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Hi all. Since I posted this in another thread and two other ink 'chemists' have confirmed and approved it, I thought I'd make an honest woman of myself by posting an official recipe here.

I wanted a bulletproof Nightshade which is an exact copy of Noodler's Nightshade (which sadly washes away easily.) Here's the recipe and (messy) photo of my effort. It seems to be fully waterproof, leaving a bare touch of pink coloring, when run under a faucet. It seems to behave, both on paper and in a pen and is stable long term when bottled. I used ONLY Noodler's inks so as to avoid any ugly chemical problems.

I know Noodler's and his Nightshade won't be on everyone's favorite list, but I liked it enough to give it a go.

The recipe is:

Noodler's Black Swan in Australian Roses (BSAR) - 1 ML.

Noodler's #41 Brown - 1 ML.

Noodler's Kung Te Cheng - 6 drops

Noodler's Heart Of Darkness (HOD) or Bulletproof Black - 8 drops


Let me know what you think and please be kind. This is my 1st attempt.

(Oops! in the photo, it should be "too dry in the nib." Sheesh!)



Edited by eyesa
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Thank you!


Oh, I don't have #41 brown ... oh wait, I do as a sample.


Thanks again!

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Eyesa. If I wanted a little more burgundy in this mix could I throttle back on the brown, blue and black. Or perhaps just one of those colors?


There was an older Nightshade about 4 years ago that had a nice burgundy component.

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Hi Bill.

If it were me, I'd probably add drop by drop, more BSAR.

The problem with reduction is: the #41 brown makes the purply/pink of BSAR lean towards burgundy rather than away. To me burgundy and wine colors have a touch of brown owing to their nature of fermentation. So it may just need a few more drops of BSAR to brighten it to taste, but that's just the way I'd do it.

It is after all, simply experimentation. Do post your results if you have success.

I'd be very interested to see your result! :)


Eyesa. If I wanted a little more burgundy in this mix could I throttle back on the brown, blue and black. Or perhaps just one of those colors?


There was an older Nightshade about 4 years ago that had a nice burgundy component.

Edited by eyesa
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