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The Perfect Marriage: Omas + Conid


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After many years of experimentation and figuring out why I use fountain pens, not to mention the countless ones bought and sold, my pen 'collection' has distilled down to just two. A complementary pairing. A perfect marriage. A bond so secure that not even Conid's latest special edition pen will weaken the union (ok, I'm lying. I may check them out - out of professional curiosity you understand!).


Being a bit of a minimalist I was getting annoyed by the pens I wasn't really using and decided that I'd prefer to have just two 'ultimate' pens that I would use for a lifetime, rather than amassing a collection of half-used ones that would end up in the back of a drawer.

So I sold all my pens apart from the Omas Paragon Ludovico Einaudi and set about finding its partner. I like big, elegant, clean-lined pens in black and thus the Conid Kingsize Bulkfiller (streamline version) was duly courted and the match made. But two big black pens? No fancy colours or celluloids? Believe me, I was smitten by many, especially Omas's Arco Celluoids. But I really like the understated elegance of my Mr & Mrs., they complement eachother so well, with each fulfilling a different role suited to their characteristics.


How do I use them? I knew I wanted a daily workhorse that would be my pen for extensive writing (study, research and poetry) and for it to be matched with one ink that would allow my writing to look consistent over the page and over time. This role is perfectly fulfilled by the Conid - the lighter of the two pens. I can write with it for long periods very comfortably, and its large 3ml ink capacity is a bonus. I only fill it with KWZ Dark Brown ink, which is nearly black but softer on the eyes. Flows well with a hint of sheen. But I also wanted a pen to dedicate to everything else (short note taking, highlighting, editing, language study and playing around with different inks); this role went to the OMAS.



Let me introduce you to the lovely couple (Conid left, Omas right):







A few comparisons illustrating how the two pens complement each other by their subtle differences:


Mrs. CONID: - Round bodied and curved Mr. OMAS: - Faceted and straight-lined

- Ebonite - Cotton Resin

- Polished black - Matte black

- Flat titanium clip - Curved ruthenium plated clip with wheel

- Nib Size No. 8 - Nib Size No. 6

- Nib Rhodium plated gold - Nib Ruthenium plated gold

- Bulkfiller filling system - Piston filler

- 30.5g Weight - 45g Weight

- Ink window - No ink window

- Made in Belgium - Made in Italy



Having used both pens for over a year, I find that the OMAS gives my handwriting greater accuracy and precision, perhaps because the weight provides a bit of ballast to counteract hand tremor or yawing. On the other hand, the Conid seems to let my handwriting flow better due to its lightness and ease with which to manoeuvre it around the page. Whereas I use my OMAS unposted, I prefer to post my Conid as it provides better control. Both show signs of wear which bothered me a little at first, but now I find it attractive, 'vintage chic' so to speak. The Conid's shiny black ebonite has dulled a little due to sunlight (I now keep both pens in a leather pouch) and the metalised coating on the OMAS section has worn through in places; I think it looks kind of cool.

I am glad to report that the marriage is going strong.


Well, that's all, but my parting question is: What two pens would make the perfect marriage for you?















And they lived happily ever after.......










Pens: Conid Kingsize ebonite (x2)
  KWZ Dark Brown / KWZ IG Orange / Diamine Chocolate / Diamine Burnt Sienna / Diamine Ochre / Monteverde Scotch Brown



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I do love a story with a happy ending! :) Congratulations on a wonderful pairing of pens!

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Well, I chase the nibs. I do have a few too many '50's 400's. My two 140's are a OB and an OF.


Of the @ 45 nib width and flexes....if one alternates stub and CI for one's ground nibs....(I only have one CI& one non-factory ground stub).....I do have some 35 of those nibs. I don't chase super skinny nibs.


So there is no way to have just two pens.


Then comes balance.....which I find most in Posted, medium-small (longer capped), standard and medium-long/large pens. The large pens the thin Snorkel has great balance for a large and the second version of the P-45 are large pens with great to very good balance.

Light and nimble write all day pens.


I find the larger pens to have less balance.

Then there are folks that want thick pens............


The way I hold a fountain pen, 'forefinger up' (learned in 3 minutes), it matters little if the pen is thin, medium or thick.

So if one uses the Classic Tripod, one's enjoyment of various pens could be more limited....because of the tripod's Death Grip, that has to be battled until beaten.


One of these days at the end of my era, I'll get down to 25 or even 15 pens. :lticaptd: :P



Didn't mention pretty.... B) that could be a factor to which pen(s) are kept. ;)

In reference to P. T. Barnum; to advise for free is foolish, ........busybodies are ill liked by both factions.

Ransom Bucket cost me many of my pictures taken by a poor camera that was finally tossed. Luckily, the Chicken Scratch pictures also vanished.

The cheapest lessons are from those who learned expensive lessons. Ignorance is best for learning expensive lessons.




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I have considered selling of all the pens I do not use, and I have decided to keep 2 MB 149 fps, my 1996 Parker Duofold Centennial, and one Pilot VP, and I think I will also keep the Lamy Al-Star fp.

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I should have mentioned that I don't really need a huge range of nibs, although at one point I owned a 3B nibbed Pelikan M800 which was a lot of fun. My OMAS and Conid are both mediums. Both great nibs but if I had to choose I'd go for the OMAS.

Sometimes I convince myself I need a fine nib, but apart from editing, I don't think it would get much use.





Pens: Conid Kingsize ebonite (x2)
  KWZ Dark Brown / KWZ IG Orange / Diamine Chocolate / Diamine Burnt Sienna / Diamine Ochre / Monteverde Scotch Brown



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