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Montblanc 149 Broken Piston Rod- Thread Update - And A Big Thanks To Everyone!


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Good evening everyone -


Previously, I had posted a thread seeking some assistance, guidance, recommendations on a problem I had with a Montblanc 149 pen that I had acquired at a garage sale.


Said thread:




I was taken aback at how many people came forth to offer assistance, provide authenticity, and impart upon me the wealth of experience that so many of you have here on the FPN. I came to find out that the pen was of a 60's era. And for its age, it was in very good condition with the exception of the broken piston rod. After taking into account my options, I elected to bypass a Montblanc service and sought out a forum member to see about getting the pen repaired. All the while maintaining - as much as possible - it's 60's era look and feel. I didn't so much want a 'new' pen that a likely Montblanc service would have given me. I have new pens. I wanted a beautiful vintage pen. Which I got.


I reached out to a forum member to see if he would be in a position to help me. Fully expecting him to either disregard me (for I really have little to no posting history here) or something akin to that. Much to the contrary. He responded to my initial inquiry almost immediately. From that initial point of contact, a solid means of communication and collaboration took place. He wasn't shy about offering his opinion while at the same time respecting and listening to what I had in mind in turn. Turns out, we tended to see things much in the same light.


I ended up sending my pen off to him for repair. Fast forward to yesterday - I received the repaired pen back at my office. The pen (and its functionality) looked amazing. For those 'not in the know', one would never tell that this pen was of the 60's era. It looks darn near brand new. If you've read this far, you may be asking, "Where's this going?" Good question. I guess I just wanted to say how pleased I was with the outpouring of assistance offered me via this network of like minded individuals. Moreover, I wanted to express my gratitude for the FPN member who so graciously and expeditiously came forth to help me out. Yeah, I know it was a business transaction. But, truth be told, I walked away feeling as though a friendship was made. A friendship built on trust and mutual respect.


Who is this FPN member you ask? Well, I'm not one to call out anyone individually. I wouldn't want to make him feel uncomfortable or put him in the spotlight involuntarily. If he chooses to step forth, that's his call. I would hope that he does. For - in my mind - he deserves the accolade.


Best to everyone -





Edited by TxHarleyGuy
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Im glad everything worked out well for you and that the pen got repaired well. I had an old pen repaired and maintained and it increased the personal value to anyone who owns it 100 times more than what money can buy.

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I read the previous thread, and you definitely made the right choice. Keeping the pen as original as possible makes complete sense. The pens from this era are amazing. When you send the pen to MB service, you never know what will come back.

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Congratulations on the result of your wise decision! We all are deeply grateful for the knowledgeable and experienced people who are willing and able to preserve a piece of history for us.

Rationalizing pen and ink purchases since 1967.

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I was glad to help you. You have a fantastic MB149, and the 1960's versions are my favorite.


The MB Factory Repair has advantages, but certainly not when we are dealing with the simple issues you faced.

Hard times don't last, but hard people do.


Thank a Veteran.


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Thread posts like this one is what I love so much about the community and FPN. It's great to read a happy member being helped by another member. May your pen provide you with a lifetime of happiness.

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I may need this wonderful persons help too. My Agatha broke a piston rod yesterday 😢

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I may need this wonderful persons help too. My Agatha broke a piston rod yesterday 😢

How did you manage that? Dried ink?

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I may need this wonderful persons help too. My Agatha broke a piston rod yesterday


Because it's an WE, it becomes a little more complicated. The Agatha has a differently shaped filling knob (of course). I have ordered parts that could work, but until I receive them, I'm uncertain about this repair.


This may be a legitimate case for MB service.

Hard times don't last, but hard people do.


Thank a Veteran.


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Because it's an WE, it becomes a little more complicated. The Agatha has a differently shaped filling knob (of course). I have ordered parts that could work, but until I receive them, I'm uncertain about this repair.


This may be a legitimate case for MB service.

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How did you manage that? Dried ink?

Not sure, I suspect it was dried ink. I had not used it since I bought it (used, about a year ago) and I went to ink it and it just moved but did not draw ink.
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Could you feel the piston moving? i.e. do you know if it's physically broken or if it just does not draw ink? (Don't apply too much pressure or force it to move, that will break it.)


I had that happen to a pen where there was a bad clot in the feed. The piston would turn but it would not draw any ink or even water. I submerged the entire pen overnight in lukewarm water and flushed it clean. It worked after this.


Not sure, I suspect it was dried ink. I had not used it since I bought it (used, about a year ago) and I went to ink it and it just moved but did not draw ink.

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The Rod is broken, the piston does not move.


I got the parts yesterday. Let me look at my Agatha and formulate a plan.

Hard times don't last, but hard people do.


Thank a Veteran.


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