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I wrote the splurge of this pride announcement with the flexible nib of my trustworthy Montblanc 149 Calligraphy, filled with Montblanc Permanent Black ink.


The support is Fabriano Ingres laid paper, 85 gr, in the color "Ice".
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  • fpupulin


  • Wael El-Dasher


  • N1003U


  • hari317


Interesting and beautiful orchid. I grow orchids, and I have been interested by how often new species or even new genera are created. Beautiful writing on your part.

"Don't hurry, don't worry. It's better to be late at the Golden Gate than to arrive in Hell on time."
--Sign in a bar and grill, Ormond Beach, Florida, 1960.



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Receive my sincere congratulations on the honor you have received. The honour is certainly deserved, since the scientific community does not grant a privilege like that in an unjustified way. Your work in the orchid field must be important. Unfortunately I am a complete ignorant about that subject.
Best regards.

Edited by Croma
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Congratulations! That is a very singular honor.

The closest equivalent of anyone I personally have met (and it's a somewhat dubious equivalent) is that one of my husband's former professors will go down in history (to the guy's everlasting chagrin) as the guy who invented emoticons...). All his other work over the years teaching at Carnegie-Mellon University -- and he's going to go down in history for that.... :rolleyes:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Congratulations, Franco! That's an achievement!!

Edited by Zdenek

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously never encountered automatic weapons." – General D. MacArthur



“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – W. Churchill

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Interesting and beautiful orchid. I grow orchids, and I have been interested by how often new species or even new genera are created. Beautiful writing on your part.

New orchid species are described quite frequently, mostly from poorly explored tropica regions, where they abound. I recently made a recount of orchid novelties published in the first twenty years of our century, and I obtained an average figure of about 200 new species a year.


Genera are described less often, I would say at an average rate of one or two each year. However, whilst the frequency of new species descriptions is rather constant in any given era, basically depending on exploration and systematic efforts, the rate of description of new genera is highly variable, as it largely depends on the scientific vogues that, in different époques, have favored broader or narrower generic concepts and genera circumscriptions. When the view of a systematic frame made up of finely parted genera prevails, more new genera are described. With the advent of molecular systematics we are now, at least in the last twenty or thirty years, in a time of broad generic circumscriptions, so new genera are proposed more seldomly.

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Wow! Amazing accomplishment! Congratulations!


The calligraphy is nice as well!

"Today will be gone in less than 24 hours. When it is gone, it is gone. Be wise, but enjoy! - anonymous today




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That is a singular accomplishment congratulations for the recognition of your passion and professional contributions!

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What an honor for you to have been so recognized by the scientific community. The new orchid exhibits such refinement, beauty, and complexity. Naming that new orchid after you & your family name is testament to you for possessing those same qualities. Your research, calligraphy, and art are truly masterpieces to be admired by all. Congratulations for a much deserved honor, fpupulin.

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Thank you all, friends, for your words of selfless friendship. Thanks to pajaro, quartz, Ruth, Zdenek, Uncial, 5Cavaliers, gyasko, yubaprof, dennis_f, Toll, como, Barry, Hari, brokenclay, admmarcos, Sid and KAC! Your messages were deeply appreciated.


Although I frequently convey to our forum themes and passions that derive from my work, I rarely share, in my work, the passionate topics we discuss here around fountain pens. But today, Barry, I wanted to share with my colleagues, with much pride, the touching words you wrote in your beautiful message, for their profound humanity. Thank you.
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