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Ink Sample Vial Holder


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Filling a pen from a sample vial can be a trial. I don't want the vial to spill all over my desk so I created a simple holder. I cut off a 21/4" length off of a 2X4 (it could be longer to hold more vials) and drilled a 5/8" hole (check the size of your vial) in the middle (not quite all the way through the board) and then using a gouge made a groove about 1/2" in from the front to provide a place to put my pen. It also provides a way of keeping a dip pen from rolling off your desk if you are trying an ink sample. The holder provides a stable way of dealing with an ink sample, leaving two hands free to fill your pen. It is easy to make, inexpensive and with some sanding, staining, and a little varnish, looks ok on your desk.

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No, it's beech wood. I made it myself and the drill (a special, very sharp milling cutter for wood) was more expensive than the piece of wood itself (28 x 28 mm x as I remember 1 m).

The toughest part is getting each and every hole aligned exactly linearly....

It's good for holding up the samples as you say but I made it especially for filling them to be sent to friends. I could of course have made a piece which was a lot longer than for 6, but that length fits perfectly into a small tray to take care of spilling on my desk....



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I use a candle holder sold by Ikea a fee years ago. Positioned large part down they are designed to hold a candle taper, flip them over and they hold a tea light. The smaller candle hole is perfect for a vial of ink.





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  • 1 year later...

Plastic Scotch tape dispenser with the vial in the hole while the dispenser is lying on its side. Half inch tape or wider for safety. Safe, reliable, cheap and useful for other things. WARNING: Do not try to use the dispenser to dispense tape with an open vial in the hole or insert an open vial with the dispenser in the vertical position.

Dave Campbell
Retired Science Teacher and Active Pen Addict
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About fountain pens, inks and arts: http://lenskiy.org

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And here I was some years ago trying to make a vial holder out of papier-mâché :doh: .


One, or more, of those spring loaded clothes pins can also work, in a pinch, so to speak.



On a sacred quest for the perfect blue ink mixture!

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Plastic Scotch tape dispenser with the vial in the hole while the dispenser is lying on its side.



Add lightness and simplicate.


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For holding sample vials in place while filling, I use a copper pipe connector. One end looks like a hex nut to be screwed on to a pipe; the other end is just the right diameter to hold a vial, being a straight piece of copper tubing. the entire piece is just under an inch and a half (1.5 cm) tall, and the wider hex screw part makes for a stable base (the straight tubing section is just about 5/8" tall), then it opens up sort of like a angled funnel, with the hex nut part at the bottom. I got the idea from someone's photo years ago of epoxying a couple of hex nuts together, then went to the local hardware store with a sample vial in tow to try to match the diameter, and the guy showed me the connector piece (I actually ended up buying a second one as well). Don't know what they're called, but I paid about $5-6 US apiece for them.

Thought I had a photo of it posted, but I'm not finding it.

For actual storage, I have a bunch of the sample vial holders, bought from various places (mostly Goulet Pens and Anderson Pens) over the years. I had them more or less in some semblance of order at one point, but that hasn't been the case for a while.... Partly because I keep acquiring samples.... :blush:

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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For filling, I use a large binder clip on its side. For storage, a shoe box lid, with masking tape crisscrossing to make holes just the size of the vials. It’s not pretty but it’s inexpensive and does the job.

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This is how I roll. I ordered it from InkJournal.com



Cathy L. Carter


Live. Love. Write.

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I use the above-pictured rack for storage, and as the occasional filling stand.


I have alot of high-density soft foam lying around the house. (not Styrofoam). Too many electronics purchases? But, I digress...



I re-purposed a small, flat block of it (3-4 inches square, maybe an inch high), took a utility knife and cut an X into the middle of the broad, flat side and use it to fill from sample vials. The vials just push in, and the foam holds them in place. Practically impossible to tip over. and easy to hose off if I make a mess.


Cheap, and a bit crude, but it works perfectly,

.....the Heart has it's reasons, which Reason knows nothing of.....

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attachicon.gif 2019_02_23_1539_46.jpg


This is how I roll. I ordered it from InkJournal.com


Love the label on that box! They should consider selling just the sticker....

Ruth Morrisson aka inkstainedruth

"It's very nice, but frankly, when I signed that list for a P-51, what I had in mind was a fountain pen."

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Lots of great ideas here. Test tube stands work and are readily available - I have several. I've used legos as well (still do). Love the foam idea - better than throwing it away!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have found lipstick holders from the dollar store or walmart to work well.



Fountain pens are my preferred COLOR DELIVERY SYSTEM (in part because crayons melt in Las Vegas).

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