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Software for pen collection


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I have seen that people are selling software for keeping records of fountain pen collections. I have been using Tellico, with excellent results. It is free and fully customizable... but only for Linux... well, do not complain, how about taking the chance to switch to Linux?


If anyone is interested, e-mail me backchannel and I can send you the form I made for my fountain pen collection. I am including a snapshot of the interface.




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That looks great too bad it doesn't work with windows or mac

Tim: The Music Pen Guy



Pelikan Nest

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I don't have enough fountain pens to warrant a software to keep track of it. Any information of my pens are kept in my head :)


Softwares are for true collectors probably.

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With 60+ pens, I use a paper and a chart I draw with my own pen. :)


By the way, nice avatar Betty!! I can't change mine. :( :( (We REALLY need a crying smilie sometime.)



Stolen: Aurora Optima Demonstrator Red ends Medium nib. Serial number 1216 and Aurora 98 Cartridge/Converter Black bark finish (Archivi Storici) with gold cap. Reward if found. Please contact me if you have seen these pens.

Please send vial orders and other messages to fpninkvials funny-round-mark-thing gmail strange-mark-thing com. My shop is open once again if you need help with your pen.

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With 60+ pens, I use a paper and a chart I draw with my own pen. :)


By the way, nice avatar Betty!! I can't change mine. :( :( (We REALLY need a crying smilie sometime.)



Are you having problems changing your avatar? If so give me a PM there are a few tricks that insure the change works.


Kurt H

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I use the Database program in Appleworks that came with my Mac. I have several columns including a large one where I put comments on where I bought the pen, restoration and so on, and a cost column. It's pretty simple and I guess it's not much different than paper and pencil--arrrrghh I mean paper and PEN, except that it's easier to change and it's sortable. So I can sort by cost and see where all my money went. I leave one column blank. When I print the sheets out, I use that column to indicate which pens are inked and what ink is in them (using pencil I'm afraid. but it's easier since I'm always changing and erasing). I'd never be able to keep track otherwise.


A side benefit is that I learned to use the software doing this!

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  • 5 years later...

You can download a free fountain pen cataloguing software for Windows and Mac from the Download section of FPN. It looks pretty slick.

"Since Ancient days

The virtues of training in the Two Ways

Both of the Sword and of the Pen

Has brought realization in the body and in the soul"

Ueshiba Morihei

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You can download a free fountain pen cataloguing software for Windows and Mac from the Download section of FPN. It looks pretty slick.


My Fountain Pen Inventory doesn't work properly with Windows 7, cannot load images. Why?

A Fountain Pen is never just a Fountain Pen.

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Hi zuku, I do not have this problem. However the program has been written before Windows 7 was released, you can try to run it in compatibility mode. Right-click on the Fountain Pen Inventory program file, select Properties, then click on the Compatibility tab. Check the check-box labelled "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select Windows Vista (Service Pack 2). Then click on Ok to close the Property window. Run the program as usual.


Hope this helps.

"Since Ancient days

The virtues of training in the Two Ways

Both of the Sword and of the Pen

Has brought realization in the body and in the soul"

Ueshiba Morihei

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No software - filofax and fountain pen! :) works for me.

Whatever is true,whatever is noble,whatever is right,whatever is pure,whatever is lovely,whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

Philippians 4.8

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Every pen has its own sheet in an old Filofax-style organizer, naturally handwritten with the very pen. Any change (ink, service etc.) is noted down there as a reminder and direct indication of difference to the previous state.

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Well, to each his/her own :) I prefer to enter all the details and pictures in the software and be able to search, compare, modify, remove, export to web pages, print, send copies to friends and most importantly make backups in case I lose the info. Raise your hands those of you who have never lost their filofax (or equivalent) ;)

"Since Ancient days

The virtues of training in the Two Ways

Both of the Sword and of the Pen

Has brought realization in the body and in the soul"

Ueshiba Morihei

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Well, to each his/her own :) I prefer to enter all the details and pictures in the software and be able to search, compare, modify, remove, export to web pages, print, send copies to friends and most importantly make backups in case I lose the info. Raise your hands those of you who have never lost their filofax (or equivalent) ;)


My hand is raised. I have never lost my Filofax. Or even mislaid it temporarily. :happyberet:

Whatever is true,whatever is noble,whatever is right,whatever is pure,whatever is lovely,whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.

Philippians 4.8

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No software - filofax and fountain pen! :) works for me.


+1 Another excuse to get pens out and scribble a little ink !

A wise man once said    " the best revenge is wealth "   but a wiser man answered back    " the best revenge is happiness "


The true definition of madness - Doing the same thing everyday and expecting different results......

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No software - filofax and fountain pen! :) works for me.


+1 Another excuse to get pens out and scribble a little ink !


LOL I was about to say.... am I the only crazy person that actually writes down all my fountain pens' (and rollerballs') attributes into my Moleskine?


However, I see the advantage of the software, if even just to be able to attach actual images, although if I do that, it's a slippery slope into photographing and documenting all of my possessions. Then decades will pass and kids will pass by my house saying "This is where that crazy old guy that talks to his pens lives". :P

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I built a Filemaker database to manage my collection. It holds information on and images of my FP, nibs and inks. I keep my usage history within it as well. I have slowly extended the functionality to include an algorithm to that will propose the next to ink to use in a particular pen based on a range of variables.

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You can download a free fountain pen cataloguing software for Windows and Mac from the Download section of FPN. It looks pretty slick.


i downloaded the Mac version, and i simply can't run it... :gaah:

-Eclipse Flat Top-|-Parker "51" Aero-|-Sheaffer's Snorkel Sentinel-|-Esterbrook SJ-|-Sheaffer Imperial II Deluxe TD-|-Sheaffer 330-|-Reform 1745-|-PenUsa Genesis-|-Hero 616-|-Noodler's Flex-|-Schneider Voice-|-TWSBI Vac 700-

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