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Jumbo Pen on ebay


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:sick: I keep looking at this jumbo pen on ebay. It's very fat.


Fountain Pen Giant Pen Made in Japan Vintage

Item number: 250153443127


Someone please bid on it before I do.


I am strangely drawn to it though I could never write with it ...

Edited by artaddict

Watermans Flex Club & Sheaffer Lifetime Society Member

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The first time I saw one of these pens, it was photographed beside a Bic to show the size, and I burst out laughing at the photo. It just looked so goofy!


I'm sure you could write with it... I have some paint markers built like these, and they are actually quite comfortable. Maybe a FP in this size would make a good sketching pen?


(Or it could live in your handbag - I'm sure you could clock someone with it and do some damage. ;)

Laura / Phthalo

Fountain Pens: My Collection

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Jumbo pens like this are quite common. If it has a single redeeming factor, it is the chasing as they almost always have smooth barrels and caps.


The pen is an eyedropper and the pice on which the blind cap screws has come loose from the barrel. If the threads are still tight, this can be easily fixed with some shellac. While it is out, the buyer can also replace the seal.


Many of these 1950s pens can with gold plated (washed might be a better terminolgy) nib that soon wore to expose the steel. If the nib is not broken or damaged, it might be writable.


Unless someone just HAS to have a jumbo pen and it HAS to have one with chasing and it HAS to be used requiring repair, I would suggest waiting for another. You have time!


On the other hand, if one wants to teach themselves how to repair Japanese eyedroppers, it could be a great project pen.


Formerly Ryojusen Pens
The oldest and largest buyer and seller of vintage Japanese pens in America.

Member: Pen Collectors of America & Fuente, THE Japanese Pen Collectors Club

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Someone please bid on it before I do.




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Well I see that Jim (James) has bid on it! Didn't you also buy the fur covered pen?

Stan, thanks for your very informative answer.

Pthalo, thanks for the tips, maybe I will get one someday...




Here is another one:

Giant "JUMBO" Fountain Pen, Japan

Item number: 150150398527

Edited by artaddict

Watermans Flex Club & Sheaffer Lifetime Society Member

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So does the size serve a purpose or this more of a novelty?

Edited by EventHorizon

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I think the Jumbo size is just a novelty. Platinum made some Jumbo pens in recent times - the Glamour model, I think it was called.


Congratulations, James, I see you won the auction! :thumbup:


(and good luck to jd) ;)

Edited by artaddict

Watermans Flex Club & Sheaffer Lifetime Society Member

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So does the size serve a purpose or this more of a novelty?

I suppose it might be useful for someone with arthritis, maybe.

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