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vintage solid gold ideal waterman


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I have inherited an antique watermans Ideal pen. It is solid gold with a gold nib. It has a fleur de lis pattern on it. Does anyone know it's value? If so please let me know. I love it , but have four kids to support. One in college one in diapers too! Thanks , Heather[


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I'm not sure just yet. I sure could use the money, but really hate to part with such an antique. The more that I know, the better to decide. I haven't had time to write these days. We had a lovely surprise and have a new baby. After 10 years! I would love to know more about it though. I was told it was even in working condition. I am inspired by Hemingway. Thank you for your reply. Heather

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If the pen IS in restored-condition, be careful about what ink you use in it. Stick solely to fountain pen inks. Parker, Sheaffer, Waterman etc. India ink, iron-gall, artist's inks...paint...should all be avoided. I can't see enough of the pen to figure out what filling-system it has.

http://www.throughouthistory.com/ - My Blog on History & Antiques


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Here are some additional pictures to help better identify the pen. Thank you for all of your help/ Heather

512 1/2 vs 12cm Sorry , having problems downloading pictures. if i have an email address, i can send them.

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Try using the "UPLOAD" button at the bottom of the input screen, rather than the "Add image" button at the top.


You have a pretty valuable and pretty special pen. In your last post does it say "512 1/2 VS"? That would be a solid gold overlay, #2 nib, slim, vest-pocket (short), safety pen, dating from approximately 1908-1918. I think the style of the nob on the end would further narrow it down to 1910-1918. I thought it looked like a safety when you first posted the picture, but the model number pins it down.


Have you, or can you, turned the nob at the end of the barrel? It should cause the nib to retract into the barrel, which is how you would cap the pen, and how you would fill it (by pouring ink right over the nib into the barrel). Generally you do want to follow the advice about ink that Shangas offered, but Safety's are actually more tolerant of tough ink like India ink. Because the nib and feed actually soak in the ink when the pen is capped and are not exposed to the open air, they are much less likely to clog. Still, better to be safe than sorry.


Here is some information on Waterman Safety pens - Waterman Safety Article at Vintagepens.com And on retractable safety pens in general - Safety Pens.


Also, this would have been an original Waterman factory overlay (there are some custom jewlers overlays that are put on Waterman pens), since it has the 5 in the front of the model number.


I am really not a Waterman expert. If David Nishimura does not chime in here, I would suggest contacting him - see Vintagepens.com, where the information above comes from, or PM him, username "vintagepens". He might also be a good person to contact if you want to sell the pen - I think he would offer a fair price and is a well connected dealer (and I have no affiliation with him, just respect his opinion and knowledge highly).


I have no idea of the value of this pen, but suspect it is at least in the low-to-mid three-digit range.


Great pen. It would be a shame to sell it, but life happens, I guess.



So if you have a lot of ink,

You should get a Yink, I think.


- Dr Suess


Always looking for pens by Baird-North, Charles Ingersoll, and nibs marked "CHI"

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That is just beautiful. If you can hang onto it and have it restored, think what a treasure to enjoy when the baby starts sleeping through the night!

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Here are some additional pictures to help better identify the pen. Thank you for all of your help/ Heather

512 1/2 vs 12cm Sorry , having problems downloading pictures. if i have an email address, i can send them.


Your pen is a Waterman Safety pen. Eyedropper fill. Dial out the nib from the back (don't force it).


The solid gold overlay in what is called hand-engraved-vine pattern is desirable, for being alloy gold, for being a full overly, for being high-cachet hand engraved vine pattern.


Indeed, the short Safety had base model 12 1/2 VS (sometimes with "baby" appended) from 1908-1916. In 1917 the name shifted to 42 1/2V. The gold overlay adds a 5 before the core model, hence 512 VS and later 542 1/2V. In your picture i cannot tell if has regular cap or vaunted "telescope" cap, though odds favor regular cap. In its day, long long ago, it ran around $50 in the catalog. Huge money back then. The sort paid by the quite wealthy for significant gifts.


Clean examples are worth hundreds. Flaws hit value variably. I will show you some images of other short Safety pens including one i have which might top yours- same pen with telescope cap.


If you are interested to sell, do give me a yell. either via website http://www.removed.xyz or email isaacson@frontiernet.net or send a PM via FPN. If this has family context, do consider keeping it. It is not so common :)


Here are pictures (black bar at top expands 'em)




David Isaacson


Bunch of safety pens from many makers with Parker 75 to give sense of scale




Couple overlay Waterman safeties (filigree gold filled and sterling)




Waterman baby safety with telescope cap in sterling




A gem from my collection. Solid Gold hand engraved vine nearly identical to yours though mine fershure is telescope cap



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