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Doctor H

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As far as I'm concerned, signatures should be an art-form. Well-done signatures are absolutely beautiful.

I went around my classes and random people, teachers and faculty included, and had them put down their John Hancock's in a little booklet I made.


Admittedly, more than a few of them could make you toss your cookies. Seriously. They're ugly.

Seeing as pretty much everyone here is a bit more experienced with, you know, writing well, I thought it would be nice for everyone to post pictures of their signatures.


I have a signature that's specifically for broad-nibs that's a bit fancier and less convenient than my normal signature. I actually have two that I use for every-day use, but I can't decide which I like better.


If I can find my blasted camera, I'll post pictures of them. Be nice, though.



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As my handwriting becomes more legible, my signature becomes less so. I'm at a crossroads -- I'm wondering whether I should make it more legible, or just make it into some kind of glyph...




P.S. I don't know if it's a good idea to post your signature here (or anywhere), although that may explain why my signature has become less legible...

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P.S. I don't know if it's a good idea to post your signature here (or anywhere), although that may explain why my signature has become less legible...

I was thinking the same....although the idea is good, it may be a bit risky to publish signatures in an open forum.

But I agree, some signatures are impressive while others look :sick:

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Here's one for you:



Charles deLint's signature. Yes, it's how he really signs things. I have a couple of books of his signed. This example is from his website, in the FAQ about whether it really is his signature.

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I also hesitate to post my own signature.


However I see no harm in posting somebody else's signature, considering that the person in question can't do much about it.


Here is the signature of the world's first modern, and still the greatest, novelist, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, the author of Don Quijote. He seemed to love florishes. Mine doesn't have as much panache... Maybe I should consider...






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I also hesitate to post my own signature.


However I see no harm in posting somebody else's signature, considering that the person in question can't do much about it....


:roflmho: @ the bold comment.


I was also hesitant to post mine although I do think it'd be interesting to see different signatures. Pity it'd be risky. But doing a Google search did show up a few signatures which I think are OK to post here since they are somewhere else on the Web:



Source: http://www.salamandersociety.com/legal/



Source: http://www.moroccoboard.com/board/grassroots/Moroccan Initiative Cong Letter with Signatures.htm://http://www.moroccoboard.com/board/g... Signatures.htm



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Some very attractive signatures there, aNONIEmous - thanks for posting.


As I once said, elsewhere, I think that one of the most attractive signatures I've ever seen, is right here on this forum. Look for OldGriz signature -

"Thomas J Mullane Jnr" and see if you agree.



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:happyberet: I found the greatest variety in Nigeria while living there. In that country, a signature must be very individualistic and difficult to read to make it difficult for others to copy who might have designs on your bank account. When I applied for a bank account, I had to provide 60....yes SIXTY..... specimens of my signature which must be done in company with the bank clerk who watches your hand and all 60 must be done consecutively within a few minutes. As few people ever sign a document precisely the same every time, your 60 specimens provide the bankers with some assurance that you will come close to at least one of them every time. :unsure:



Edited by henrico
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:happyberet: I found the greatest variety in Nigeria while living there. In that country, a signature must be very individualistic and difficult to read to make it difficult for others to copy who might have designs on your bank account. When I applied for a bank account, I had to provide 60....yes SIXTY..... specimens of my signature which must be done in company with the bank clerk who watches your hand and all 60 must be done consecutively within a few minutes. As few people ever sign a document precisely the same every time, your 60 specimens provide the bankers with some assurance that you will come close to at least one of them every time. :unsure:




Henrico, interesting. I've always been stumped as to the best way to form the 'H' in my last name, but you've given me some ideas...


thank you!



"que le cœur de l'homme est creux et plein d'ordure."

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henrico, interesting the signing exercise in Nigeria. You got me intrigued so I searched for some signatures online and you are right, a lot of them do not even look like the names they represent.



Edited by aNONIEmous
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Found another bunch of curious signatures:


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Incidentally, caliken, I know the very signature you refer to. I have always stopped to admire and then tried to find more work by OldGriz. :)

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:happyberet: aNONIEmous.....interesting group of signatures by Nigerians......I perused each one to see if any names were recognizable.........nope. But am amazed at your find. Do you have any connections to the FBI by any chance. As regional manager of operations in Nigeria, I had to check signatures myself to ensure they were the real McCoy, especially bank and contract documents and correspondence from government agencies. The potential for a scam was uppermost in our minds. But I also met some very fine gentlemen in Nigeria who, by the way, most had a very expensive FP and fantastic signatures. I have yet to see such an array of signatures.



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Very good point.

Rather than posting your own signatures, feel free to post pictures of ones you may find and think look nice.




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:happyberet: aNONIEmous.....interesting group of signatures by Nigerians......I perused each one to see if any names were recognizable.........nope. But am amazed at your find. Do you have any connections to the FBI by any chance. As regional manager of operations in Nigeria, I had to check signatures myself to ensure they were the real McCoy, especially bank and contract documents and correspondence from government agencies. The potential for a scam was uppermost in our minds. But I also met some very fine gentlemen in Nigeria who, by the way, most had a very expensive FP and fantastic signatures. I have yet to see such an array of signatures.




:roflmho: @ the bold. I wish! All credit is to the magic of Google.


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