooked The Eversharp Symphony was launched in 1948 and couldn't have had a more auspicious beginning. While the company's previous major model, the Fifth Avenue, had some shortcomings that prevented it from catching on with the public, the company hoped to reproduce some of the success enjoyed by the iconic Skyline model which had achieved sales superiority in the mid 1940s. The Skyline had been designed by famous industrial designer Henry Dreyfuss, and for the Sym



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